Check your websites and web applications in all major browsers with LambdaTest.
Trusted by 2M+ users globally
Test your website across 3,000+ OS and browser combinations. Instantly access various browsers, versions, and resolutions for detailed testing.
Get Started For FreeTest your website's responsiveness and compatibility on iPhones and Androids. Choose from our extensive pool of over 3,000 real devices.
Get Started For FreeRun visual tests automatically across 3,000+ environments on LambdaTest. Schedule tests and capture screenshots at set intervals for detailed insights.
Get Started For FreeTest your website's responsiveness in LT Browser with a single click. Select from 50+ viewports or customize your own to see how the website behaves.
Get Started For FreeIt's not just about infrastructure, you get a whole range of complimentary features that will make your online web testing experience smoother and help you ship products faster.
Dedicated WordPress plugin and Chrome Extension to help you perform web testing and capture full-page screenshots.
Local hosted web testing to help you test in dev environments and save your website or app from after deployment bugs.
Test your website or mobile app from different geoIPs to make sure your users get the perfect experience across all locations.
Plan, author, and evolve end-to-end tests using natural language.More about KaneAI
Connect to dozens of applications to test directly with LambdaTest. Explore all Integrations
World's leading companies trust LambdaTest with their digital transformation journey. All Customer Stories
flaky tests
reduction in test execution time
HyperExecute is a highly reliable test execution platform and has excellent customer support.
Sagar Uday Kumar
Sr. Engineering Manager
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Step-by-step documentation for various test automation frameworks to help you run your first Selenium script.
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Trusted by over 2,000,000 teams
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Thank you for providing free open source license to run the web and mobile tests of our open source projects for free on Lambdatest platform.