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How to use Fixtures and Hooks in WebdriverIO

How to use Fixtures and Hooks in WebdriverIO

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About The Video

In part 6 of the WebdriverIO tutorial series, join ๐Œ๐š๐ซ๐œ๐จ ๐€ ๐‚๐ซ๐ฎ๐ณ, founder of automateNow for an enlightening session. Discover the fundamentals of hooks and fixtures in WebdriverIO, including their usage and significance. In the session, you'll uncover common hooks such as โ€œbeforeEach, afterEach, beforeSuite, afterTest,โ€ and more and their role in optimizing your testing processes.

Video Chapters

00:00 Introduction

00:48 What are fixtures & hooks?

01:38 Common hooks

04:45 beforeEach hook

07:20 afterEach hook

10:24 beforeSuite hook

11:53 afterTest hook

13:49 Additional resources

14:42 Conclusion

Key Topics Covered

Introduction to Fixtures and Hooks: Marco introduces the concepts of fixtures and hooks in WebdriverIO, explaining their importance in setting up a predefined state for testing applications. Fixtures help in creating a consistent starting point for tests, such as establishing a database connection before testing database functionalities.

Using Hooks to Create Fixtures: Hooks are utilized to set up and tear down test environments, enabling the execution of specific actions before and after tests. Marco highlights the use of setup and teardown methods facilitated by hooks to manage resources effectively throughout the test lifecycle.

Common Hooks in WebdriverIO: The video covers several common hooks provided by WebdriverIO and Mocha (the test framework used in the examples), including:

before: Executes code once before all tests run.

after: Executes code once after all tests have completed.

beforeEach: Executes code before each test in a suite.

afterEach: Executes code after each test completes.

Practical Examples of Hooks: Marco demonstrates how to implement these hooks in a WebdriverIO project, showcasing examples like navigating to a specific page before each test or taking screenshots after tests.

Implementing Hooks at Different Levels: The video explains how to implement hooks both within individual spec files for specific test suites and globally in the wdio.conf.js configuration file, offering flexibility in how test environments are managed.

Customizing Test Setup with Hooks: Through examples, viewers learn how to use hooks to perform custom test setup actions such as maximizing the browser window before tests run or handling screenshots upon test failures.

Efficient Test Code Management: By using hooks to handle repetitive setup and teardown tasks, Marco illustrates how to make test code more modular, reducing duplication and enhancing maintainability.

Advanced Hook Usage: The video also touches on advanced scenarios, such as creating custom functions within hooks for more complex setup actions or conditionally executing code based on the outcome of tests.

Resources for Further Learning: Marco encourages viewers to explore the WebdriverIO documentation and the Mocha website for detailed information on hooks and their applications in test automation.

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