Testμ 2024
Filip Hric

Filip Hric

DevRel, Replay.io

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How to start unf**king your tests

About the Talk

Let’s face it, when it comes to testing, “flake” is the real dirty word. As developers, we’ve all experienced what might have been a 3 hour flake-hunt that lead to nowhere. The one that only happens on CI, it’s impossible to reproduce and makes you want to question your life decisions. Many choose to switch tools, only to find themselves facing the same problems all over again.

Things can be different though. Test flakes are not an act of divine intervention. Software is deterministic and so are test flakes. In my presentation, I want to dive into the top causes of test flakes. On live code examples I’ll showcase some of the flake prevention measures. We’ll take a look at Cypress, Playwright and compare their flake-prevention mechanisms. Finally we’ll talk about why we should start discussing about app flakiness, rather than spend all the time on test flakiness.

By the end of this presentation, I hope to inspire you to start unf**king your tests and building stable test suites.

Key Takeaways:

  • What are the common root causes of test flakiness and what separates a good test design from a bad one

About the Speaker

Filip Hric is a DevRel at nobaseurl Replay.io He teaches testers about web development and developers about testing.

Filip is a Cypress.io ambassador, leads a “Learn Cypress.io” community on Discord and he has a blog at filiphric.com where he publishes Cypress.io tips.

He’s an international keynote speaker and leading expert on test automation in Cypress.io. As author and instructor of live Cypress workshop, he has taught hundreds of testers and developers about good practices and advanced concepts for testing in Cypress.

Enjoys running, playing guitar and spending time with his wife and four children.

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Testµ Conference is a virtual or online-only conference to define the future of testing. Join over 30,000+ software testers, developers, quality assurance experts, industry experts, and thought leaders for 3 days of learning, testing, and networking at Testμ Conference 2024 by LambdaTest.


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(Recordings Available)
