Run Selenium PHP Test Online on Browser

LambdaTest's online Selenium Grid allows you to run Selenium PHP testing on a scalable cloud-based infrastructure. Test your PHP applications on LambdaTest’s cloud Selenium Grid of 3000+ environments.

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Run Selenium PHP Test

Selenium PHP Test Automation on Cloud

LambdaTest allows you to run Selenium PHP testing scripts in parallel on a cloud based Selenium Grid. You can run unit testing or end-to-end tests across the latest and legacy versions of any major browser without any hassle.

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Selenium PHP Test Automation on Cloud

Run Selenium PHP Test on Real Browsers

Test on real devices running on real browsers. Run Selenium PHP tests in a cloud based Selenium Grid of top-tier mobile devices, operating systems, and browsers.

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Run Selenium PHP Test on Real Browsers

Debug Selenium PHP Tests Faster

Debug issues faster than ever with LambdaTest through detailed logs generated for each Selenium PHP test runs. Logs include raw Selenium logs, exception logs, network logs, command logs, and an entire video log taken on a real devices hosted on cloud-based infrastructure.

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Debug Selenium PHP Tests Faster

Automate Accessibility Testing Effortlessly

Ensure web accessibility and achieve compliance with automated tests using LambdaTest Accessibility Automation.

Automate Accessibility Testing

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Step-by-step documentation for various test automation frameworks to help you run your first Selenium script.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can Selenium be used for PHP?
Selenium supports multiple programming language including major ones such as PHP, Java, JavaScript, C#, Ruby, Python etc. to help automate browser interactions with Selenium PHP testing on any major browser.
What is Codeception Selenium?
Codeception is an automated testing framework for acceptance, functional, and unit testing with PHP programming language. Codeception is also compatible with Selenium, meaning you can run Codeception scripts with Selenium WebDriver to execute automated browser testing across all major browsers and browser versions.
What is PHP testing?
You can perform automation testing with PHP programming language. There are a some popular testing frameworks for PHP testing, these include: PHPUnit, Codeception, Behat and more. You can use Selenium with PHP to automate browser testing on any browser.
How can I automate Selenium PHP testing using LambdaTest?
Perform Selenium PHP Testing with the LambdaTest cloud-based Selenium Grid. You only need to do minor tweaks in your existing Selenium PHP script. These include defining test environments using desired capabilities or browseroptions, secondly you will need to authenticate your local system to LambdaTest cloud based Selenium Grid with the LambdaTest access key and username in your remote webdriver URL. Refer to Selenium PHP support document for step by step guide.