Learn what is Stale Element Reference Exception in Selenium, its causes, and strategies to overcome it effectively.
00:00 Introduction
00:05 What is Stale Element Reference Exception?
03:32 Closing
Introduction to Selenium Exceptions:
Common errors encountered during Selenium test automation:
Element Click Intercept Exception: Occurs when the target element is obscured and not clickable.
Element Not Interactable Exception: Happens when the web element is present but not in an interactable state.
No Alert Present Exception: Triggered when attempting to interact with an alert that is not present.
No Such Element Exception: Thrown when an element cannot be located in the DOM.
Overview of Stale Element Reference Exception:
Definition: Occurs when a referenced web element is no longer attached to the DOM.
The element has been removed from the DOM.
The element is no longer attached to the page document.
Differences Between Exceptions:
Stale Element Reference Exception:
Indicates the element might reappear if the page is refreshed or navigated to again.
No Such Element Exception:
Implies the element does not exist in the DOM and will not appear.
Handling Stale Element Reference Exception:
Reinitializing web elements.
Using try-catch blocks for error handling.
Leveraging Expected Conditions or JavaScript to wait for dynamic elements.
Waiting for AJAX calls to complete.
Emphasizes understanding the unique challenges posed by the exception and employing appropriate strategies for handling it.