Join Testµ Online Conf to visit Katalon's booth and meet the team

23 - 25 August , 2022
About Testµ conference

The free online Testµ (TestMu) conference by LambdaTest will talk about trends that matter in the testing landscape and will help testers & developers get a glimpse into the future of testing. Over 30+ speakers including community leaders and leading industry experts will join the event to share their thoughts.

More about the partner

We at Katalon help teams build better software faster with our practical, cohesive, and innovative test tools. Over 100k individuals use our products to write, execute, and analyze tests, and over 10k teams of all sizes use Katalon's platform to organize, orchestrate, and scale their DevOps and test automation.

Katalon provides testing solutions that can help teams of all sizes at different levels of testing maturity. Our set of tools can help small teams start their automation journey and scale all the way up to global enterprises looking to leverage AI/ML to tune and optimize their quality process. Katalon's platform is also open, allowing easy integration to other products and creating flexibility to create custom solutions for each software team.

To learn more about Katalon please visit our website at: