Cross Browser Test Management Using LambdaTest & PractiTest

4th AUG 2020 | 10 AM PST

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Mudit Singh

Mudit Singh

Director Product & Growth LambdaTest

Anthony Lipman

Anthony Lipman

Customer Success and Training Manager Practitest


Cross browser testing is crucial in testing your website’s functionality across different devices, browsers, or operating systems. There’s a plethora of browsers, browser versions, operating systems used by your customers, and it is extremely challenging to test your website manually for all the possible combinations. This is where tools like LambdaTest and PractiTest come in handy by allowing you to perform cross browser testing for a said combination in the most efficient way.

LambdaTest is trusted by 200,000+ users worldwide, and it lets you perform cross browser testing on 3000+ devices, including real-time testing of your website. On the other hand, PractiTest has customers from around 55 countries and is a market leader in QA testing. This webinar will guide you all the way through from using LambdaTest and PractiTest to test management. If you haven’t jumped on the test automation bandwagon already, this webinar will help you do just that!

Anthony Lipman, the Customer Success Manager at PractiTest, will guide you throughout the process of creating a test, running your test, and reporting bugs. This entire process on PractiTest accommodates multiple permutations of browsers, operating systems, or devices. He will also guide you through the PractiTest dashboard and its usability to create test reports. He explains everything from the concept behind color-coding these reports to the process of downloading or saving those reports.

Our director of Product & Growth, Mudit Singh, introduces you to LambdaTest (a cross browser compatibility testing tool) and guides you on how to use it. Further, he lets you know how LambdaTest and PractiTest fit together and what the integration is all about.

They also discuss how PractiTest functions quite similarly to Jira as it helps you manage your projects efficiently. While they can co-exist together, PractiTest also allows you to manage your testing cycles as well. PractiTest is all about managing your tests while helping you organize your testing cycles and test reports.

In the end, they have a fun Q&A session.

We are thankful to Anthony for joining us in the webinar and enlightening our viewers about PractiTest and its usability. We are also grateful to everyone who tuned into the webinar about LambdaTest and PractiTest.

We hope to see you at the upcoming webinar. Cheers!


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