Test Local Websites With UnderPass

Perform localhost testing of your locally hosted website or web application across 3000+ browsers and device combinations.


Trusted by 2M+ users globally

Test Website Locally

Instant LambdaTest Tunnel Activation

Eliminate the need for launching tunnel through CLI. With UnderPass, automatically establish secure tunnels for testing locally-hosted pages in a single click on LambdaTest AI-powered cloud.
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Local Testing
Multiple Tunnel Management

Multiple Tunnel Management

With our improved system infrastructure, users can effortlessly initiate and manage multiple tunnels at once, ensuring seamless testing across different environments without any interruptions.
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LambdaTest UnderPass Tunnel

Test early, debug accurately, and release faster with LambdaTest

UnderPass Tunnel
Test Websites with Private Certificate

Test Websites with Private Certificate

UnderPass supports MITM for sites with self-signed certificates, allowing testing of locally or privately hosted websites within your system or internal network.

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LocalHost Testing Behind Proxy

LocalHost Testing Behind Proxy

Execute Localhost testing for sites behind proxies by specifying PROXY HOST, PORT, USER, and PASSWORD for remote servers, office networks, or local machines.

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Detailed Verbose Logs

Detailed Verbose Logs

Facing an issue with the tunnel launch in UnderPass? Turn on Verbose mode to obtain comprehensive LambdaTest Tunnel logs for seamless troubleshooting.

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Test Using Shared Tunnel

Test Using Shared Tunnel

Eliminate the hassle of creating individual instances for each user in a project. Set up a shared tunnel for the team, allowing users to initiate it with a single click via UnderPass.

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Select Connection Modes

Select Connection Modes

UnderPass automatically selects the optimal connection mode for top testing speeds. It adjusts based on network conditions, ensuring the fastest transfers and an enhanced testing experience.

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Easy Access To Local Directory

Easy Access To Local Directory

Easily adjust the local file path from the UnderPass app with a simple click, offering a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

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Advanced Configurations

For users seeking tailored setups, we offer advanced tunneling configurations catering to fundamental and complex needs, ensuring a flexible and optimized testing environment for all scenarios.
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Advanced Configurations
Streamlined Log Sharing

Streamlined Log Sharing

To simplify the debugging process, we've implemented an easy-to-use log copying mechanism. This allows users to quickly share and analyze logs, enhancing collaboration and speeding up issue resolution.
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Enhanced Login Flexibility

With expanded authentication methods, the UnderPass Tunnel not only supports the conventional email-password approach but also integrates with Google, GitHub, and SSO, ensuring a seamless and secure user experience.
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Enhanced login flexibility

Revamped User Interface

The all-new LambdaTest's UnderPass Tunnel now boasts a refreshed and intuitive design, ensuring users experience smoother navigation and more efficient tunneling operations.
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Customer Success Is Our Success

How LambdaTest is helping Global Enterprises

Trusted by startups, SMBs and big enterprises alike.


By being able to run our Selenium scripts on the legacy and latest browsers on LambdaTest helped us save significant time in test execution with zero hassle to maintain the infra.

Anish Ohri

Head of Testing and Performance Engineering


Increased Browser Coverage

Ready to Get Started?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is UnderPass?
UnderPass is a GUI application that helps you test locally hosted pages or privately hosted projects on 3000+ browsers for desktop and mobile.
How can I test if a website is hosted locally?
You can test your locally hosted pages and privately hosted pages at LambdaTest Selenium Test Automation Platform using LambdaTest UnderPass tunnel app. The LambdaTest UnderPass tunnel allows you to connect your local system with LambdaTest servers via SSH based integration tunnel.
Why you need a local Testing environment?
It will mimic your website and act as real thing. Thus allowing you to test changes to your website without affecting the actual site. This can be useful for testing sites and web apps offline to remove compatibility issues before going live.
How do I enable local testing on cloud?
You can enable a secure way of local testing through our UnderPass tunnel app, navigate to the top right corner of your dashboard, head to configure tunnel & click on the download link.
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Elevate Your Local Page Testing Experience

Experience firsthand how our platform can empower you to reach your Local Page Testing objectives and bring innovation in your testing procedures. Try LambdaTest today.