Best Python code snippet using avocado_python
...35 self.L2Lambda = None36 def eval_objective(self, free_params):37 pass38 def get_params(self):39 return self.params.get_free()40 def dump_state(self, xk):41 '''42 callback to save the state to disk during optimization43 '''44 filename = 'state.txt'45 if not os.path.exists(filename):46 past = np.zeros((0,xk.shape[0]))47 else:48 past = np.loadtxt(filename)49 if past.ndim < 2:50 past = past.reshape(1,-1)51 np.savetxt(filename, np.append(past, xk.reshape(1,-1), axis=0))52 def fit(self,53 warm_start=True,54 label=None,55 save=False, 56 use_fit_L1=False,57 tol=1e-15,58 dump_state=False,59 **kwargs):60 '''61 Trains the model62 '''63 if False and hasattr(self, 'objective_gradient'):64 eval_objective_grad = self.objective_gradient65 else:66 eval_objective_grad = autograd.grad(self.eval_objective)67 68 eval_objective = lambda theta: self.eval_objective(theta)69 eval_objective_hess = autograd.hessian(self.eval_objective)70 eval_objective_hvp = autograd.hessian_vector_product(self.eval_objective)71 if use_fit_L1:72 fitL1.fit_L1(self, **kwargs)73 else:74 if dump_state:75 callback = self.dump_state76 else:77 callback = None78 opt_res = scipy.optimize.minimize(eval_objective,79 jac=eval_objective_grad,80 hessp=eval_objective_hvp,81 hess=eval_objective_hess,82 x0=copy.deepcopy(self.params.get_free()),83 callback=callback,84 method='trust-ncg',85 tol=tol,86 options={87 'initial_trust_radius':0.1,88 'max_trust_radius':1,89 'gtol':tol,90 'disp':False,91 'maxiter':10000092 })93 self.params.set_free(opt_res.x)94 if np.linalg.norm(opt_res.jac) > .01:95 print('Got grad norm', np.linalg.norm(opt_res.jac))96 # TODO: can we rewrite to avoid rewriting the instance var each time?97 def weighted_model_objective(self, example_weights, free_params):98 ''' The actual objective that we differentiate '''99 self.example_weights = example_weights100 return self.eval_objective(free_params)101 def compute_gradients(self, weights):102 if self.is_a_glm:103 self.compute_derivs()104 grads = (self.D1 * weights)[np.newaxis,:] * self.training_data.X.copy().T105 else:106 dObj_dParams = autograd.jacobian(self.weighted_model_objective, argnum=1)107 d2Obj_dParamsdWeights = autograd.jacobian(dObj_dParams, argnum=0)108 array_box_go_away = self.params.get_free().copy()109 cur_weights = self.example_weights.copy()110 grads = d2Obj_dParamsdWeights(some_example_weights,111 self.params.get_free())112 self.params.set_free(array_box_go_away)113 return grads114 def compute_dParams_dWeights(self, some_example_weights,115 solver_method='cholesky',116 non_fixed_dims=None,117 rank=-1,118 **kwargs):119 '''120 sets self.jacobian = dParams_dxn for each datapoint x_n121 rank = -1 uses a full-rank matrix solve (i.e. np.linalg.solve on the full122 Hessian). A positive integer uses a low rank approximation in123 inverse_hessian_vector_product 124 125 '''126 if non_fixed_dims is None:127 non_fixed_dims = np.arange(self.params.get_free().shape[0])128 if len(non_fixed_dims) == 0:129 self.dParams_dWeights = np.zeros((0,some_example_weights.shape[0]))130 return131 132 dObj_dParams = autograd.jacobian(self.weighted_model_objective, argnum=1)133 d2Obj_dParams2 = autograd.jacobian(dObj_dParams, argnum=1)134 d2Obj_dParamsdWeights = autograd.jacobian(dObj_dParams, argnum=0)135 136 # Have to re-copy this into self.params after every autograd call, as137 # autograd turns self.params.get_free() into an ArrayBox (whereas we want138 # it to be a numpy array)139 #array_box_go_away = self.params.get_free().copy()140 #cur_weights = self.example_weights.copy()141 start = time.time()142 grads = self.compute_gradients(some_example_weights)143 X = self.training_data.X144 if solver_method == 'cholesky':145 eval_reg_hess = autograd.hessian(self.regularization)146 tmp = self.params.get_free().copy()147 reg_hess = eval_reg_hess(self.params.get_free())148 reg_hess[-1,:] = 0.0149 reg_hess[:,-1] = 0.0150 self.params.set_free(tmp)151 self.dParams_dWeights = -solvers.ihvp_cholesky(grads,152 X,153 self.D2,154 regularizer_hessian=reg_hess)155 elif solver_method == 'agarwal':156 eval_reg_hess = autograd.hessian(self.regularization)157 tmp = self.params.get_free().copy()158 reg_hess = eval_reg_hess(self.params.get_free())159 reg_hess[-1,:] = 0.0160 reg_hess[:,-1] = 0.0161 self.params.set_free(tmp)162 self.dParams_dWeights = -solvers.ihvp_agarwal(grads,163 X,164 self.D2,165 regularizer_hessian=reg_hess,166 **kwargs)167 elif solver_method == 'lanczos':168 print('NOTE lanczos currently assumes l2 regularization')169 self.dParams_dWeights = -solvers.ihvp_exactEvecs(grads,170 X,171 self.D2,172 rank=rank,173 L2Lambda=self.L2Lambda)174 elif solver_method == 'tropp':175 print('NOTE tropp currently assumes l2 regularization')176 self.dParams_dWeights = -solvers.ihvp_tropp(grads,177 X,178 self.D2,179 L2Lambda=self.L2Lambda,180 rank=rank)181 182 183 184 #self.params.set_free(array_box_go_away)185 #self.example_weights = cur_weights186 self.non_fixed_dims = non_fixed_dims187 def retrain_with_weights(self, new_example_weights,188 doIJAppx=False, doNSAppx=False,189 label=None,190 is_cv=False,191 non_fixed_dims=None,192 **kwargs):193 '''194 in_place: updates weights and params based on the new data195 Can do things a bit more efficiently if it's cross-validation; you actually196 don't need to multiply (KxN) times (Nx1) vector; just select the components197 that have been left out198 ''' 199 if doIJAppx: # i.e. infinitesimal jackknife approx200 delta_example_weights = new_example_weights - self.example_weights201 if is_cv and False:202 left_out_inds = np.where(delta_example_weights == 0)203 new_params = self.params.get_free()204 new_params += self.dParams_dWeights[:,left_out_inds].sum(axis=1)205 else:206 if non_fixed_dims is None:207 new_params = self.params.get_free() + delta_example_weights)209 else:210 new_params = self.params.get_free()211 new_params[non_fixed_dims] += delta_example_weights)213 elif doNSAppx: # i.e., Newton step based approx214 if is_cv and self.is_a_glm: # Can do rank-1 update215 n = np.where(new_example_weights != 1)[0]216 new_params = self.params.get_free().copy()217 new_params[non_fixed_dims] += self.loocv_rank_one_updates[n,:].squeeze()218 else:219 self.compute_dParams_dWeights(new_example_weights,220 non_fixed_dims=non_fixed_dims)221 delta_example_weights = new_example_weights - self.example_weights222 new_params = self.params.get_free().copy()223 new_params[non_fixed_dims] += delta_example_weights)225 else: # non-approximate: re-fit the model226 curr_params = copy.copy(self.params.get_free())227 curr_example_weights = copy.copy(self.example_weights)228 self.example_weights = new_example_weights229**kwargs)230 new_params = copy.copy(self.params.get_free())231 232 self.params.set_free(new_params)233 return new_params234 235 def predict_probability(self, X):236 pass237 def get_error(self, test_data, metric):238 pass239 def get_single_datapoint_hessian(self, n):240 X = self.training_data.X241 Y = self.training_data.Y242 weights = self.example_weights243 self.training_data.X = X[n].reshape(1,-1)244 self.training_data.Y = Y[n]245 self.example_weights = np.ones(1)246 array_box_go_away = copy.copy(self.params.get_free())247 dObj_dParams = autograd.jacobian(self.weighted_model_objective, argnum=1)248 d2Obj_dParams2 = autograd.jacobian(dObj_dParams, argnum=1)249 hess_n = d2Obj_dParams2(self.example_weights, self.params.get_free())250 self.params.set_free(array_box_go_away)251 self.training_data.X = X252 self.training_data.Y = Y253 self.example_weights = weights254 return hess_n255 def get_single_datapoint_hvp(self, n, vec):256 '''257 Returns, where the Hessian is the Hessian of the objective258 function with just datapoint n259 ''' 260 X = self.training_data.X261 Y = self.training_data.Y262 weights = self.example_weights263 self.training_data.X = X[n].reshape(1,-1)264 self.training_data.Y = Y[n]265 self.example_weights = np.ones(1)266 267 array_box_go_away = copy.copy(self.params.get_free())268 eval_hvp = autograd.hessian_vector_product(self.weighted_model_objective,269 argnum=1)270 hess_n_dot_vec = eval_hvp(self.example_weights, self.params.get_free(), vec)271 272 self.params.set_free(array_box_go_away)273 self.training_data.X = X274 self.training_data.Y = Y275 self.example_weights = weights276 return hess_n_dot_vec277 def get_all_data_hvp(self, vec):278 '''279 Returns, where the Hessian is the Hessian of the objective280 function with all the data.281 '''282 array_box_go_away = copy.copy(self.params.get_free())283 eval_hvp = autograd.hessian_vector_product(self.weighted_model_objective,284 argnum=1)285 hvp = eval_hvp(self.example_weights, self.params.get_free(), vec)286 287 self.params.set_free(array_box_go_away)288 return hvp289 def compute_hessian(self):290 dObj_dParams = autograd.jacobian(self.weighted_model_objective, argnum=1)291 d2Obj_dParams2 = autograd.jacobian(dObj_dParams, argnum=1)292 array_box_go_away = self.params.get_free().copy()293 hessian = d2Obj_dParams2(self.example_weights, self.params.get_free())294 self.params.set_free(array_box_go_away)295 self.hessian = hessian296 def compute_restricted_hessian_and_dParamsdWeights(self, dims, weights,297 comp_dParams_dWeights=True):298 '''299 Computes the dims.shape[0] by dims.shape[0] Hessian only along the entries300 in dims (used when using l_1 regularization)301 '''302 theta0 = self.params.get_free()303 304 # Objective to differentiate just along the dimensions specified305 def lowDimObj(weights, thetaOnDims, thetaOffDims, invPerm):306 allDims = np.append(dims, offDims)307 thetaFull = np.append(thetaOnDims, thetaOffDims)[invPerm]308 return self.weighted_model_objective(weights, thetaFull)309 310 offDims = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(self.params.get_free().shape[0]), dims)311 thetaOnDims = theta0[dims]312 thetaOffDims = theta0[offDims]313 # lowDimObj will concatenate thetaOnDims, thetaOffDims, then needs to314 # un-permute them into the original theta.315 allDims = np.append(dims, offDims)316 invPerm = np.zeros(theta0.shape[0], dtype=np.int32)317 for i, idx in enumerate(allDims):318 invPerm[idx] = i319 evalHess = autograd.hessian(lowDimObj, argnum=1)320 array_box_go_away = self.params.get_free().copy()321 restricted_hess = evalHess(weights,322 thetaOnDims,323 thetaOffDims,324 invPerm)325 self.params.set_free(theta0)326 dObj_dParams = autograd.jacobian(lowDimObj, argnum=1)327 d2Obj_dParamsdWeights = autograd.jacobian(dObj_dParams, argnum=0)328 if comp_dParams_dWeights:329 restricted_dParamsdWeights = d2Obj_dParamsdWeights(weights,330 thetaOnDims,331 thetaOffDims,332 invPerm)333 return restricted_hess, restricted_dParamsdWeights334 else:335 return restricted_hess336 337 338 def hessian_inverse_vector_product(self, vec, hessian_scaling,339 S1=None, S2=None, method='stochastic'):340 '''341 From Agarwal et. al. "Second-order stochastic optimization for machine342 learning in linear time." 2017. 343 Not clear that this provides good accuracy in a reasonable amount of time.344 '''345 N = self.training_data.X.shape[0]346 D = vec.shape[0]347 if S1 is None and S2 is None:348 S1 = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(N)/10))349 S2 = int(np.ceil(10*np.sqrt(N)))350 hivpEsts = np.zeros((S1,D))351 for ii in range(S1):352 hivpEsts[ii] = vec353 for n in range(1,S2):354 idx = np.random.choice(N)355 #H_n_prod_prev = self.get_single_datapoint_hvp(idx, hivpEsts[ii]) * N356 #H_n_prod_prev /= hessian_scaling357 H_n_prod_prev = self.get_all_data_hvp(hivpEsts[ii]) / hessian_scaling358 hivpEsts[ii] = vec + hivpEsts[ii] - H_n_prod_prev359 return np.mean(hivpEsts, axis=0) / hessian_scaling360 def stochastic_hessian_inverse(self, hessian_scaling, S1=None, S2=None):361 '''362 From Agarwal et. al. "Second-order stochastic optimization for machine363 learning in linear time." 2017. 364 Not clear that this provides good accuracy in a reasonable amount of time.365 '''366 self.compute_derivs()367 X = self.training_data.X368 N = self.training_data.X.shape[0]369 D = self.params.get_free().shape[0]370 if S1 is None and S2 is None:371 S1 = int(np.sqrt(N)/10)372 S2 = int(10*np.sqrt(N))373 if self.regularization is not None:374 evalRegHess = autograd.hessian(self.regularization)375 paramsCpy = self.params.get_free().copy()376 regHess = evalRegHess(self.params.get_free())377 regHess[-1,-1] = 0.0378 self.params.set_free(paramsCpy)379 380 hinvEsts = np.zeros((S1,D,D))381 for ii in range(S1):382 hinvEsts[ii] = np.eye(D)383 for n in range(1,S2):384 idx = np.random.choice(N)385 H_n = np.outer(X[idx],X[idx]) * self.D2[idx] * N + regHess386 if np.linalg.norm(H_n) >= hessian_scaling*0.9999:387 print(np.linalg.norm(H_n))388 #H_n = self.get_single_datapoint_hessian(idx) * N389 H_n /= hessian_scaling390 hinvEsts[ii] = np.eye(D) + (np.eye(D) - H_n).dot(hinvEsts[ii])391 return np.mean(hinvEsts, axis=0) / hessian_scaling392 def compute_loocv_rank_one_updates(self,393 non_fixed_dims=None,394 **kwargs):395 '''396 When the model is a GLM and you're doing approximate LOOCV with the Newton397 step approximation, rank one matrix inverse updates allow you to use only398 O(D^3), rather than O(ND^3) computation.399 '''400 X = self.training_data.X401 N = X.shape[0]402 if non_fixed_dims is None:403 non_fixed_dims = np.arange(self.params.get_free().shape[0])404 if len(non_fixed_dims) == 0:405 self.loocv_rank_one_updates = np.zeros((N,0))406 return407 408 409 X_S = X[:,non_fixed_dims]410 hivps = self.inverse_hessian_vector_product(X.T, **kwargs).T411 X_S_hivps = np.einsum('nd,nd->n', X_S, hivps)412 updates = 1 + (self.D2 * X_S_hivps) / (1 - self.D2 * X_S_hivps)413 self.loocv_rank_one_updates = (updates*self.D1)[:,np.newaxis] * hivps414 def inverse_hessian_vector_product(self, b,415 solver_method='cholesky',416 rank=1,417 **kwargs):418 X = self.training_data.X419 if solver_method == 'cholesky':420 eval_reg_hess = autograd.hessian(self.regularization)421 tmp = self.params.get_free().copy()422 reg_hess = eval_reg_hess(self.params.get_free())423 reg_hess[-1,:] = 0.0424 reg_hess[:,-1] = 0.0425 self.params.set_free(tmp)426 return solvers.ihvp_cholesky(b,427 X,428 self.D2,429 regularizer_hessian=reg_hess)430 elif solver_method == 'agarwal':431 eval_reg_hess = autograd.hessian(self.regularization)432 tmp = self.params.get_free().copy()433 reg_hess = eval_reg_hess(self.params.get_free())434 reg_hess[-1,:] = 0.0435 reg_hess[:,-1] = 0.0436 self.params.set_free(tmp)437 return solvers.ihvp_agarwal(b,438 X,439 self.D2,440 regularizer_hessian=reg_hess,441 **kwargs)442 elif solver_method == 'lanczos':443 print('NOTE lanczos currently assumes l2 regularization')444 return solvers.ihvp_exactEvecs(b,445 X,446 self.D2,447 rank=rank,448 L2Lambda=self.L2Lambda)449 elif solver_method == 'tropp':450 print('NOTE tropp currently assumes l2 regularization')451 return solvers.ihvp_tropp(b,452 X,453 self.D2,454 L2Lambda=self.L2Lambda,455 rank=rank)456 457 458class PoissonRegressionModel(GeneralizedLinearModel):459 '''460 Poisson regression with:461 y_n ~ Poi( log(1 + e^{<x_n, \theta>}) )462 '''463 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):464 super(PoissonRegressionModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)465 def eval_objective(self, free_params):466 self.params.set_free(free_params)467 params = self.params['w'].get()468 Y = self.training_data.Y469 params_x =, params)470 M = np.maximum(params_x, 0.0)471 lam = np.log(np.exp(0-M) + np.exp(params_x-M)) + M472 ret = Y*np.log(lam + 1e-15) - lam473 ll = (-(ret*self.example_weights).sum())474 return ll + self.regularization(params)475 def get_error(self, test_data, metric="mse"):476 if metric == "mse":477 X = test_data.X478 Y = test_data.Y479 params = self.params['w'].get()480 params_x =, params)481 stacked = np.stack([params_x, np.zeros(params_x.shape[0])], axis=0)482 lam = scipy.special.logsumexp(stacked, axis=0)483 Yhat = lam484 return np.mean((Yhat-Y)**2)485 def compute_derivs(self):486 '''487 lazy slow AD-based implementation ... should actually hand-compute488 these for any serious use.489 '''490 Y = self.training_data.Y491 z = f = lambda z, Y: -(Y*np.log(np.log1p(np.exp(z))) - np.log1p(np.exp(z)))493 grad = autograd.grad(f, argnum=0)494 grad2 = autograd.grad(grad)495 self.D1 = np.zeros(Y.shape[0])496 self.D2 = np.zeros(Y.shape[0])497 for n in range(Y.shape[0]):498 self.D1[n] = grad(z[n], Y[n])499 self.D2[n] = grad2(z[n], Y[n])500 501class ExponentialPoissonRegressionModel(GeneralizedLinearModel):502 '''503 Poisson regression with:504 y_n ~ Poi( e^{<x_n, \theta>} )505 '''506 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):507 self.L1Lambda = None508 super(ExponentialPoissonRegressionModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)509 510 def eval_objective(self, free_params):511 self.params.set_free(free_params)512 params = self.params['w'].get()513 Y = self.training_data.Y514 params_x_bias =, params)515 ret = Y*params_x_bias - np.exp(params_x_bias)516 ll = (-(ret*self.example_weights).sum())517 518 return ll + self.regularization(params)519 def fit(self, warm_start=True, label=None, save=False,520 use_glmnet=False,521 **kwargs):522 '''523 Note: use_glmnet only works with CV weights (i.e. all 0 or 1)524 '''525 if not use_glmnet:526 super(ExponentialPoissonRegressionModel, self).fit(warm_start,527 label,528 save,529 **kwargs)530 elif use_glmnet:531 from glmnet_py import glmnet532 lambdau = np.array([self.L1Lambda,])533 inds = self.example_weights.astype(np.bool)534 x = self.training_data.X[inds,:].copy()535 y = self.training_data.Y[inds].copy().astype(np.float)536 fit = glmnet(x=x,537 y=y,538 family='poisson',539 standardize=False,540 lambdau=lambdau,541 thresh=1e-20,542 maxit=10e4,543 alpha=1.0,544 )545 546 def compute_derivs(self):547 '''548 For use from '''550 Y = self.training_data.Y551 params = self.params.get_free()552 #exp_params_X = np.exp(['w'].get()))553 exp_params_X = np.exp( self.D1 = -(Y - exp_params_X)555 self.D2 = -(-exp_params_X)556 557 def get_error(self, test_data, metric="mse"):558 if metric == "mse":559 X = test_data.X560 Y = test_data.Y561 params = self.params['w'].get()562 params_x_bias =, params)563 lam = np.exp(params_x_bias)564 Yhat = lam565 return np.mean((Yhat-Y)**2)566 def compute_bounds(self):567 '''568 Used for low-rank CV paper. Assumes l2 regularization.569 Note these bounds are assuming the objective is **not** scaled570 by 1/N571 '''572 X = self.training_data.X573 D1 = self.D1574 D2 = self.D2575 lam = self.L2Lambda576 thetaHat = self.params.get_free()577 thetaThetanBnd = 1/(lam) * np.abs(D1) * np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)578 exactBnd = np.abs( + thetaThetanBnd * np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)579 MnBnd = np.exp(exactBnd)580 LipBnd = ((np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)**2).sum() - np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)**2) * MnBnd581 self.IJBnd = LipBnd / (lam**3) * D1**2 * np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)**3 + 1/lam**2 * D2 * np.abs(D1) * np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)**4582 self.NSBnd = LipBnd / (lam**3) * D1**2 * np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)**3583 584 585class LogisticRegressionModel(GeneralizedLinearModel):586 587 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):588 super(LogisticRegressionModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)589 def fit(self, warm_start=True, label=None, save=False,590 use_glmnet=False,591 **kwargs):592 '''593 Note: use_glmnet only works with CV weights (i.e. all 0 or 1)594 '''595 596 if not use_glmnet:597 super(LogisticRegressionModel, self).fit(warm_start,598 label,599 save,600 **kwargs)601 elif use_glmnet:602 from glmnet_py import glmnet603 lambdau = np.array([self.L1Lambda / self.training_data.X.shape[0],])604 inds = self.example_weights.astype(np.bool)605 x = self.training_data.X[inds,:-1].copy()606 y = self.training_data.Y[inds].copy().astype(np.float)607 y[np.where(y==-1)] = 0.0608 fit = glmnet(x=x,609 y=y,610 family='binomial',611 standardize=True,612 lambdau=lambdau,613 thresh=1e-10,614 maxit=10e3,615 alpha=1.0,616 )617 self.params.set_free(np.append(fit['beta'], 0))618 return619 def eval_objective(self, free_params):620 self.params.set_free(free_params)621 params = self.params['w'].get()622 X = self.training_data.X623 Y = self.training_data.Y624 paramsXY = -Y * (, params))625 M = np.maximum(paramsXY, 0)626 log_likelihood = -(np.log(np.exp(0-M) + np.exp(paramsXY-M)) + M)627 return ( -(log_likelihood*self.example_weights).sum() +628 self.regularization(params) )629 630 def predict_probability(self, X):631 return utils.sigmoid(X, self.params.get_free())632 def predict_target(self, X):633 probs = self.predict_probability(X)634 probs[np.where(probs > .5)] = 1635 probs[np.where(probs <= .5)] = -1636 return probs637 def compute_derivs(self):638 '''639 For use from fitL1.py640 '''641 Y = self.training_data.Y642 params = self.params.get_free()643 exp_params_XY = np.exp(Y *644 self.D1 = -Y/ (1 + exp_params_XY)646 self.D2 = -Y*self.D1 - (self.D1)**2647 648 def get_error(self, test_data, metric='log_likelihood'):649 if metric == "accuracy":650 # change Y_Test to 01 if required651 return 1.0 * np.where(652 self.predict_target(test_data.X) != test_data.Y)[0].shape[0] / test_data.N653 elif metric == 'log_likelihood':654 train_data = self.training_data655 weights = self.example_weights656 self.training_data = test_data657 self.example_weights = np.ones(test_data.X.shape[0])658 nll = self.eval_objective(self.params.get_free())659 nll -= self.regularization(self.params.get_free())660 self.training_data = train_data661 self.example_weights = weights662 return nll / test_data.X.shape[0]663class LinearRegressionModel(GeneralizedLinearModel):664 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):665 super(LinearRegressionModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)666 def eval_objective(self, free_params):667 '''668 Objective that we minimize; \sum_n w_n f(x_n, \theta) + ||\theta||_2669 '''670 self.params.set_free(free_params)671 params = self.params['w'].get()672 params_x =, params)673 sq_error = (self.training_data.Y - params_x)**2 * self.example_weights674 return sq_error.sum() + self.regularization(params[:-1])675 def get_error(self, test_data, metric="mse"):676 if metric == "mse":677 Yhat =, self.params.get_free())678 Y = test_data.Y679 return np.mean((Yhat - Y)**2)680 def compute_derivs(self):681 '''682 First and second derivatives of link function, used in fitL1.py683 '''684 Y = self.training_data.Y685 params_x = self.D1 = -2*(Y - params_x)687 self.D2 = 2*np.ones(Y.shape[0])688 689 def fit(self, warm_start=True, label=None, save=False,690 use_glmnet=False, **kwargs):691 '''692 Note: this only works with CV weights (i.e. all 0 or 1)693 '''694 if not use_glmnet:695 super(LinearRegressionModel, self).fit(warm_start,696 label,697 save,698 **kwargs)699 elif use_glmnet:700 from glmnet_py import glmnet701 inds = self.example_weights.astype(np.bool)702 x = self.training_data.X[inds,:].copy()703 y = self.training_data.Y[inds].copy().astype(np.float)704 lambdau = np.array([self.L1Lambda/(2*x.shape[0]),])705 706 fit = glmnet(x=x[:,:-1],707 y=y,708 family='gaussian',709 standardize=True,710 lambdau=lambdau,711 thresh=1e-10,712 maxit=10e4,713 alpha=1.0,714 )715 self.params.set_free(np.append(np.squeeze(fit['beta']), fit['a0']))716 717class ProbitRegressionModel(GeneralizedLinearModel):718 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):719 super(ProbitRegressionModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)720 def eval_objective(self, free_params):721 self.params.set_free(free_params)722 params_no_bias = self.params['w'].get()[:-1]723 bias = self.params['w'].get()[-1]724 y_x_params = self.training_data.Y * (725, params_no_bias) + bias)726 log_likelihood = \727 autograd.scipy.stats.norm.logcdf(y_x_params) * self.example_weights728 return -(log_likelihood).sum() + self.regularization(params_no_bias)729 def predict_probability(self, X):730 params_no_bias = self.params.get_free()[:-1]731 bias = self.params.get_free()[-1]732 return autograd.scipy.stats.norm.cdf( + bias)733 def predict_target(self, X):734 probs = self.predict_probability(X)735 probs[np.where(probs > .5)] = 1736 probs[np.where(probs <= .5)] = -1737 return probs738 def get_error(self, test_data, metric="log_likelihood"):739 if metric == "accuracy":740 # change Y_Test to 01 if required741 return np.where(742 self.predict_target(test_data.X) != test_data.Y)[0].shape[0] / test_data.N743 elif metric == 'log_likelihood':744 train_data = self.training_data745 weights = self.example_weights746 self.training_data = test_data747 self.example_weights = np.ones(test_data.X.shape[0])748 nll = self.eval_objective(self.params.get_free())749 self.training_data = train_data...
...41 for i in range(len(axioms)):42 if check(expr, axioms[i], dict()):43 return i + 144 return 045def get_free(expr, variables, free_variables):46 if type(expr) is Variable:47 if expr not in variables.keys():48 free_variables.add(expr.val)49 elif type(expr) is Predicate:50 for val in expr.val:51 get_free(val, variables, free_variables)52 elif type(expr) is Any or type(expr) is Exists:53 if expr.var not in variables.keys():54 variables[expr.var] = 155 else:56 variables[expr.var] += 157 get_free(expr.val, variables, free_variables)58 variables[expr.var] -= 159 if variables[expr.var] == 0:60 variables.pop(expr.var)61 elif isinstance(expr, Unary):62 return get_free(expr.val, variables, free_variables)63 elif isinstance(expr, Binary):64 return get_free(expr.left, variables, free_variables) | get_free(expr.right, variables,65 free_variables)66 return free_variables67def get_free_variables(expr):68 s = set()69 get_free(expr, dict(), s)70 return s71def free_subtract(axiom, expr, variable, locked_variables, variables):72 if type(axiom) is Variable:73 if axiom != variable:74 return axiom == expr75 if axiom.val in locked_variables:76 return axiom == expr77 else:78 if axiom not in variables:79 freeVariables = get_free_variables(expr)80 if len(freeVariables.intersection(locked_variables)) != 0:81 return False82 variables[axiom] = expr83 return True...
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