About the Talk
Breaking news! Automation development is software development. Yeah, it’s true. Even if we are using a drag-and-drop or record-and-playback interface to create that automation, somewhere, in the stack, under the hood, or behind the curtain, there is code sequenced by our actions. Yes, even if we are using some sort of AI, it’s still software and we still have various artifacts that are candidates for storage such as prompts, responses, and oracles. We must start treating our automation initiatives as software development initiatives, lest we end up in a quagmire of unsustainability and early project death.
Automation activities that aren’t treated as software activities run the risk of being underestimated, delivered late, and being difficult to maintain; each of these scenarios takes a bite out of our budget. Join Paul Grizzaffi as he explains why automation really is software and the key points of software development that we should keep in mind when creating automation software.
Key Takeaways:
As a Senior Principle Automation Architect at Nerdery, Paul Grizzaffi is following his passion for providing technology solutions to testing, QE, and QA organizations, including automation assessments, implementations, and activities benefiting the broader testing community. An accomplished keynote speaker and writer, Paul has spoken at both local and national conferences and meetings.
He is a member of the Industry Advisory Board of the Advanced Research Center for Software Testing and Quality Assurance (STQA) at UT Dallas where he is a frequent guest lecturer. When not spouting 80s metal lyrics or helping raise his twins, Paul enjoys sharing his experiences and learnings from other testing professionals; his mostly cogent thoughts can be read on his blog
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