Perform automated and live-interactive testing on 3000+ real desktop and mobile devices online.
There are several options for pCloudy however best alternative is LambdaTest for several reasons. LambdaTest is powerful cloud testing platform where you can test your website or application on 3000+ browsers, OS and device combinations.
pCloud supports Selenium, Cypress and Expresso but does not support Cypress, Playwright, Appium. However LambdaTest supports all major modern web automation testing frameworks.
LambdaTest provide test analytics where you can check and track data related to testing and priortize the test cases. pCloudy is not offering this facility.
In terms of performance LambdaTest has HyperExcute which is 70% faster than any existing testing cloud including pCloudy. You can check our page for detail information on best alternative of pCloudy.
Test orchestration and execution cloud of 3000+ browsers and OS
24/7 support
Enterprise grade security
Fastest test execution cloud