How to use prefix method of org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route class

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...97 return new TemplatizedRouteConfig(98 new MatchesHttpMethod(OPTIONS).and(new MatchesTemplate(urlTemplate)),99 urlTemplate);100 }101 public static NestedRouteConfig prefix(String prefix) {102 Require.nonNull("Prefix", prefix);103 Require.stateCondition(!prefix.isEmpty(), "Prefix to use must not be of 0 length");104 return new NestedRouteConfig(prefix);105 }106 public static Route combine(Routable first, Routable... others) {107 Require.nonNull("At least one route", first);108 return new CombinedRoute(Stream.concat(Stream.of(first), Stream.of(others)));109 }110 public static Route combine(Iterable<Routable> routes) {111 Require.nonNull("At least one route", routes);112 return new CombinedRoute(, false));113 }114 public static class TemplatizedRouteConfig {115 private final Predicate<HttpRequest> predicate;116 private final UrlTemplate template;117 private TemplatizedRouteConfig(Predicate<HttpRequest> predicate, UrlTemplate template) {118 this.predicate = Require.nonNull("Predicate", predicate);119 this.template = Require.nonNull("URL template", template);120 }121 public Route to(Supplier<HttpHandler> handler) {122 Require.nonNull("Handler supplier", handler);123 return to(params -> handler.get());124 }125 public Route to(Function<Map<String, String>, HttpHandler> handlerFunc) {126 Require.nonNull("Handler creator", handlerFunc);127 return new TemplatizedRoute(template, predicate, handlerFunc);128 }129 }130 private static class TemplatizedRoute extends Route {131 private final UrlTemplate template;132 private final Predicate<HttpRequest> predicate;133 private final Function<Map<String, String>, HttpHandler> handlerFunction;134 private TemplatizedRoute(135 UrlTemplate template,136 Predicate<HttpRequest> predicate,137 Function<Map<String, String>, HttpHandler> handlerFunction) {138 this.template = Require.nonNull("URL template", template);139 this.predicate = Require.nonNull("Predicate", predicate);140 this.handlerFunction = Require.nonNull("Handler function", handlerFunction);141 }142 @Override143 public boolean matches(HttpRequest request) {144 return predicate.test(request);145 }146 @Override147 protected HttpResponse handle(HttpRequest req) {148 UrlTemplate.Match match = template.match(req.getUri());149 HttpHandler handler = handlerFunction.apply(150 match == null ? ImmutableMap.of() : match.getParameters());151 if (handler == null) {152 return new HttpResponse()153 .setStatus(HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR)154 .setContent(utf8String("Unable to find handler for " + req));155 }156 return handler.execute(req);157 }158 }159 private static class MatchesHttpMethod implements Predicate<HttpRequest> {160 private final HttpMethod method;161 private MatchesHttpMethod(HttpMethod method) {162 this.method = Require.nonNull("HTTP method to test", method);163 }164 @Override165 public boolean test(HttpRequest request) {166 return method == request.getMethod();167 }168 }169 private static class MatchesTemplate implements Predicate<HttpRequest> {170 private final UrlTemplate template;171 private MatchesTemplate(UrlTemplate template) {172 this.template = Require.nonNull("URL template to test", template);173 }174 @Override175 public boolean test(HttpRequest request) {176 return template.match(request.getUri()) != null;177 }178 }179 public static class NestedRouteConfig {180 private final String prefix;181 private NestedRouteConfig(String prefix) {182 this.prefix = Require.nonNull("Prefix", prefix);183 }184 public Route to(Route route) {185 Require.nonNull("Target for requests", route);186 return new NestedRoute(prefix, route);187 }188 }189 private static class NestedRoute extends Route {190 private final String[] prefixPaths;191 private final String prefix;192 private final Route route;193 private NestedRoute(String prefix, Route route) {194 this.prefixPaths = Require.nonNull("Prefix", prefix).split("/");195 this.prefix = prefix;196 this.route = Require.nonNull("Target for requests", route);197 }198 @Override199 public boolean matches(HttpRequest request) {200 return hasPrefix(request) && route.matches(transform(request));201 }202 private boolean hasPrefix(HttpRequest request) {203 String[] parts = request.getUri().split("/");204 if (parts.length < prefixPaths.length) {205 return false;206 }207 for (int i = 0; i < prefixPaths.length; i++) {208 if (!prefixPaths[i].equals(parts[i])) {209 return false;210 }211 }212 return true;213 }214 @Override215 protected HttpResponse handle(HttpRequest req) {216 return route.execute(transform(req));217 }218 private HttpRequest transform(HttpRequest request) {219 // Strip the prefix from the existing request and forward it.220 String unprefixed = hasPrefix(request) ?221 request.getUri().substring(prefix.length()) :222 request.getUri();223 HttpRequest toForward = new HttpRequest(request.getMethod(), unprefixed);224 request.getHeaderNames().forEach(name -> {225 if (name == null) {226 return;227 }228 request.getHeaders(name).forEach(value -> toForward.addHeader(name, value));229 });230 request.getAttributeNames().forEach(231 attr -> toForward.setAttribute(attr, request.getAttribute(attr)));232 // Don't forget to register our prefix233 Object rawPrefixes = request.getAttribute(ROUTE_PREFIX_KEY);234 if (!(rawPrefixes instanceof List)) {235 rawPrefixes = new LinkedList<>();236 }237 List<String> prefixes = Stream.concat(((List<?>) rawPrefixes).stream(), Stream.of(prefix))238 .map(String::valueOf)239 .collect(toImmutableList());240 toForward.setAttribute(ROUTE_PREFIX_KEY, prefixes);241 request.getQueryParameterNames().forEach(name ->242 request.getQueryParameters(name).forEach(value -> toForward.addQueryParameter(name, value))243 );244 toForward.setContent(request.getContent());245 return toForward;246 }247 }248 private static class CombinedRoute extends Route {249 private final List<Routable> allRoutes;250 private CombinedRoute(Stream<Routable> routes) {251 // We want later routes to have a greater chance of being called so that we can override252 // routes as necessary.253 allRoutes = routes.collect(toImmutableList()).reverse();254 Require.stateCondition(!allRoutes.isEmpty(), "At least one route must be specified.");...

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...132 if (uiRoot != null) {133 ResourceHandler uiHandler = new ResourceHandler(new ClassPathResource(uiRoot, "javascript/grid-ui/build"));134 ui = Route.combine(135 get("/").to(() -> req -> new HttpResponse().setStatus(HTTP_MOVED_TEMP).addHeader("Location", "/ui/index.html")),136 Route.prefix("/ui/").to(Route.matching(req -> true).to(() -> uiHandler)));137 } else {138 Json json = new Json();139 ui = Route.matching(req -> false).to(() -> new NoHandler(json));140 }141 HttpHandler httpHandler = combine(142 ui,143 router,144 Route.prefix("/wd/hub").to(combine(router)),145"/graphql").to(() -> graphqlHandler),146 Route.get("/readyz").to(() -> readinessCheck));147 Node node = LocalNodeFactory.create(config);148 combinedHandler.addHandler(node);149 distributor.add(node);150 return new Handlers(httpHandler, new ProxyNodeCdp(clientFactory, node));151 }152 @Override153 protected void execute(Config config) {154 Require.nonNull("Config", config);155 Server<?> server = asServer(config).start();156 BuildInfo info = new BuildInfo();157 "Started Selenium standalone %s (revision %s): %s",...

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...131 ResourceHandler132 uiHandler = new ResourceHandler(new ClassPathResource(uiRoot, "javascript/grid-ui/build"));133 ui = Route.combine(134 get("/grid/console").to(() -> req -> new HttpResponse().setStatus(HTTP_MOVED_PERM).addHeader("Location", "/ui/index.html")),135 Route.prefix("/ui/").to(Route.matching(req -> true).to(() -> uiHandler)));136 } else {137 Json json = new Json();138 ui = Route.matching(req -> false).to(() -> new NoHandler(json));139 }140 HttpHandler httpHandler = combine(141 ui,142 router.with(networkOptions.getSpecComplianceChecks()),143 Route.prefix("/wd/hub").to(combine(router.with(networkOptions.getSpecComplianceChecks()))),144"/graphql").to(() -> graphqlHandler),145 Route.get("/readyz").to(() -> readinessCheck));146 return new Handlers(httpHandler, new ProxyCdpIntoGrid(clientFactory, sessions));147 }148 @Override149 protected void execute(Config config) {150 Require.nonNull("Config", config);151 Server<?> server = asServer(config).start();152 BuildInfo info = new BuildInfo();153 "Started Selenium hub %s (revision %s): %s",155 info.getReleaseLabel(),156 info.getBuildRevision(),157 server.getUrl()));...

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...54 assertThat(string(res)).isEqualTo("Hello, cheese!");55 }56 @Test57 public void shouldAllowRoutesToBePrefixed() {58 Route route = Route.prefix("/cheese")59 .to(Route.get("/type").to(() -> req -> new HttpResponse().setContent(utf8String("brie"))));60 HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(GET, "/cheese/type");61 Assertions.assertThat(route.matches(request)).isTrue();62 HttpResponse res = route.execute(request);63 assertThat(string(res)).isEqualTo("brie");64 }65 @Test66 public void shouldAllowRoutesToBeNested() {67 Route route = Route.prefix("/cheese").to(68 Route.prefix("/favourite").to(69 Route.get("/is/{kind}").to(70 params -> req -> new HttpResponse().setContent(Contents.utf8String(params.get("kind"))))));71 HttpRequest good = new HttpRequest(GET, "/cheese/favourite/is/stilton");72 Assertions.assertThat(route.matches(good)).isTrue();73 HttpResponse response = route.execute(good);74 assertThat(string(response)).isEqualTo("stilton");75 HttpRequest bad = new HttpRequest(GET, "/cheese/favourite/not-here");76 Assertions.assertThat(route.matches(bad)).isFalse();77 }78 @Test79 public void nestedRoutesShouldStripPrefixFromRequest() {80 Route route = Route.prefix("/cheese")81 .to(Route82 .get("/type").to(() -> req -> new HttpResponse().setContent(Contents.utf8String(req.getUri()))));83 HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(GET, "/cheese/type");84 Assertions.assertThat(route.matches(request)).isTrue();85 HttpResponse res = route.execute(request);86 assertThat(string(res)).isEqualTo("/type");87 }88 @Test89 public void itShouldBePossibleToCombineRoutes() {90 Route route = Route.combine(91 Route.get("/hello").to(() -> req -> new HttpResponse().setContent(utf8String("world"))),92"/cheese").to(93 () -> req -> new HttpResponse().setContent(utf8String("gouda"))));94 HttpRequest greet = new HttpRequest(GET, "/hello");...

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...55 Route.get("/redirect").to(RedirectHandler::new),56 Route.get("/sleep").to(SleepingHandler::new),57"/upload").to(UploadHandler::new),58 Route.matching(req -> req.getUri().startsWith("/utf8/")).to(() -> new Utf8Handler(webSrc, "/utf8/")),59 Route.prefix(TEMP_SRC_CONTEXT_PATH).to(Route.combine(generatedPages)),60 new CommonWebResources());61 delegate = Route.combine(62 route,63 Route.prefix("/common").to(route));64 }65 @Override66 public boolean matches(HttpRequest req) {67 return delegate.matches(req);68 }69 @Override70 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) throws UncheckedIOException {71 return delegate.execute(req);72 }73}...

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...39 if (runfiles != null) {40 ResourceHandler handler = new ResourceHandler(new PathResource(runfiles));41 delegate = Route.combine(42 new ResourceHandler(resources),43 Route.prefix("/filez").to(Route.combine(handler))44 );45 } else {46 delegate = new ResourceHandler(resources);47 }48 }49 @Override50 public boolean matches(HttpRequest req) {51 return delegate.matches(req);52 }53 @Override54 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) throws UncheckedIOException {55 return delegate.execute(req);56 }57}...

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...38 .addHeader("Location", "/ui/index.html");39 routes = Route.combine(40 get("/").to(() -> req -> uiRedirect),41 get("/grid/console").to(() -> req -> uiRedirect),42 Route.prefix("/ui").to(Route.matching(req -> true).to(() -> uiHandler)));43 } else {44 LOG.warning("It was not possible to load the Grid UI.");45 Json json = new Json();46 routes = Route.matching(req -> false).to(() -> new NoHandler(json));47 }48 }49 @Override50 public boolean matches(HttpRequest req) {51 return routes.matches(req);52 }53 @Override54 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) {55 return routes.execute(req);56 }...

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1public static Route prefix(String prefix, Route route) {2 return new Route() {3 public ClientResponse execute(ClientRequest request) throws IOException {4 String path = request.getUri().getPath();5 if (!path.startsWith(prefix)) {6 return new ClientResponse(new HttpResponse().setStatus(404));7 }8 request = new ClientRequest(request.getMethod(), path.substring(prefix.length()));9 return route.execute(request);10 }11 };12}13public static Route prefix(String prefix, Route route) {14 return new Route() {15 public ClientResponse execute(ClientRequest request) throws IOException {16 String path = request.getUri().getPath();17 if (!path.startsWith(prefix)) {18 return new ClientResponse(new HttpResponse().setStatus(404));19 }20 request = new ClientRequest(request.getMethod(), path.substring(prefix.length()));21 return route.execute(request);22 }23 };24}25public static Route prefix(String prefix, Route route) {26 return new Route() {27 public ClientResponse execute(ClientRequest request) throws IOException {28 String path = request.getUri().getPath();29 if (!path.startsWith(prefix)) {30 return new ClientResponse(new HttpResponse().setStatus(404));31 }32 request = new ClientRequest(request.getMethod(), path.substring(prefix.length()));33 return route.execute(request);34 }35 };36}37public static Route prefix(String prefix, Route route) {38 return new Route() {39 public ClientResponse execute(ClientRequest request) throws IOException {40 String path = request.getUri().getPath();41 if (!path.startsWith(prefix)) {42 return new ClientResponse(new HttpResponse().setStatus(404));43 }44 request = new ClientRequest(request.getMethod(), path.substring(prefix.length()));45 return route.execute(request);46 }47 };48}49public static Route prefix(String prefix, Route route) {50 return new Route() {51 public ClientResponse execute(ClientRequest request) throws IOException {52 String path = request.getUri().getPath();53 if (!path.startsWith(prefix)) {54 return new ClientResponse(new HttpResponse().setStatus(404));55 }56 request = new ClientRequest(request.getMethod(), path.substring(prefix.length

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1Route.prefix("/session").to(() -> new Route() {2 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) {3 return null;4 }5});6Route.path("/session").to(() -> new Route() {7 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) {8 return null;9 }10});11Route.combine(Route.prefix("/session"), Route.path("/session")).to(() -> new Route() {12 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) {13 return null;14 }15});16Route.method("GET").to(() -> new Route() {17 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) {18 return null;19 }20});21Route.any().to(() -> new Route() {22 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) {23 return null;24 }25});26Route.get("/session").to(() -> new Route() {27 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) {28 return null;29 }30});"/session").to(() -> new Route() {32 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) {33 return null;34 }35});36Route.put("/session").to(() -> new Route() {37 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) {38 return null;39 }40});41Route.delete("/session").to(() -> new Route() {42 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) {43 return null;44 }45});46Route.head("/session").to(() -> new Route() {47 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) {48 return null;49 }50});51Route.options("/session").to(() -> new Route() {52 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req

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1import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route;2Route route = Route.prefix("/");3import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route;4Route route = Route.prefix("/");5import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route;6Route route = Route.prefix("/");7import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route;8Route route = Route.prefix("/");9import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route;10Route route = Route.prefix("/");11import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route;12Route route = Route.prefix("/");13import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route;14Route route = Route.prefix("/");15import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route;16Route route = Route.prefix("/");17import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route;18Route route = Route.prefix("/");19import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route;20Route route = Route.prefix("/");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.Route;2import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.RouteMatcher;3import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.HttpMethod;4import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.HttpRequest;5import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.HttpResponse;6import org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.HttpHandler;7RouteMatcher matcher = Route.matching(8 Route.prefix("/session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/click")9).to(() -> new HttpHandler() {10 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) throws IOException {11 }12});13RouteMatcher matcher2 = Route.matching(14 Route.prefix("/session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/rect")15).to(() -> new HttpHandler() {16 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) throws IOException {17 }18});19RouteMatcher matcher3 = Route.matching(20 Route.prefix("/session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/css/{propertyName}")21).to(() -> new HttpHandler() {22 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) throws IOException {23 }24});25RouteMatcher matcher4 = Route.matching(26 Route.prefix("/session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/attribute/{name}")27).to(() -> new HttpHandler() {28 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) throws IOException {29 }30});31RouteMatcher matcher5 = Route.matching(32 Route.prefix("/session/{sessionId}/element/{elementId}/css/{propertyName}")33).to(() -> new HttpHandler() {34 public HttpResponse execute(HttpRequest req) throws IOException {

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1Route route = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));2Route route2 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));3Route route3 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));4Route route4 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));5Route route5 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));6Route route6 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));7Route route7 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));8Route route8 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));9Route route9 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));10Route route10 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));11Route route11 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));12Route route12 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));13Route route13 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));14Route route14 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));15Route route15 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));16Route route16 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));17Route route17 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));18Route route18 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));19Route route19 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));20Route route20 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));21Route route21 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));22Route route22 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));23Route route23 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));24Route route24 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo"));25Route route25 = Route.prefix("/foo").to(() -> new HttpResponse().setContent("foo

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Selenium 4 Tutorial:

LambdaTest’s Selenium 4 tutorial is covering every aspects of Selenium 4 testing with examples and best practices. Here you will learn basics, such as how to upgrade from Selenium 3 to Selenium 4, to some advanced concepts, such as Relative locators and Selenium Grid 4 for Distributed testing. Also will learn new features of Selenium 4, such as capturing screenshots of specific elements, opening a new tab or window on the browser, and new protocol adoptions.


  1. Upgrading From Selenium 3 To Selenium 4?: In this chapter, learn in detail how to update Selenium 3 to Selenium 4 for Java binding. Also, learn how to upgrade while using different build tools such as Maven or Gradle and get comprehensive guidance for upgrading Selenium.

  2. What’s New In Selenium 4 & What’s Being Deprecated? : Get all information about new implementations in Selenium 4, such as W3S protocol adaption, Optimized Selenium Grid, and Enhanced Selenium IDE. Also, learn what is deprecated for Selenium 4, such as DesiredCapabilites and FindsBy methods, etc.

  3. Selenium 4 With Python: Selenium supports all major languages, such as Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. In this chapter, learn how to install Selenium 4 for Python and the features of Python in Selenium 4, such as Relative locators, Browser manipulation, and Chrom DevTool protocol.

  4. Selenium 4 Is Now W3C Compliant: JSON Wireframe protocol is retiring from Selenium 4, and they are adopting W3C protocol to learn in detail about the advantages and impact of these changes.

  5. How To Use Selenium 4 Relative Locator? : Selenium 4 came with new features such as Relative Locators that allow constructing locators with reference and easily located constructors nearby. Get to know its different use cases with examples.

  6. Selenium Grid 4 Tutorial For Distributed Testing: Selenium Grid 4 allows you to perform tests over different browsers, OS, and device combinations. It also enables parallel execution browser testing, reads up on various features of Selenium Grid 4 and how to download it, and runs a test on Selenium Grid 4 with best practices.

  7. Selenium Video Tutorials: Binge on video tutorials on Selenium by industry experts to get step-by-step direction from automating basic to complex test scenarios with Selenium.

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