Test On Galaxy Z Fold4

Ensure quality web & mobile experience on the latest Samsung Galaxy devices with LambdaTest! Test on 3000+ different browsers, real devices and operating systems.

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Unfold Your Testing Experience on Galaxy Z Fold4

You can fold and unfold the device in the app while it is running, easily mark and share bugs, use dev tools, gain access to device control buttons, and record video of your test sessions to ensure website and app compatibility.
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Testing on Galaxy Z Fold4
Galaxy z fold4 real device testing

Accurate Testing on Galaxy Z Fold4 Real Device

Achieve smooth & quality testing experience by testing and debugging on Galaxy Z Fold4 Real Device. Give yourself an edge over the competition by delivering lightning fast releases which are always ready for latest devices.
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Reliable Testing on Galaxy Z Fold4 Emulator

Maintain compatibility and eliminate cost by testing on Galaxy Z Fold4 Emulator on cloud. Ensure wide test coverage by running test on Samsung Galaxy & other different emulators. LambdaTest helps you ship faster and be at par with the latest devices.
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Galaxy z fold4 Emulator
Automation Testing on Galaxy z fold4

Execute Automation Tests in Parallel on Galaxy Z Fold4

Harness the power of intelligent automation by running the test in parallel with Appium & Espresso, which will also help you streamline your test cycles. Scale your automated testing efforts with precision through video logs, custom test analytics & more.
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LambdaTest Automation Features

Test early, debug accurately, and release faster with LambdaTest

Automation Analytics
Real desktop and mobile browsers

Real desktop and mobile browsers

Test on Selenium Grid cloud with 3000+ real browsers & devices. We have the fastest turnaround time of bringing new OS, Browsers, and Devices online.

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Supports all languages & frameworks

Supports all languages & frameworks

LambdaTest Selenium Grid supports all programming languages and all major test automation frameworks. Check out the documentation to know more.

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Enterprise-ready Tunnel for local testing

Enterprise-ready Tunnel for local testing

Test your locally hosted or privately hosted web apps and webpages through our enterprise-ready LambdaTest tunnel feature. Check out the documentation to learn more.

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End-to-end test execution logs for easy debugging

End-to-end test execution logs for easy debugging

Debug each test run with end-to-end test execution logs. Get complete Selenium execution logs, video logs, network logs, viewport screenshots and much more.

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Out-of-the-box geolocation testing

Out-of-the-box geolocation testing

LambdaTest comes with an out-of-the-box in-built geolocation testing feature that enables you to test on 60+ country locations and regions.

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Detailed analytics and reporting of test runs

Detailed analytics and reporting of test runs

Integrated analytics and reporting feature to help you analyze your test runs and send reports to stakeholders. Never miss out any detail.

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Want to test on Galaxy Z Fold4 Real device online? We can help!

Connect with our experts to explore our real device cloud for your app testing needs. Be 100% sure about your mission critical launches.

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Why LambdaTest for Android Testing

Here’s why LambdaTest is the choice of Automation cloud for 2 Million+ developers & quality analysts

24/7 Support

24/7 Support

Get access to industry leading 24/7 dedicated support

 Zero Test Flakiness

Zero Test Flakiness

Highly reliable and accurate infrastructure that has no flakiness

120+ Integrations

120+ Integrations

Fits seamlessly into your testing stack with out-of-the box integrations

500+ Environments

500+ Environments

Best device coverage across on any cloud grid

Ready to Get Started?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Samsung Galaxy emulator?
Samsung Galaxy emulator is a virtual Samsung environment that allows you to test on Samsung galaxy that isn't available with you physically but by imitating it virtually. You can leverage android emulator to help you test responsiveness of your app on a various mobile devices from a PC through a virtual environment. You won't have to spend on a real Samsung as you can work with a mobile emulator which would resemble the look and feel of your app over actual Samsung.
What are the advantages of using a Samsung Galaxy emulator?
Samsung Galaxy emulator helps you save time and money for your test cycle. You don't have to buy a physical device to test on Samsung Galaxy emulator for mobile web testing or app testing. Plus, emulators save you time as you can instantly access hundreds of devices for websites testing and app testing without having to buy, download or install anything.
Which is better for app testing emulator or real device?
Testing on real devices is better than emulator testing. Testing on a real device gives you the chance to check the app’s functionality, usability, and accuracy in real-world environments. By testing on a real device, you can test things like battery issues, GPS sensors, network connectivity, gestures, etc.
How does LambdaTest help with android app testing?
LambdaTest offers a testing platform on cloud that allows you to test your app on 500+ android smartphone environments. You can choose real device or online emulators. To match you needs of scaling LambdaTtest comes with an online Appium grid. You can leverage it for parallel automation testing of you android apps.