(Recordings Available)
QAcart is your partner in everything related to testing software and hardware. We ensure that companies can confidently launch their apps and programs, guaranteeing top-notch performance. Beyond just testing software, we also teach others how to master this craft, offering training for both individuals and large teams to refine their skills. We've educated over 11,000 students through our online academy. Active in both the Middle East and Europe, QAcart is carving a significant presence in the software testing world. Our collaborations with industry leaders demonstrate our ability to tackle complex projects and achieve outstanding outcomes. Alongside our project successes, we're deeply invested in nurturing future tech talent, guiding thousands towards successful careers in technology.
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Testµ Conference is a virtual or online-only conference to define the future of testing. Join over 30,000+ software testers, developers, quality assurance experts, industry experts, and thought leaders for 3 days of learning, testing, and networking at Testμ Conference 2024 by LambdaTest.