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How to Implement Page Object Model in WebdriverIO

How to Implement Page Object Model in WebdriverIO

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About The Video

In this part 5 of the WebdriverIO tutorial series, join ๐Œ๐š๐ซ๐œ๐จ ๐€ ๐‚๐ซ๐ฎ๐ณ, founder of automateNow. In this insightful session, you will learn how to efficiently organize your tests and test suites using the Page Object Model. The video will help you understand how to create and organize page objects and how to implement the methods for page interaction effectively.

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have gained valuable skills and knowledge, enabling you to enhance your testing strategies with WebdriverIO effectively.

Video Chapters

00:26 Introduction

00:27 What is the Page Object Model

02:51 How to Create Page Objects

10:30 How to Use Page Objects

13:10 Key Takeaways

14:11 Closing

Key Topics Covered

Introduction to WebDriverIO: Marco Cruz, founder of Automate Now, introduces WebDriverIO and its significance in test automation, setting the stage for the tutorial.

Challenges in Test Suite Maintenance: The video begins by addressing the challenges that arise as a test suite grows, such as maintainability and organization.

Page Object Model (POM) Explained: The core concept of the Page Object Model is introduced as a design pattern that helps organize tests and test suites by representing each page as a class.

Benefits of POM: Marco discusses the benefits of using POM, emphasizing easier test readability and enhanced maintainability.

Creating Page Objects: The tutorial demonstrates how to create page objects for different pages of a website, such as the homepage, login page, etc. Each page object contains methods and properties specific to that page.

Implementing Base/Main Page Object: A base or main page object is created to hold common functionalities across pages, such as clicking on elements or entering text, improving code reusability.

Login Page Object Example: The video provides a hands-on example by creating a page object for a login page, including methods to locate elements (username, password fields, and login button) and a method to perform a login action.

Writing Tests Using POM: Marco shows how to write tests that utilize the page objects, demonstrating how tests can be cleaner, more readable, and easier to maintain.

Running and Verifying Tests: Finally, the tutorial covers how to run the tests using WebDriverIO and verify their execution, including troubleshooting a failed test and making necessary adjustments to the page object.

Conclusion and Best Practices: The video concludes with a discussion on the best practices for using the Page Object Model in test automation projects, encouraging viewers to adopt POM for better test suite organization and maintenance.

This comprehensive tutorial is aimed at helping viewers successfully implement the Page Object Model in their WebDriverIO test automation projects, making their tests more maintainable and organized.

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