Best Python code snippet using autotest_python
1import numpy as np2from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform3from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN4from sklearn.utils import check_array5from ML import calculate_rand_score, stock_labels6from utils import get_dataset_steps_positions_velocities_headings7def get_mean_score(name_file):8 try:9 with open(name_file):10 score = np.mean(np.array(np.loadtxt(name_file), dtype=float))11 return score12 except IOError:13 print("Could not open file {0}".format(name_file))14 exit()15class ST_DBSCAN:16 """17 ST_DBSCAN class for clustering18 ref19 - ST-DBSCAN: An algorithm for clustering spatialâtemporal data20 Derya Birant, Alp Kut21 ----------22 :param eps1: float, the density threshold for spatial neighborhood23 :param eps2: float, The temporal threshold for temporal neighborhood24 :param min_samples: The number of samples required for an object to be a core point.25 :param metric_1: string, metric for spatial neighborhood26 :param metric_2: string, metric for temporal neighborhood27 string default='euclidean', can also be a custom function28 The used distance metric - more options are29 âbraycurtisâ, âcanberraâ, âchebyshevâ, âcityblockâ, âcorrelationâ,30 âcosineâ, âdiceâ, âeuclideanâ, âhammingâ, âjaccardâ, âjensenshannonâ,31 âkulsinskiâ, âmahalanobisâ, âmatchingâ, ârogerstanimotoâ, âsqeuclideanâ,32 ârussellraoâ, âseuclideanâ, âsokalmichenerâ, âsokalsneathâ, âyuleâ.33 :param indices_1: list of column indices where spatial attributes are situated in the data34 :param indices_2: list of column indices where non-spatial attributes are situated in the data35 """36 def __init__(self,37 eps1,38 eps2,39 min_samples,40 indices_1,41 indices_2,42 metric_1='euclidean',43 metric_2='euclidean',44 ):45 self.eps1 = eps146 self.eps2 = eps247 self.indices_1 = indices_148 self.indices_2 = indices_249 self.min_samples = min_samples50 self.metric_1 = metric_151 self.metric_2 = metric_252 self.labels = None53 assert self.eps1 > 0, 'eps1 must be positive'54 assert self.eps2 > 0, 'eps2 must be positive'55 assert type(self.min_samples) == int, 'min_samples must be a positive integer'56 assert self.min_samples > 0, 'min_samples must be a positive integer'57 def fit(self, X):58 # check if input is correct59 X = check_array(X)60 if not self.eps1 > 0.0 or not self.eps2 > 0.0 or not self.min_samples > 0.0:61 raise ValueError('eps1, eps2, minPts must be positive')62 # Compute squared distance matrix for63 non_spatial_square_dist_matrix = pdist(X[:, self.indices_1], metric=self.metric_1)64 spatial_square_dist_matrix = pdist(X[:, self.indices_2], metric=self.metric_2)65 # filter the euc_dist matrix using the time_dist66 dist = np.where(non_spatial_square_dist_matrix <= self.eps1, spatial_square_dist_matrix, 10 * self.eps2)67 db = DBSCAN(eps=self.eps2,68 min_samples=self.min_samples,69 metric='precomputed')70 self.labels = db.labels_72 def stock_labels_to_directory(self, directory, nb_obs, step_init, step_end):73 true_steps = np.arange(step_init, step_end)74 steps = np.arange(0, step_end - step_init)75 ind_init = steps[0]76 # for each step77 for (step, step_true) in zip(steps, true_steps):78 # get all the observations of step i79 ind_to_get = np.arange(ind_init, ind_init + nb_obs)80 label_step = self.labels[ind_to_get]81 stock_labels(label_step, step_true, repository=directory,82 filename="ST_DBSCAN_eps1=" + str(self.eps1) + "eps2="83 + str(self.eps2) + "Nsample="84 + str(self.min_samples) + "label")85 ind_init += nb_obs86 def generate_results(self, directory, step_init, step_end):87 steps = list(np.arange(step_init, step_end)) # steps to take into account in the calculation88 filename_true = "ground_truth_label" # file name for ground-truth (see for example file_name89 # argument in stock_file function in build_ground_truth function in module filename_pred = "ST_DBSCAN_eps1=" + str(self.eps1) + "eps2=" + \91 str(self.eps2) + "Nsample=" + str(self.min_samples) + "label"92 score_mean = calculate_rand_score(steps, directory, filename_true, filename_pred)93 return score_mean94def split_data(data, n_indiv, time_step):95 list_data = list()96 for i in np.arange(0, data.shape[0], n_indiv * time_step):97 list_data.append(data[i:i + time_step * n_indiv, :])98 return list_data99if __name__ == "__main__":100 n_indiv = 120101 n_time_step = 3102 directory = "simulation_data/"103 step_init = 300104 step_end = 500105 split = False # True if we split the data in sequences of n_time_step, False else106 # build the dataset107 data = get_dataset_steps_positions_velocities_headings(step_init, step_end, n_indiv, directory)108 # split the dateset to have series of n_time_step times-steps with positions for each boids109 list_data = split_data(data, n_indiv, n_time_step)110 # parameters111 eps1 = [3]112 eps2 = [85]113 min_samples = [5]114 # eps1 = 2 -> eps2=80, min_sample=5 best found115 # eps1 = 1 -> eps2=80, min_sample=5 best found116 # eps1 = 3 -> eps2=80, min_sample=5 best found117 results = list()118 param_list = list()119 # test each parameters120 if split:121 for eps_1 in eps1:122 for eps_2 in eps2:123 for min_sample in min_samples:124 # we test on 10 sets of n_time_frame samples125 mean_res = list()126 for i in range(40):127 st_dbscan = ST_DBSCAN(eps_1, eps_2, min_sample, [0], [1, 2])128[i])129 st_dbscan.stock_labels_to_directory(directory=directory,130 nb_obs=n_indiv,131 step_init=step_init + i * n_time_step,132 step_end=step_init + (i + 1) * n_time_step)133 ari_score = st_dbscan.generate_results(directory=directory,134 step_init=step_init + i * n_time_step,135 step_end=step_init + (i + 1) * n_time_step)136 mean_res.append(ari_score)137 print("eps1: ", eps_1)138 print("eps2: ", eps_2)139 print("min_sample", min_sample)140 results.append(np.mean(mean_res))141 param_list.append([eps_1, eps_2, min_sample])142 else:143 for eps_1 in eps1:144 for eps_2 in eps2:145 for min_sample in min_samples:146 st_dbscan = ST_DBSCAN(eps_1, eps_2, min_sample, [0], [1, 2])147 st_dbscan.stock_labels_to_directory(directory=directory,149 nb_obs=n_indiv,150 step_init=step_init,151 step_end=step_end)152 print("eps1: ", eps_1)153 print("eps2: ", eps_2)154 print("min_sample", min_sample)155 ari_score = st_dbscan.generate_results(directory=directory,156 step_init=step_init,157 step_end=step_end)158 results.append(ari_score)159 param_list.append([eps_1, eps_2, min_sample])160 print("best score from all {0} trial(s): {1}".format(len(results),161 results[np.argmax(results)]))162 print("best parameters from all {0} "...
1#!/usr/bin/env python2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-3"""4This module is an simple optimization module that helps find the point of 5maximum value for a given function.6"""7from sage.all import *8def optimize(func, args_init, step_init, step_min, iter_max, verbose=False):9 r"""10 Optimization function finding the maximum reaching coordinates for ``func``11 with a random walk. 12 13 :param function func: The function to be optimized, each of its arguments must 14 be numerical and will be tweaked to find ``func``'s maximum. 15 :param tuple args_init: Initial coordinates for the random walk. 16 :param real step_init: The step size will vary with time in this function, so17 this is the initial value for the step size. 18 :param real step_min: The limit size for the step.19 :param int iter_max: Upper iterations bound for each loop to avoid infinite 20 loops.21 :param bool verbose: If ``verbose`` then extra run information will be 22 displayed in terminal.23 :returns: vector, complex -- The coordinates of the optimum found for 24 ``func`` and the value of ``func`` at this point.25 """26 solution = vector(CC, args_init).normalized()27 solution_temp = solution28 value = func(solution)29 value_temp = value30 step_current = step_init31 if verbose:32 print("Initial solution : " + func.__name__ + 33 str(solution) + " = " + str(value))34 iter_nb = 035 while step_current > step_min:36 count = 137 while value_temp <= value and count < iter_max:38 direction = vector(39 [uniform(-1,1) for _ in range(len(args_init))]40 ).normalized()41 solution_temp = solution + direction*step_current42 value_temp = func(solution_temp)43 count += 144 if value_temp > value:45 solution = solution_temp46 value = value_temp47 else:48 step_current = step_current/249 50 if verbose:51 print("Final solution : " + func.__name__ + 52 str(solution) + " = " + str(value))53 return (solution, value)54def optimize_normalized(func, normalizer_func, args_init, step_init, step_min, iter_max, verbose=False):55 r"""56 Optimization function finding the maximum reaching coordinates for ``func``57 with a random walk. 58 59 :param function func: The function to be optimized, each of its arguments must 60 be numerical and will be tweaked to find ``func``'s maximum. 61 :param tuple args_init: Initial coordinates for the random walk. 62 :param real step_init: The step size will vary with time in this function, so63 this is the initial value for the step size. 64 :param real step_min: The limit size for the step.65 :param int iter_max: Upper iterations bound for each loop to avoid infinite 66 loops.67 :param bool verbose: If ``verbose`` then extra run information will be 68 displayed in terminal. 69 :returns: vector, complex -- The coordinates of the optimum found for 70 ``func`` and the value of ``func`` at this point.71 """72 solution = vector(CC, normalizer_func(args_init))73 solution_temp = solution74 value = func(solution)75 value_temp = value76 step_current = step_init77 if verbose:78 print("Initial solution : " + func.__name__ + 79 str(solution) + " = " + str(value))80 iter_nb = 081 while step_current > step_min:82 count = 183 while value_temp <= value and count < iter_max:84 direction = vector(85 [uniform(-1,1) for _ in range(len(args_init))]86 ).normalized()87 solution_temp = vector(normalizer_func(solution + direction*step_current))88 value_temp = func(solution_temp)89 count += 190 if value_temp > value:91 solution = solution_temp92 value = value_temp93 else:94 step_current = step_current/295 if verbose:96 print("optimization, current step: " + str(step_current))97 98 if verbose:99 print("Final solution : " + func.__name__ + 100 str(solution) + " = " + str(value))101 return (solution, value)102def optimize_2spheres(func, args_init, step_init, step_min, iter_max, radius=1, verbose = False):103 r"""104 Optimization function finding the maximum reaching coordinates for ``func``105 with a random walk on a two sphere of dimension half the size of 106 ``args_init``. (Work in progress !)107 For now, this function is in project and is not used, it can be ignored.108 109 :param function func: The function to be optimized, each of its arguments must be 110 numerical and will be tweaked to find ``func``'s maximum. 111 :param tuple args_init: Initial coordinates for the random walk.112 :param real step_init: The step size will vary with time in this function, so113 this is the initial value for the step size. 114 :param real step_min: The limit size for the step.115 :param int iter_max: Upper iterations bound for each loop to avoid infinite 116 loops.117 :param real radius: Sphere radius.118 :param bool verbose: If ``verbose`` then extra run information will be displayed in 119 terminal.120 :returns: vector, complex -- The coordianates of the optimum found for 121 ``func`` and the value of ``func`` at this point.122 """123 def unwrap(vector_tuple):124 """Takes in vectors and returns a list of their coefficients125 """126 arguments_unwraped = []127 for vector_instance in vector_tuple:128 for coefficient in vector_instance:129 arguments_unwraped.append(coefficient)130 return arguments_unwraped131 def point_on_cone(cone_center, cone_spherical_radius, sphere_radius): # TODO132 dimension = len(cone_center)133 rotation_cone_center_to_Z = rotation_to_Z(cone_center) # matrix134 point_random_angles = [uniform(-pi,pi) for _ in dimension - 2]135 cone_angle = cone_spherical_radius/sphere_radius136 point = vector_from_pherical(sphere_radius, cone_angle, *point_random_angles)137 point = rotation_cone_center_to_Z.inverse() * point138 return point139 dimension = len(args_init)/2140 solution = vector(CC, args_init[:dimension]).normalized(), \141 vector(CC, args_init[dimension:]).normalized()142 value = func(unwrap(solution))143 value_temp = value144 step_current = step_init145 if verbose:146 print("Initial solution : " + func.__name__ + 147 str(solution) + " = " + str(value))148 iter_nb = 0149 while step_current > step_min:150 solution_temp = solution # initialization151 count = 1152 while CC(value_temp) <= CC(value) and count < iter_max:153 solution_temp = point_on_cone(solution, step_current, 1)154 value_temp = func(unwrap(solution_temp))155 count += 1156 if CC(value_temp) > CC(value):157 solution = solution_temp158 value = value_temp159 else:160 step_current = step_current/2161 162 if verbose:163 print("Final solution : " + func.__name__ + 164 str(solution) + " = " + str(value))...
1import time2import numpy as np3from benchopt.base import BaseSolver4class Solver(BaseSolver):5 name = 'Python-SGD' # stochastic gradient descent6 # any parameter defined here is accessible as a class attribute7 parameters = {'step_init': [1.]}8 def set_objective(self, X, y, lmbd):9 self.X, self.y, self.lmbd = X, y, lmbd10 def init(self):11 # print("---------------------------------- Initializing SGD weights")12 time.sleep(.2)13 n_samples, n_features = self.X.shape14 self.w = np.zeros(n_features)15 def run(self, n_iter):16 n_samples, n_features = self.X.shape17 # w = np.zeros(n_features)18 w = self.w19 # self.step_init = 1e3 # TODO: set as parameter ?20 # idx_samples = np.random.choice(n_samples, n_iter)21 # steps = self.step_init / np.sqrt(1 + np.arange(1, n_iter + 1)) # which decreasing rule for the step size ?22 t_new = 123 for i in range(n_iter):24 # When n_iter is known in advance:25 # idx = idx_samples[i]26 # step = steps[i]27 # When n_iter is NOT known in advance:28 idx = np.random.choice(n_samples)29 step = self.step_init / np.sqrt(1 + i)30 # SGD step31 w -= step * self.grad_i_logreg_l2(w, self.X, self.y, self.lmbd, idx)32 self.w = w33 def grad_i_logreg_l2(self, w, X, y, lmbd, i):34 return self.grad_i_logreg(w, X, y, i) + lmbd * w35 def grad_i_logreg(self, w, X, y, i):36 return - X[i] * y[i] / (1. + np.exp(y[i] * (X[i] @ w)))37 def get_result(self):...
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