Execute Selenium Golang test scripts on different browser versions with a scalable, secure and cloud-based Selenium Grid. Run parallel testing and trim down build execution time significantly.
Trusted by 2M+ users globally
With LambdaTest, you can trigger Selenium Golang test scripts in parallel on a cloud-based Selenium Grid of real desktop and mobile devices with pre-installed real browsers including different browser versions.
Get Started For FreeExecute Selenium Golang tests on real devices running real browsers with LambdaTest's secure, scalable, cloud-based Selenium Grid of 3000+ browsers and operating systems versions.
Get Started For FreeHyperExecute runs tests upto 70% faster than any cloud grid, giving developers fast feedback on their test runs, so they can get it right the first time.
Get Started For FreeDebug issues in no time with detailed logs generated for each Selenium Golang test executed on LambdaTest Grid. You can deep dive into raw Selenium logs, exception logs, network logs, command logs, and an entire video log taken on a real browser machine.
Get Started For FreeEnsure web accessibility and achieve compliance with automated tests using LambdaTest Accessibility Automation.
Get access to industry leading 24/7 dedicated support
Perform faster local testing with UnderPass app, built for secure tunnels
Fits seamlessly into your testing stack with out-of-the box integrations
Use native DevTools to debug and optimize your apps effortlessly
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Thank you for providing free open source license to run the web and mobile tests of our open source projects for free on Lambdatest platform.
World's leading companies trust LambdaTest with their digital transformation journey. All Customer Stories
flaky tests
reduction in test execution time
HyperExecute is a highly reliable test execution platform and has excellent customer support.
Sagar Uday Kumar
Sr. Engineering Manager
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Step-by-step documentation for various test automation frameworks to help you run your first Selenium script.
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