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Understanding Selenium Locators: Identify Web Elements with Ease | LambdaTest

Understanding Selenium Locators: Identify Web Elements with Ease | LambdaTest

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About The Video

Watch this video to discover the basics of locators and their importance in test automation.

Video Chapters

00:00 Introduction

00:05 Selenium Locators

02:09 Closing

Key Topics Covered

Introduction to Locators

Definition of Locators: Locators are attributes used to identify elements on an HTML page, such as input fields, checkboxes, links, and buttons.

Purpose of Locators: Essential for interacting with elements during automated testing, enabling actions like typing text or clicking buttons.

Types of Locators

ID: The most preferred method for locating elements due to its uniqueness.

Name: A common attribute used to identify elements.

Class Name: Used to target elements based on their CSS class.

Link Text: Targets hyperlinks by their visible text.

Partial Link Text: Matches part of the text of a hyperlink.

Tag Name: Locates elements based on their HTML tag (e.g., <button>, <input>).

CSS Selectors: Flexible and efficient for complex queries.

XPath: Least preferred but frequently used in real-world scenarios due to its versatility in identifying elements, especially in complex structures.

Hierarchy and Preference of Locators

Preferred Order: ID > Name > Class Name > Link Text > Partial Link Text > Tag Name > CSS > XPath.

XPath, while powerful, is typically a last resort due to performance considerations.

Locating Elements in Practice

Definition of Elements: Any interactive or non-interactive fields on a webpage.

Interacting with Elements: Example of using the sendKeys function to input text into a field.

Importance of Locators: Enables precise identification of elements for automated actions.

Browser Automation Workflow

Launching the Browser: Explains how browser drivers are initialized and configured.

Loading the Website: Demonstrates the process of directing the browser to load a specific webpage.

Identifying Elements: Highlights the necessity of identifying elements before performing any operations.

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