LT Debug Chrome Extension

Debug web pages on-the-fly with nine essential debugging tools. This Chrome extension makes debugging any web page a breeze.

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Trusted by 2M+ users globally

Debug web pages on-the-fly with nine essential debugging tools. This Chrome extension makes debugging any web page a breeze.

Features of LT Debug

Modify Headers

Modify Headers

Add, modify, or remove HTTP request headers on desired URLs. It helps you test a particular header for a request on a website.

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Block Requests

Block Requests

Blocks HTTP Requests based on your specified URL specific conditions.

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Throttle Response

Throttle Response

Throttle network speed for all network requests. Choose any URL to slow down, leaving others unaffected. Control delay for desired URL.

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Add/Remove Query Param

Add/Remove Query Param

Change, and manipulate URL query parameters. It reads and organizes the key, and value pairs on the current web page.

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Redirect Request

Redirect Request

Specify a page that should be automatically redirected to another page. E.g. when you visit page 'A' it'll to redirect to page 'B'

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Change User Agent

Change User Agent

Switch between user-agent strings quickly. Imitate, spoof or simulate other browsers, devices or search engine spiders.

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Insert Script (CSS/JS)

Insert Script (CSS/JS)

Simulate any web page's experience by injecting your own JavaScript or CSS script in the console.

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Allow CORS

Allow CORS

Add (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *) rule to the response header and easily perform cross-domain Ajax requests in web applications.

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Content Security Policy

Content Security Policy

Generate Content Security Policy headers on any website/web page of your choice.

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Create Custom Rules

Create your customized rules/configurations for you specific needs. Get started with any of the nine tools you need by filling up simple configuration form without diving in to console.

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Create Custom Rules

Manage Rules

Create your favorite configurations once and use it as and when you need for debugging. No need to go back and forth for your favorite configurations. Use multiple tools at the same time to create your custom debugging environment.

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Manage Rules

LT Debug in Dark Mode

We take care of your subtle needs so your can focus on what matters the most. Match LT Debug with your dark mode system setup, get the work done without any strain.

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LT Debug in Dark Mode

200+ Free Tools

LambdaTest also provides a collection of 200+ free online tools, utilities, and libraries that will help developers, testers, designers, in their day to day tasks. From HTML, XML, and JSON formatters and converters, to robust test data generators we have all.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is LT Debug?
LT Debug is a web developers and Testers centric free to use chrome extension. It has all the necessary tools a developers or a tester needs to debug a web page on google chrome browser, Eg. Header Modifier, Request Blocker, CSS and JS script injector and many more. You can manage one or many rules on your web pages directly from this chrome extension.
How many tools are there on LT Debug?
There are 9 essential tools packed in LT Debug. Additionally you can use 100+ dev and testing related tools on LambdaTest's free tools library.
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