Accelerate your development cycle by running Mocha scripts online with LambdaTest cloud selenium grid.
Trusted by 2M+ users globally
Get instant access to real Desktop and Mobile devices. Say No to Emulators and Simulators! Find bugs earlier by testing your websites and web apps on a wide range of real Android and iOS devices. Ensure a seamless user experience and timely delivery on every release.
Get Started For FreeReduce your test execution time with parallel testing using the Mocha framework. Increase your test coverage with LambdaTest online Selenium grid and execute Mocha tests in parallel on 3000+ browsers.
Get Started For FreeInstant access to test your website in 170+ different countries with LambdaTest cloud Selenium grid. Run geolocation tests using Mocha test scripts and assure seamless experience for users across the globe.
Get Started For FreeRun Mocha test scripts on a cloud Selenium grid that is faster and available 24/7. Deploy quality builds using LambdaTest Infrastructure to run your automated Mocha tests and refine your testing lifecycle.
Get Started For FreeGet access to detailed statistics of total tests run, error rates, test coverage and many more metrics along with Timeline charts and Automation logs. Evaluate your test automation performance using LambdaTest.
Get Started For FreeEnsure web accessibility and achieve compliance with automated tests using LambdaTest Accessibility Automation.
World's leading companies trust LambdaTest with their digital transformation journey. All Customer Stories
flaky tests
reduction in test execution time
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Sr. Engineering Manager
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Thank you for providing free open source license to run the web and mobile tests of our open source projects for free on Lambdatest platform.