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How to use an APK file on an iOS device?

APK files are used on the Android platform, while the iOS operating system uses IPA files. Installing an APK on an iOS device is impossible as both platforms are incompatible. But if you are keen to install APK on iPhone, you can go for either of the options: use jailbreaking process or an APK version of the file, which is specially designed for iOS.

However, the best approach is to use an APK version of the file designed for iOS. Here are the following steps for the same.

  • Download an APK file you want to install in the IPA format.

  • Install Cydia Impactor to sign in to your Apple account to use the IPA file.

  • Connect your iPhone using either a Windows or a macOS.

  • Now launch the Cydia Impactor application.

  • When the app starts, paste the previously downloaded IPA file, which is the iOS equivalent of the APK file you wish to download.

  • Re-sign your Apple ID. Then, tap on the ID to begin the IPA file installation process.

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