Watch the video to learn how to apply timeout to the class!
To apply a timeout to an entire class, you can use the @Timeout annotation at the class level in JUnit 5. This sets a specific duration limit for all test methods within the class to complete. If a test method exceeds this duration, it is automatically marked as failed. This is particularly useful for ensuring that tests do not hang indefinitely and adhere to expected time constraints.
00:00 Introduction
00:04 Apply Timeout to Class
04:40 Closing
Overview of Timeout Annotations: The video starts by discussing the purpose of timeout annotations in JUnit, emphasizing their use to prevent tests from running indefinitely by setting a maximum time limit after which the test will fail if not completed.
Applying Timeout at the Class Level: The video demonstrates how to apply the @Timeout annotation at the class level, which sets a timeout for all test methods within the class.
It explains the syntax and placement of the annotation above the class declaration and discusses the importance of specifying the time unit (e.g., seconds, milliseconds).
Method Level vs. Class Level Timeouts:
A comparison is shown between method-specific timeouts and class-wide timeouts, highlighting how method-level timeouts can override class-level settings if both are specified.
The video includes examples of how to set and adjust these timeouts, and what happens when a timeout is reached during test execution, showing the output in the IDE with timeout exceptions.
Practical Demonstration: The video includes a live coding session where timeouts are implemented and tested in a Java IDE, showing real-time outcomes when tests exceed the specified time limits.