How to use readinto method in localstack

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...34 self.f.write(b'12')35 self.f.close()36 a = array('b', b'x'*10)37 self.f =, 'rb')38 n = self.f.readinto(a)39 self.assertEqual(b'12', a.tobytes()[:n])40 def testReadinto_text(self):41 # verify readinto refuses text files42 a = array('b', b'x'*10)43 self.f.close()44 self.f =, 'r')45 if hasattr(self.f, "readinto"):46 self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.f.readinto, a)47 def testWritelinesUserList(self):48 # verify writelines with instance sequence49 l = UserList([b'1', b'2'])50 self.f.writelines(l)51 self.f.close()52 self.f =, 'rb')53 buf = self.assertEqual(buf, b'12')55 def testWritelinesIntegers(self):56 # verify writelines with integers57 self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.f.writelines, [1, 2, 3])58 def testWritelinesIntegersUserList(self):59 # verify writelines with integers in UserList60 l = UserList([1,2,3])61 self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.f.writelines, l)62 def testWritelinesNonString(self):63 # verify writelines with non-string object64 class NonString:65 pass66 self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.f.writelines,67 [NonString(), NonString()])68 def testErrors(self):69 f = self.f70 self.assertEqual(, TESTFN)71 self.assertFalse(f.isatty())72 self.assertFalse(f.closed)73 if hasattr(f, "readinto"):74 self.assertRaises((OSError, TypeError), f.readinto, "")75 f.close()76 self.assertTrue(f.closed)77 def testMethods(self):78 methods = [('fileno', ()),79 ('flush', ()),80 ('isatty', ()),81 ('__next__', ()),82 ('read', ()),83 ('write', (b"",)),84 ('readline', ()),85 ('readlines', ()),86 ('seek', (0,)),87 ('tell', ()),88 ('write', (b"",)),89 ('writelines', ([],)),90 ('__iter__', ()),91 ]92 methods.append(('truncate', ()))93 # __exit__ should close the file94 self.f.__exit__(None, None, None)95 self.assertTrue(self.f.closed)96 for methodname, args in methods:97 method = getattr(self.f, methodname)98 # should raise on closed file99 self.assertRaises(ValueError, method, *args)100 # file is closed, __exit__ shouldn't do anything101 self.assertEqual(self.f.__exit__(None, None, None), None)102 # it must also return None if an exception was given103 try:104 1/0105 except:106 self.assertEqual(self.f.__exit__(*sys.exc_info()), None)107 def testReadWhenWriting(self):108 self.assertRaises(OSError, CAutoFileTests(AutoFileTests, unittest.TestCase):110 open = io.open111class PyAutoFileTests(AutoFileTests, unittest.TestCase):112 open = staticmethod( OtherFileTests:114 def testModeStrings(self):115 # check invalid mode strings116 for mode in ("", "aU", "wU+", "U+", "+U", "rU+"):117 try:118 f =, mode)119 except ValueError:120 pass121 else:122 f.close()123'%r is an invalid file mode' % mode)124 def testBadModeArgument(self):125 # verify that we get a sensible error message for bad mode argument126 bad_mode = "qwerty"127 try:128 f =, bad_mode)129 except ValueError as msg:130 if msg.args[0] != 0:131 s = str(msg)132 if TESTFN in s or bad_mode not in s:133"bad error message for invalid mode: %s" % s)134 # if msg.args[0] == 0, we're probably on Windows where there may be135 # no obvious way to discover why open() failed.136 else:137 f.close()138"no error for invalid mode: %s" % bad_mode)139 def testSetBufferSize(self):140 # make sure that explicitly setting the buffer size doesn't cause141 # misbehaviour especially with repeated close() calls142 for s in (-1, 0, 1, 512):143 try:144 f =, 'wb', s)145 f.write(str(s).encode("ascii"))146 f.close()147 f.close()148 f =, 'rb', s)149 d = int("ascii"))150 f.close()151 f.close()152 except OSError as msg:153'error setting buffer size %d: %s' % (s, str(msg)))154 self.assertEqual(d, s)155 def testTruncateOnWindows(self):156 # SF bug <>157 # "file.truncate fault on windows"158 os.unlink(TESTFN)159 f =, 'wb')160 try:161 f.write(b'12345678901') # 11 bytes162 f.close()163 f =,'rb+')164 data = if data != b'12345':166"Read on file opened for update failed %r" % data)167 if f.tell() != 5:168"File pos after read wrong %d" % f.tell())169 f.truncate()170 if f.tell() != 5:171"File pos after ftruncate wrong %d" % f.tell())172 f.close()173 size = os.path.getsize(TESTFN)174 if size != 5:175"File size after ftruncate wrong %d" % size)176 finally:177 f.close()178 os.unlink(TESTFN)179 def testIteration(self):180 # Test the complex interaction when mixing file-iteration and the181 # various read* methods.182 dataoffset = 16384183 filler = b"ham\n"184 assert not dataoffset % len(filler), \185 "dataoffset must be multiple of len(filler)"186 nchunks = dataoffset // len(filler)187 testlines = [188 b"spam, spam and eggs\n",189 b"eggs, spam, ham and spam\n",190 b"saussages, spam, spam and eggs\n",191 b"spam, ham, spam and eggs\n",192 b"spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, ham, spam\n",193 b"wonderful spaaaaaam.\n"194 ]195 methods = [("readline", ()), ("read", ()), ("readlines", ()),196 ("readinto", (array("b", b" "*100),))]197 try:198 # Prepare the testfile199 bag =, "wb")200 bag.write(filler * nchunks)201 bag.writelines(testlines)202 bag.close()203 # Test for appropriate errors mixing read* and iteration204 for methodname, args in methods:205 f =, 'rb')206 if next(f) != filler:207, "Broken testfile"208 meth = getattr(f, methodname)209 meth(*args) # This simply shouldn't fail210 f.close()211 # Test to see if harmless (by accident) mixing of read* and212 # iteration still works. This depends on the size of the internal213 # iteration buffer (currently 8192,) but we can test it in a214 # flexible manner. Each line in the bag o' ham is 4 bytes215 # ("h", "a", "m", "\n"), so 4096 lines of that should get us216 # exactly on the buffer boundary for any power-of-2 buffersize217 # between 4 and 16384 (inclusive).218 f =, 'rb')219 for i in range(nchunks):220 next(f)221 testline = testlines.pop(0)222 try:223 line = f.readline()224 except ValueError:225"readline() after next() with supposedly empty "226 "iteration-buffer failed anyway")227 if line != testline:228"readline() after next() with empty buffer "229 "failed. Got %r, expected %r" % (line, testline))230 testline = testlines.pop(0)231 buf = array("b", b"\x00" * len(testline))232 try:233 f.readinto(buf)234 except ValueError:235"readinto() after next() with supposedly empty "236 "iteration-buffer failed anyway")237 line = buf.tobytes()238 if line != testline:239"readinto() after next() with empty buffer "240 "failed. Got %r, expected %r" % (line, testline))241 testline = testlines.pop(0)242 try:243 line = except ValueError:245"read() after next() with supposedly empty "246 "iteration-buffer failed anyway")247 if line != testline:248"read() after next() with empty buffer "249 "failed. Got %r, expected %r" % (line, testline))250 try:251 lines = f.readlines()252 except ValueError:253"readlines() after next() with supposedly empty "254 "iteration-buffer failed anyway")255 if lines != testlines:256"readlines() after next() with empty buffer "257 "failed. Got %r, expected %r" % (line, testline))258 f.close()259 # Reading after iteration hit EOF shouldn't hurt either260 f =, 'rb')261 try:262 for line in f:263 pass264 try:265 f.readline()266 f.readinto(buf)267 f.readlines()269 except ValueError:270"read* failed after next() consumed file")271 finally:272 f.close()273 finally:274 os.unlink(TESTFN)275class COtherFileTests(OtherFileTests, unittest.TestCase):276 open = io.open277class PyOtherFileTests(OtherFileTests, unittest.TestCase):278 open = staticmethod( tearDownModule():280 # Historically, these tests have been sloppy about removing TESTFN....

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Source:signed-transaction.ts Github


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1import { Bool, BytesReader, Codec, CompactInt } from "as-scale-codec";2import { Extrinsic, ExtrinsicType } from "./extrinsic";3/**4 * @description Class representing an Extrinsic in the Substrate Runtime5 */6export class SignedTransaction<Address extends Codec, A extends Codec, N extends Codec, S extends Codec> 7 extends Extrinsic{8 9 /**10 * from address 11 */12 public from: Address13 14 /**15 * to address16 */17 public to: Address18 /**19 * amount of the transfer20 */21 public amount: A22 /**23 * nonce of the transaction24 */25 public nonce: N26 /**27 * the signature of the transaction (64 byte array)28 */29 public signature: S;30 /**31 * Determines whether to exhaust the gas. Default false32 */33 public exhaustResourcesWhenNotFirst: Bool34 constructor(35 from: Address = instantiate<Address>(), 36 to: Address = instantiate<Address>(), 37 amount: A = instantiate<A>(), 38 nonce: N = instantiate<N>(), 39 signature: S = instantiate<S>(), 40 exhaustResourcesWhenNotFirst: Bool = new Bool()) 41 {42 super(ExtrinsicType.SignedTransaction);43 this.from = from;44 = to;45 this.amount = amount;46 this.nonce = nonce;47 this.signature = signature;48 this.exhaustResourcesWhenNotFirst = exhaustResourcesWhenNotFirst;49 }50 /**51 * @description SCALE Encodes the Header into u8[]52 */53 toU8a(): u8[] {54 let len = new CompactInt(ExtrinsicType.SignedTransaction);55 return len.toU8a()56 .concat(this.from.toU8a())57 .concat( .concat(this.amount.toU8a())59 .concat(this.nonce.toU8a())60 .concat(this.signature.toU8a())61 .concat(this.exhaustResourcesWhenNotFirst.toU8a());62 }63 /**64 * @description Get type id of the Extrinsic65 */66 getTypeId(): i32{67 return <i32>this.typeId;68 }69 /**70 * @description get SCALE encoded bytes for the Transfer instance71 */72 getTransferBytes(): u8[]{73 return this.from.toU8a()74 .concat( .concat(this.amount.toU8a())76 .concat(this.nonce.toU8a())77 }78 /**79 * @description Get amount of transaction80 */81 getAmount(): A{82 return this.amount;83 }84 /**85 * @description Get nonce of the transaction86 */87 getNonce(): N{88 return this.nonce;89 }90 /**91 * @description Get signature of the transaction92 */93 getSignature(): S{94 return this.signature;95 }96 /**97 * @description Get sender of the transaction98 */99 getFrom(): Address{100 return this.from;101 }102 /**103 * @description Get receiver of the transaction104 */105 getTo(): Address{106 return;107 }108 /**109 * @description Converts to SCALE encoded bytes110 */111 encodedLength(): i32{112 return this.toU8a().length;113 }114 /**115 * @description Checks if this instance is equal to other instance116 * @param other 117 */118 eq(other: SignedTransaction<Address, A, N, S>): bool{119 return this.from == other.from 120 && == other.to121 && this.amount == other.amount122 && this.signature == other.signature;123 }124 /**125 * @description Checks if this instance is not equal to other instance126 * @param other 127 */128 notEq(other: SignedTransaction<Address, A, N, S>): bool{129 return !this.eq(other);130 }131 /**132 * @description Non static constructor from bytes133 * @param bytes SCALE encoded bytes134 * @param index starting index135 */136 populateFromBytes(bytes: u8[], index: i32 = 0): void {137 assert(bytes.length - index > this.getTypeId(), "SignedTransaction: Bytes array with insufficient length");138 const bytesReader = new BytesReader(bytes.slice(index));139 let length = bytesReader.readInto<CompactInt>();140 assert(<i32>length.unwrap() == this.typeId, "SignedTransaction: Incorrectly encoded SignedTransaction");141 this.from = bytesReader.readInto<Address>();142 = bytesReader.readInto<Address>();143 this.amount = bytesReader.readInto<A>();144 this.nonce = bytesReader.readInto<N>();145 this.signature = bytesReader.readInto<S>();146 }147 /**148 * @description Instanciates new Extrinsic object from SCALE encoded byte array149 * @param input - SCALE encoded Extrinsic150 */151 static fromU8Array<Address extends Codec, A extends Codec, N extends Codec, S extends Codec>(input: u8[], index: i32 = 0): Extrinsic {152 assert(input.length - index >= ExtrinsicType.SignedTransaction, "Extrinsic: Invalid bytes provided. EOF");153 const bytesReader = new BytesReader(input.slice(index));154 const from = bytesReader.readInto<Address>();155 const to = bytesReader.readInto<Address>();156 const amount = bytesReader.readInto<A>();157 const nonce = bytesReader.readInto<N>();158 const signature = bytesReader.readInto<S>();159 const exhaustResourcesWhenNotFirst = bytesReader.readInto<Bool>();160 return new SignedTransaction(from, to, amount, nonce, signature, exhaustResourcesWhenNotFirst);161 }...

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...32SPI(0, SPI.MASTER, polarity=0, phase=0, pins=('GP31', 'GP16', 'GP15'))33spi = SPI(0, SPI.MASTER, baudrate=10000000, polarity=0, phase=0, pins=spi_pins)34print(spi.write('123456') == 6)35buffer_r = bytearray(10)36print(spi.readinto(buffer_r) == 10)37print(spi.readinto(buffer_r, write=0x55) == 10)38read = == 10)40read =, write=0xFF)41print(len(read) == 10)42buffer_w = bytearray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0])43print(spi.write_readinto(buffer_w, buffer_r) == 10)44print(buffer_w == buffer_r)45# test all polaritiy and phase combinations46spi.init(polarity=1, phase=0, pins=None)47buffer_r = bytearray(10)48spi.write_readinto(buffer_w, buffer_r)49print(buffer_w == buffer_r)50spi.init(polarity=1, phase=1, pins=None)51buffer_r = bytearray(10)52spi.write_readinto(buffer_w, buffer_r)53print(buffer_w == buffer_r)54spi.init(polarity=0, phase=1, pins=None)55buffer_r = bytearray(10)56spi.write_readinto(buffer_w, buffer_r)57print(buffer_w == buffer_r)58# test 16 and 32 bit transfers59buffer_w = bytearray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2])60buffer_r = bytearray(12)61spi.init(SPI.MASTER, baudrate=10000000, bits=16, polarity=0, phase=0, pins=None)62print(spi.write_readinto(buffer_w, buffer_r) == 12)63print(buffer_w == buffer_r)64buffer_r = bytearray(12)65spi.init(SPI.MASTER, baudrate=10000000, bits=32, polarity=0, phase=0, pins=None)66print(spi.write_readinto(buffer_w, buffer_r) == 12)67print(buffer_w == buffer_r)68# check for memory leaks...69for i in range (0, 1000):70 spi = SPI(0, SPI.MASTER, baudrate=1000000)71# test deinit72spi = SPI(0, SPI.MASTER, baudrate=1000000)73spi.deinit()74print(spi)75spi = SPI(0, SPI.MASTER, baudrate=1000000)76# next ones must fail77try:78 spi = SPI(0, 10, baudrate=10000000, polarity=0, phase=0)79except:80 print("Exception")81try:82 spi = SPI(0, mode=SPI.MASTER, baudrate=10000000, polarity=1, phase=2)83except:84 print("Exception")85try:86 spi = SPI(1, mode=SPI.MASTER, baudrate=10000000, polarity=1, phase=1)87except:88 print("Exception")89try:90 spi = SPI(0, mode=SPI.MASTER, baudrate=2000000, polarity=2, phase=0)91except:92 print("Exception")93try:94 spi = SPI(0, mode=SPI.MASTER, baudrate=2000000, polarity=2, phase=0, firstbit=2)95except:96 print("Exception")97try:98 spi = SPI(0, mode=SPI.MASTER, baudrate=2000000, polarity=2, phase=0, pins=('GP1', 'GP2'))99except:100 print("Exception")101try:102 spi = SPI(0, mode=SPI.MASTER, baudrate=2000000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=9)103except:104 print("Exception")105spi.deinit()106try:107 Exception:109 print("Exception")110try:111 spi.spi.readinto(buffer_r)112except Exception:113 print("Exception")114try:115 spi.spi.write('abc')116except Exception:117 print("Exception")118try:119 spi.write_readinto(buffer_w, buffer_r)120except Exception:121 print("Exception")122# reinitialization must work123spi.init(baudrate=500000)...

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Source:transfer.ts Github


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1import { BytesReader, Codec, CompactInt } from "as-scale-codec";2import { Utils } from "../../utils";3/**4 * @description Class representing a Transfer in the Substrate Runtime5 */6export class Transfer<Address extends Codec, A extends Codec, N extends Codec> 7 implements Codec {8 9 /**10 * from address 11 */12 public from: Address13 14 /**15 * to address16 */17 public to: Address18 /**19 * amount of the transfer20 */21 public amount: A22 /**23 * nonce of the transaction24 */25 public nonce: N26 constructor(27 from: Address = instantiate<Address>(), 28 to: Address = instantiate<Address>(), 29 amount: A = instantiate<A>(), 30 nonce: N = instantiate<N>()) 31 {32 this.from = from;33 = to;34 this.amount = amount;35 this.nonce = nonce;36 }37 /**38 * @description SCALE Encodes the Header into u8[]39 */40 toU8a(): u8[] {41 const result: u8[] = this.from.toU8a()42 .concat( .concat(this.amount.toU8a())44 .concat(this.nonce.toU8a());45 return Utils.encodeCompact(result);46 }47 /**48 * @description get SCALE encoded bytes for the Transfer instance49 */50 getTransferBytes(): u8[]{51 return this.from.toU8a()52 .concat( .concat(this.amount.toU8a())54 .concat(this.nonce.toU8a())55 }56 /**57 * @description Get amount of transaction58 */59 getAmount(): A{60 return this.amount;61 }62 /**63 * @description Get nonce of the transaction64 */65 getNonce(): N{66 return this.nonce;67 }68 /**69 * @description Get sender of the transaction70 */71 getFrom(): Address{72 return this.from;73 }74 /**75 * @description Get receiver of the transaction76 */77 getTo(): Address{78 return;79 }80 /**81 * @description Gets bytes length of the instance82 */83 encodedLength(): i32{84 return this.toU8a().length;85 }86 /**87 * @description Checks if this instance is equal to other instance88 * @param other 89 */90 eq(other: Transfer<Address, A, N>): bool{91 return this.from.eq(other.from) 92 && && this.amount.eq(other.amount)94 && this.nonce.eq(other.nonce);95 }96 /**97 * @description Checks if this instance is not equal to other instance98 * @param other 99 */100 notEq(other: Transfer<Address, A, N>): bool{101 return !this.eq(other);102 }103 /**104 * @description Non static constructor from bytes105 * @param bytes SCALE encoded bytes106 * @param index starting index107 */108 populateFromBytes(bytes: u8[], index: i32 = 0): void {109 const bytesReader = new BytesReader(bytes.slice(index));110 let _length = bytesReader.readInto<CompactInt>();111 this.from = bytesReader.readInto<Address>();112 = bytesReader.readInto<Address>();113 this.amount = bytesReader.readInto<A>();114 this.nonce = bytesReader.readInto<N>();115 }116 /**117 * @description Instanciates new Transfer object from SCALE encoded byte array118 * @param input - SCALE encoded Transfer119 */120 static fromU8Array<Address extends Codec, A extends Codec, N extends Codec>(input: u8[], index: i32 = 0): Transfer<Address, A, N> {121 const bytesReader = new BytesReader(input.slice(index));122 let _length = bytesReader.readInto<CompactInt>();123 const from = bytesReader.readInto<Address>();124 const to = bytesReader.readInto<Address>();125 const amount = bytesReader.readInto<A>();126 const nonce = bytesReader.readInto<N>();127 return new Transfer(from, to, amount, nonce);128 }...

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