Welcome to another session of the Testμ Conference, where Christian talks about the evolution of browser automation and some new automation capabilities. This session looks at what's happened behind the scenes in browser automation over the years and what the future holds for us. We'll look at how web testing is evolving and the challenges it poses for traditional frameworks like Selenium or WebdriverIO, as well as new frameworks like Cypress, Puppeteer, and Playwright. Finally, we will learn to test some of the new web features using the new automation capabilities provided by these frameworks
Christian Bromann is a full-stack engineer passionate about Open Source and Open Standards. A driven individual with the ability to adapt to any situation and the proven potential to grow himself and others. I am a quality-focused engineer with a background in automation technologies and test-driven development.
The free online Testµ (TestMu) conference by LambdaTest talks about trends that matter in the testing ecosystem. It helps software testers and developers get a glimpse into the future of testing. Over 30+ speakers, including community leaders and industry experts, join the event to share their thoughts.