How to use TryEnter method of Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading.Monitor class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading.Monitor.TryEnter


Source:Monitor.cs Github


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...126 /// <summary>127 /// Attempts, for the specified amount of time, to acquire an exclusive lock on the specified object,128 /// and atomically sets a value that indicates whether the lock was taken.129 /// </summary>130 public static void TryEnter(object obj, TimeSpan timeout, ref bool lockTaken)131 {132 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;133 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Interleaving)134 {135 // TODO: how to implement this timeout?136 lockTaken = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(obj).IsLockTaken;137 }138 else139 {140 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Fuzzing &&141 runtime.TryGetExecutingOperation(out ControlledOperation current))142 {143 runtime.DelayOperation(current);144 }145 SystemThreading.Monitor.TryEnter(obj, timeout, ref lockTaken);146 }147 }148 /// <summary>149 /// Attempts, for the specified amount of time, to acquire an exclusive lock on the specified object,150 /// and atomically sets a value that indicates whether the lock was taken.151 /// </summary>152 public static bool TryEnter(object obj, TimeSpan timeout)153 {154 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;155 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Interleaving)156 {157 // TODO: how to implement this timeout?158 return SynchronizedBlock.Lock(obj).IsLockTaken;159 }160 else if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Fuzzing &&161 runtime.TryGetExecutingOperation(out ControlledOperation current))162 {163 runtime.DelayOperation(current);164 }165 return SystemThreading.Monitor.TryEnter(obj, timeout);166 }167 /// <summary>168 /// Attempts, for the specified number of milliseconds, to acquire an exclusive lock on the specified object,169 /// and atomically sets a value that indicates whether the lock was taken.170 /// </summary>171 public static void TryEnter(object obj, int millisecondsTimeout, ref bool lockTaken)172 {173 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;174 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Interleaving)175 {176 // TODO: how to implement this timeout?177 lockTaken = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(obj).IsLockTaken;178 }179 else180 {181 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Fuzzing &&182 runtime.TryGetExecutingOperation(out ControlledOperation current))183 {184 runtime.DelayOperation(current);185 }186 SystemThreading.Monitor.TryEnter(obj, millisecondsTimeout, ref lockTaken);187 }188 }189 /// <summary>190 /// Attempts to acquire an exclusive lock on the specified object, and atomically191 /// sets a value that indicates whether the lock was taken.192 /// </summary>193 public static void TryEnter(object obj, ref bool lockTaken)194 {195 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;196 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Interleaving)197 {198 // TODO: how to implement this timeout?199 lockTaken = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(obj).IsLockTaken;200 }201 else202 {203 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Fuzzing &&204 runtime.TryGetExecutingOperation(out ControlledOperation current))205 {206 runtime.DelayOperation(current);207 }208 SystemThreading.Monitor.TryEnter(obj, ref lockTaken);209 }210 }211 /// <summary>212 /// Attempts to acquire an exclusive lock on the specified object.213 /// </summary>214 public static bool TryEnter(object obj)215 {216 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;217 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Interleaving)218 {219 return SynchronizedBlock.Lock(obj).IsLockTaken;220 }221 else if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Fuzzing &&222 runtime.TryGetExecutingOperation(out ControlledOperation current))223 {224 runtime.DelayOperation(current);225 }226 return SystemThreading.Monitor.TryEnter(obj);227 }228 /// <summary>229 /// Releases the lock on an object and blocks the current thread until it reacquires the lock.230 /// </summary>231 public static bool Wait(object obj)232 {233 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;234 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Interleaving)235 {236 var block = SynchronizedBlock.Find(obj) ??237 throw new SystemThreading.SynchronizationLockException();238 return block.Wait();239 }240 return SystemThreading.Monitor.Wait(obj);...

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1{2 {3 public static bool TryEnter(object obj, int millisecondsTimeout)4 {5 return false;6 }7 }8}9{10 {11 public static bool TryEnter(object obj, int millisecondsTimeout)12 {13 return false;14 }15 }16}17{18 {19 public static bool TryEnter(object obj, int millisecondsTimeout)20 {21 return false;22 }23 }24}25{26 {27 public static bool TryEnter(object obj, int millisecondsTimeout)28 {29 return false;30 }31 }32}33{34 {35 public static bool TryEnter(object obj, int millisecondsTimeout)36 {37 return false;38 }39 }40}41{42 {43 public static bool TryEnter(object obj, int millisecondsTimeout)44 {45 return false;46 }47 }48}49{50 {51 public static bool TryEnter(object obj, int millisecondsTimeout)52 {53 return false;54 }55 }56}

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1using System;2using System.Threading;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 object lockObj = new object();9 Thread t1 = new Thread(() =>10 {11 Monitor.TryEnter(lockObj, 1000, out bool lockTaken);12 if (lockTaken)13 {14 Console.WriteLine("Lock taken by t1");15 Thread.Sleep(1000);16 Monitor.Exit(lockObj);17 }18 {19 Console.WriteLine("Lock not taken by t1");20 }21 });22 Thread t2 = new Thread(() =>23 {24 Monitor.TryEnter(lockObj, 1000, out bool lockTaken);25 if (lockTaken)26 {27 Console.WriteLine("Lock taken by t2");28 Thread.Sleep(1000);29 Monitor.Exit(lockObj);30 }31 {32 Console.WriteLine("Lock not taken by t2");33 }34 });35 t1.Start();36 t2.Start();37 t1.Join();38 t2.Join();39 }40 }41}

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1using System;2using System.Threading;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 Monitor.Enter(new object());9 Console.WriteLine("In the critical section");10 if (Monitor.TryEnter(new object()))11 {12 Console.WriteLine("In the critical section");13 }14 {15 Console.WriteLine("In the non-critical section");16 }17 Console.ReadLine();18 }19 }20}21using System;22using System.Threading;23{24 {25 static void Main(string[] args)26 {27 Monitor.Enter(new object());28 Console.WriteLine("In the critical section");29 if (Monitor.TryEnter(new object()))30 {31 Console.WriteLine("In the critical section");32 }33 {34 Console.WriteLine("In the non-critical section");35 }36 Console.ReadLine();37 }38 }39}40using System;41using System.Threading;42{43 {44 static void Main(string[] args)45 {46 Monitor.Enter(new object());47 Console.WriteLine("In the critical section");48 if (Monitor.TryEnter(new object()))49 {50 Console.WriteLine("In the critical section");51 }52 {53 Console.WriteLine("In the non-critical section");54 }55 Console.ReadLine();56 }57 }58}59using System;60using System.Threading;61{62 {63 static void Main(string[] args)64 {65 Monitor.Enter(new object());66 Console.WriteLine("In the critical section");67 if (Monitor.TryEnter(new object()))68 {69 Console.WriteLine("In the critical section");70 }71 {72 Console.WriteLine("In the non-critical section");73 }74 Console.ReadLine();75 }76 }77}78using System;79using System.Threading;80{81 {82 static void Main(string[] args)83 {84 Monitor.Enter(new object());85 Console.WriteLine("In the

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;2using System;3using System.Threading;4using System.Threading.Tasks;5{6 {7 static void Main(string[] args)8 {9 Monitor m = new Monitor();10 m.Enter();11 Task t = new Task(() =>12 {13 bool result = m.TryEnter();14 Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result);15 });16 t.Start();17 t.Wait();18 m.Exit();19 }20 }21}22using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;23using System;24using System.Threading;25using System.Threading.Tasks;26{27 {28 private readonly object _lock = new object();29 public void DoWork()30 {31 lock (_lock)32 {33 Console.WriteLine("Do work");34 Monitor.Wait(_lock);35 }36 Console.WriteLine("Work done");37 }38 public void DoWork2()39 {40 Thread.Sleep(2000);41 lock (_lock)42 {43 Console.WriteLine("Do work 2");44 Monitor.Pulse(_lock);45 }46 }47 }48 {49 static void Main(string[] args)50 {51 Worker worker = new Worker();52 Task t1 = new Task(() =>53 {54 worker.DoWork();55 });56 Task t2 = new Task(() =>57 {58 worker.DoWork2();59 });60 t1.Start();61 t2.Start();62 t1.Wait();63 }64 }65}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;2using System.Threading;3{4 {5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 var obj = new object();8 Monitor.TryEnter(obj);9 }10 }11}12at Test.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\user\source\repos\Test\Test\Program.cs:line 1013using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;14using System.Threading;

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.System;3using System.Threading;4{5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 int x = 0;8 int y = 0;9 Thread t1 = new Thread(() =>10 {11 Monitor.Enter(new object());12 x = 1;13 Monitor.Exit(new object());14 });15 Thread t2 = new Thread(() =>16 {17 Monitor.Enter(new object());18 y = 1;19 Monitor.Exit(new object());20 });21 t1.Start();22 t2.Start();23 t1.Join();24 t2.Join();25 if (x == 1 && y == 1)26 System.Console.WriteLine("x == 1 && y == 1");27 }28}29using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;30using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.System;31using System.Threading;32{33 static void Main(string[] args)34 {35 int x = 0;36 int y = 0;37 Thread t1 = new Thread(() =>38 {39 Monitor.TryEnter(new object());40 x = 1;41 Monitor.Exit(new object());42 });43 Thread t2 = new Thread(() =>44 {45 Monitor.TryEnter(new object());46 y = 1;47 Monitor.Exit(new object());48 });49 t1.Start();50 t2.Start();51 t1.Join();52 t2.Join();53 if (x == 1 && y == 1)54 System.Console.WriteLine("x == 1 && y == 1");55 }56}57using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;58using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.System;59using System.Threading;60{61 static void Main(string[] args)62 {63 int x = 0;64 int y = 0;65 Thread t1 = new Thread(() =>66 {67 Monitor.TryEnter(new object(), 1);68 x = 1;69 Monitor.Exit(new object());70 });71 Thread t2 = new Thread(() =>72 {73 Monitor.TryEnter(new object

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1{2 {3 public static bool TryEnter(object obj)4 {5 return false;6 }7 }8}

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;7{8 {9 [OnEntry(nameof(EntryInit))]10 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(EntryAction))]11 {12 }13 void EntryInit()14 {15 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new UnitEvent());16 }17 void EntryAction()18 {19 object obj = new object();20 bool lockTaken = false;21 {22 Monitor.TryEnter(obj, ref lockTaken);23 if (lockTaken)24 {25 Console.WriteLine("Lock taken");26 }27 {28 Console.WriteLine("Lock not taken");29 }30 }31 {32 if (lockTaken)33 {34 Monitor.Exit(obj);35 }36 }37 }38 }39 {40 }41 {42 public static void Main(string[] args)43 {44 Task t = Task.Run(() => Runtime.Run(new Configuration(), () => new M()));45 t.Wait();46 }47 }48}49using System;50using System.Threading.Tasks;51using Microsoft.Coyote;52using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;53using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;54using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;55{56 {57 [OnEntry(nameof(EntryInit))]58 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(EntryAction))]59 {60 }61 void EntryInit()62 {63 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new UnitEvent());64 }65 void EntryAction()66 {67 object obj = new object();68 bool lockTaken = false;69 {70 Monitor.TryEnter(obj, 1000, ref lockTaken);71 if (lockTaken)72 {73 Console.WriteLine("Lock taken

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1using System;2using System.Threading;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;4using System.Threading.Tasks;5{6 {7 static void Main(string[] args)8 {9 Program p = new Program();10 p.Run();11 }12 public void Run()13 {14 object monitor = new object();15 Task t1 = Task.Run(() => {16 Monitor.TryEnter(monitor, 1000);17 Console.WriteLine("Task 1");18 Monitor.Exit(monitor);19 });20 Task t2 = Task.Run(() => {21 Monitor.TryEnter(monitor, 1000);22 Console.WriteLine("Task 2");23 Monitor.Exit(monitor);24 });25 Task.WaitAll(t1, t2);26 }27 }28}29using System;30using System.Threading;31using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;32using System.Threading.Tasks;33{34 {35 static void Main(string[] args)36 {37 Program p = new Program();38 p.Run();39 }40 public void Run()41 {42 ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);43 Task t1 = Task.Run(() => {44 Console.WriteLine("Task 1");45 mre.Set();46 });47 Task t2 = Task.Run(() => {48 mre.WaitOne();49 Console.WriteLine("Task 2");50 });51 Task.WaitAll(t1, t2);52 }53 }54}55using System;56using System.Threading;57using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;58using System.Threading.Tasks;59{60 {61 static void Main(string[] args)62 {63 Program p = new Program();64 p.Run();65 }66 public void Run()67 {68 AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);69 Task t1 = Task.Run(() => {70 Console.WriteLine("Task 1");

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1using System;2using System.Threading;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;4{5 {6 static object lockObj = new object();7 static void Main(string[] args)8 {9 Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMethod));10 Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMethod));11 t1.Start();12 t2.Start();13 }14 static void ThreadMethod()15 {16 if (Monitor.TryEnter(lockObj))17 {18 {19 Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} entered lock", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);20 Thread.Sleep(1000);21 }22 {23 Monitor.Exit(lockObj);24 }25 }26 {27 Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} could not enter lock", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);28 }29 }30 }31}32using System;33using System.Threading;34using Microsoft.Coyote;35using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;36using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;37{38 {39 static object lockObj = new object();40 static void Main(string[] args)41 {42 Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMethod));43 Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMethod));44 t1.Start();45 t2.Start();46 }47 static void ThreadMethod()48 {49 if (Monitor.TryEnter(lockObj))50 {51 {52 Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} entered lock", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);53 Thread.Sleep(1000);54 }55 {56 Monitor.Exit(lockObj);57 }58 }59 {60 Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} could not enter lock", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);61 }62 }63 }64}65{66 {67 public static bool TryEnter(object obj)68 {69 return false;70 }71 }72}

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1using System;2using System.Threading;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;4using System.Threading.Tasks;5{6 {7 static void Main(string[] args)8 {9 Program p = new Program();10 p.Run();11 }12 public void Run()13 {14 object monitor = new object();15 Task t1 = Task.Run(() => {16 Monitor.TryEnter(monitor, 1000);17 Console.WriteLine("Task 1");18 Monitor.Exit(monitor);19 });20 Task t2 = Task.Run(() => {21 Monitor.TryEnter(monitor, 1000);22 Console.WriteLine("Task 2");23 Monitor.Exit(monitor);24 });25 Task.WaitAll(t1, t2);26 }27 }28}29using System;30using System.Threading;31using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;32using System.Threading.Tasks;33{34 {35 static void Main(string[] args)36 {37 Program p = new Program();38 p.Run();39 }40 public void Run()41 {42 ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);43 Task t1 = Task.Run(() => {44 Console.WriteLine("Task 1");45 mre.Set();46 });47 Task t2 = Task.Run(() => {48 mre.WaitOne();49 Console.WriteLine("Task 2");50 });51 Task.WaitAll(t1, t2);52 }53 }54}55using System;56using System.Threading;57using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;58using System.Threading.Tasks;59{60 {61 static void Main(string[] args)62 {63 Program p = new Program();64 p.Run();65 }66 public void Run()67 {68 AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);69 Task t1 = Task.Run(() => {70 Console.WriteLine("Task 1");

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1using System;2using System.Threading;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;4{5 {6 static object lockObj = new object();7 static void Main(string[] args)8 {9 Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMethod));10 Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMethod));11 t1.Start();12 t2.Start();13 }14 static void ThreadMethod()15 {16 if (Monitor.TryEnter(lockObj))17 {18 {19 Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} entered lock", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);20 Thread.Sleep(1000);21 }22 {23 Monitor.Exit(lockObj);24 }25 }26 {27 Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} could not enter lock", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);28 }29 }30 }31}32using System;33using System.Threading;34using Microsoft.Coyote;35using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;36using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;37{38 {39 static object lockObj = new object();40 static void Main(string[] args)41 {42 Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMethod));43 Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMethod));44 t1.Start();45 t2.Start();46 }47 static void ThreadMethod()48 {49 if (Monitor.TryEnter(lockObj))50 {51 {52 Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} entered lock", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);53 Thread.Sleep(1000);54 }55 {56 Monitor.Exit(lockObj);57 }58 }59 {60 Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} could not enter lock", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);61 }62 }63 }64}

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