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How to Handle Waits and Synchronization in WebdriverIO

How to Handle Waits and Synchronization in WebdriverIO

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About The Video

In this part 3 of the WebdriverIO tutorial series, join ๐Œ๐š๐ซ๐œ๐จ ๐€ ๐‚๐ซ๐ฎ๐ณ, founder of automateNow, as he explores waits and synchronization. Explore implicit and explicit waits to enhance your understanding of handling dynamic elements using WebdriverIO with Selenium. Youโ€™ll also gain insights into the workings of synchronization in WebdriverIO and enhance your understanding of how they contribute to effective test automation.

By the end of this session, you will master the art of seamless automation with enhanced wait strategies in WebdriverIO.

Video Chapters

00:00 Intro

00:40 Key points for waiting in WDIO

02:41 Async and Await

04:18 WDIO Explicit Wait

05:16 How to wait for elements

07:20 Other waits - test runtime

08:11 Waiting on dynamic elements

09:55 Outro

10:11 Conclusion

Key Topics Covered

Introduction to Synchronization in WebdriverIO: Marco introduces the concept of synchronization in automated testing, explaining its significance for ensuring tests run reliably in dynamic web environments.

Automatic Waiting in WebdriverIO: It's discussed how WebdriverIO automatically waits for elements before throwing errors, reducing the need for manual waits in many cases.

Implicit vs. Explicit Waits: The difference between implicit and explicit waits is explained. Marco emphasizes the recommendation against using implicit waits due to their global effect and potential for longer than expected wait times. Instead, explicit waits are advocated for their ability to apply custom wait times at specific points in tests.

Async and Await Keywords: The importance of using async and await for controlling the flow of test execution is highlighted. These keywords ensure that commands execute sequentially, maintaining the correct order of operations within tests.

Configuring Wait Times: The video shows how to configure global explicit wait times within the wdio.conf.js file and demonstrates adjusting wait times at the test level for more granular control.

Handling Dynamic Elements: Strategies for dealing with dynamic elements, such as those updated via AJAX without full page reloads, are discussed. Various WebdriverIO commands for waiting, like waitUntil, waitForDisplayed, waitForExists, waitForClickable, and waitForEnabled, are introduced.

Custom Expected Conditions and Fluent Waits: Marco touches on the ability to use custom expected conditions and fluent waits for even more control over synchronization. These advanced techniques allow for specifying custom conditions for test progression and adjusting the polling frequency for element detection.

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