Testμ 2024


WebdriverIO v9 - Browser Automation's Future

Christian Bromann

Christian Bromann

Senior Software Engineer, OutSystems

Sri Harsha

Sri Harsha

Engineering Manager (OSPO), LambdaTest

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About the Session

Join us for an in-depth exploration of WebdriverIO v9, the latest milestone in test automation. This talk will delve into the groundbreaking features and improvements that this release brings, driven by the adoption of the WebDriver Bidi protocol. Learn how WebdriverIO v9 positions itself at the forefront of modern automation capabilities with enhanced command functionalities, cross-browser request mocking, and seamless shadow root piercing for Web Components.

We'll cover significant new features such as the evolved url command, which now supports custom headers, basic authentication, and initialization scripts. Discover the expanded request mocking capabilities now available across all browsers and see how automatic shadow root piercing simplifies testing applications with nested Web Components. The session will also highlight the improved argument serialization and the new setViewport command for precise mobile emulation.

Whether you're a seasoned WebdriverIO user or new to the framework, this talk will provide valuable knowledge to help you leverage the latest advancements in WebdriverIO v9 for your automation projects. Don't miss out on learning about the future direction of WebdriverIO and how it continues to innovate in the testing industry.

About the Speakers

Christian Bromann

Senior Software Engineer at Outsystems working on the Stencil team. W3C Invited Expert in the Browser Testing and Tools Working Group. Cross Project Council member at the OpenJS Foundation representing WebdriverIO. Open Source and Open Standards Advocate.

Sri Harsha

Sri Harsha is a proficient Test Automation Engineer with nearly a decade of meaningful industry experience. His expertise lies in testing applications using JavaScript and contributing to open-source platforms. His commitment and contributions to the tech community have earned him a prestigious role as a committer for significant projects namely, Selenium and WebdriverIO. In addition to his vast contributions, he serves as a valued member on the Technical Leadership Committee at SeleniumHQ. An active contributor to WebdriverIO, Sri Harsha constantly pushes the limits in his field, ensuring his work is at the forefront of innovation within Test Automation Engineering.

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Testµ Conference is a virtual or online-only conference to define the future of testing. Join over 30,000+ software testers, developers, quality assurance experts, industry experts, and thought leaders for 3 days of learning, testing, and networking at Testμ Conference 2024 by LambdaTest.


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(Recordings Available)
