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Selenium C# 101 Certification | LambdaTest Certifications | Selenium API Testing

Selenium C# 101 Certification | LambdaTest Certifications | Selenium API Testing

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  • Selenium C# 101 Certification
  • Playwright 101 Certification
  • Playwright 102 Certification
  • Selenium Ruby 101 Certification
  • Cypress 101 Certification
  • Selenium Python 101 Certification
  • Selenium Advanced Certification
  • Selenium TestNG Certification
  • Selenium JavaScript 101 Certification
  • Selenium Java 101 Certification
  • JUnit Certification
  • Selenium 101 Certification

About The Video

Get certified in Automation Testing with LambdaTest Selenium C# 101 Certification.

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Wondering how to get certified for your Selenium C# testing skills? Sign up for FREE Selenium C# Certification if you know Selenium Automation Testing with C#.

Exam Details

The Assessment has 2 rounds.

Round 1: 40 MCQs in 45 minutes.

Round 2: Assignment Task (deadline-based).

Selenium C# 101 Certification Requirements

Know-how of Selenium automation framework.

In-depth understanding of the DOM and Web Locators in Selenium.

Experience in running automation tests using Selenium with C# frameworks.

Experience in running cross browser tests (Serial and Parallel) on Selenium Grid.

Video Chapters

Introduction to Selenium C# 101 Certification

What you need to know

Exam Details

LambdaTest Selenium Automation Grid is a cloud-based, scalable Selenium testing platform that lets you execute your automation scripts over multiple browsers and operating systems. Your C# automation testing test cases may now be executed on a scalable Selenium infrastructure that uses actual browsers and operating systems.

With Selenium C# on LambdaTest, you can achieve the following

Run a C# and Selenium script on LambdaTest Selenium Cloud.

Chose your desired browsers to perform C# Automation Testing.

Run your test cases in parallel to reduce build times.

Test your locally hosted pages.

Leverage LambdaTest’s Advanced capabilities.

Learning Material:-

Selenium C# Tutorial -

Selenium C# Tutorial: Handling Alert Windows-

Selenium C# Tutorial: Using Implicit Wait in Selenium-

Selenium C# Tutorial: Handling Multiple Browser Windows-

NUnit vs. XUnit vs. MSTest: Comparing Unit Testing Frameworks In C#-

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