Testμ 2024
Gopi Shankar Haridas

Gopi Shankar Haridas

SDET, Direct Line Group

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Using State Machines with Playwright

About the Talk

State machines and state charts are fundamental tools for modeling and understanding the behavior of systems, from simple finite state machines to more complex state charts with hierarchical and concurrent elements.

In this talk, I'll be explaining about State machines and state charts and how to leverage them to use for automation with Playwright. I will introduce the javascript state machine library - XState. I'll explain how to create a state machine, defining your states, transitions, and associated actions with XState. How to use the actions property to specify what should happen when entering or exiting a state and how to integrate Playwright to use XState. Will show the audience a demo on how to write tests with XState and execute the test.

I'll also be explaining the advantages and disadvantages of using State machines in test automation. When and where we could use State machines for test automation and the best practices we could follow here. And share on how to visualize your state machine using xstate-viz tool and the alternative options for other languages.

Key Takeaways:

  • The key takeaway for the audience will be about State Machines and how to leverage State machines for automation with Playwright

About the Speaker

Lead Automation Test Engineer with 10+ years of extensive software industry experience in the design of automation test frameworks, quality standards, and testing processes. I love to architect test automation solutions, analyze testing gaps, propose effective solutions to improve quality, and be the quality enabler of the team.

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Testµ Conference is a virtual or online-only conference to define the future of testing. Join over 30,000+ software testers, developers, quality assurance experts, industry experts, and thought leaders for 3 days of learning, testing, and networking at Testμ Conference 2024 by LambdaTest.


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(Recordings Available)
