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Web Inspector is Safari’s open-source web development tool to simplify optimizing, prototyping, and debugging web applications for iOS and OS X.
Web Inspector on iPhone is your control panel; Web Inspector gives you quick and simple access to the most comprehensive development tools ever built into a web browser. It makes development on Apple systems more effective by enabling you to analyze every resource and activity on a web page.
To use Web Inspector on iPhone, you first need to enable the Develop menu before using Web Inspector. To do this, turn on the "Show Develop menu in the menu bar" option in the Advanced tab of Safari's options. You can enable the Develop menu in WebKit-based apps by using the command below in your terminal.
defaults write com.bundle.identifier WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true
Launch your program after changing “com.bundle.identifier” to the bundle identification in the above command line for your application. Now, you can control-click or right-click to open Web Inspector from any web view. Contextual menus must also be enabled in your application.
Learn how to request the Desktop Site On iPhone with this Comprehensive Guide and Examples. This guide provides detailed insights and practical examples on how to access the desktop version of a website on your iPhone.
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