Test location-based scenarios with GPS and IP geolocation on LambdaTest cloud of over 5000+ real devices and desktop browsers.
Trusted by 2M+ users globally
Test your website and native mobile apps across more than 50 countries across the globe and see if your app or website provides a perfect experience from all locations. Choose from India, Japan, United States, Canada, Germany, UK, Australia and more.
List of GeolocationSpeed up your test run from different Geolocations by running automation test scripts. All you need to do is to pass a capability for Geolocation and your automation tests will automatically run from the desired location.
Get Started For FreePlan, author, and evolve end-to-end tests using natural language.More about KaneAI
Check if your users get to see your website and mobile app as intended when accessed from different Geolocations. Check for localized content as per the country, SERP from different locations and more.
Get Started For FreeTest if Geo Localization features like language translation, currency change, time zone changes, are reflecting according to different locations or not using LambdaTest's Geolocation testing.
Get Started For FreeWith LambdaTest's Geolocation testing, you can test if your blocked/restricted image, content, or video is blocked as intended from different Geolocations or not!
Get Started For FreeTest your websites with GPS and IP Geolocation on all versions of Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS running latest and legacy browsers. Test on real devices running real browsers and OS from any location.
Get Started For FreeTest if your media is tagged correctly to a location, such as photos and videos. Find out if users can find the geotagged posts.
Check that your mobile app sends the appropriate notification when a user crosses a predefined geographical boundary.
Local hosted web testing and app testing to help you test in dev/real environments and save your website or app from after deployment bugs.
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Sr. Engineering Manager
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