Effortlessly run your Playwright test scripts across 50 browser and OS combinations using the LambdaTest cloud. Leverage parallel Playwright testing to significantly reduce your test execution time.
Trusted by 2M+ users globally
LambdaTest's Playwright tool seamlessly runs tests on the cloud, leveraging hardware designed for scalability. Execute tests across 50+ browsers and browser versions, covering Chrome, Chromium, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Webkit.
Get Started For FreeThe LambdaTest platform offers engineers the capability to run parallel Playtests across a wide range of 50+ browser and OS configurations, leading to reduction in QA turnaround time.
Get Started For FreeOvercome the challenges of flaky tests and unexpected failures with Auto Healing. Experience your test suite's enhanced robustness and reliability as it automatically recovers from certain failures, eliminating the need for manual intervention.
Get Started For FreeWith LambdaTest Test Analytics suite, gain real-time visibility into your testing efforts to swiftly detect bottlenecks and significant issues. Utilize Test Analytics to identify areas for improvement, enabling faster release of better software and build brand confidence along the way.
Get Started For FreeThe HyperExecute platform executes tests up to 70% faster than any cloud-based test execution grid. The platform automates your tests and executes them quickly so you can focus on the test cases themselves.
Here's why LambdaTest is the right Playwright test automation cloud for enterprises, SMBs, and startups alike
Get access to industry-leading 24/7 dedicated support.
Highly reliable and accurate infrastructure that has no flakiness.
Fits seamlessly into your testing stack with out-of-the box integrations.
Best cross browser coverage across any cloud grid.
Plan, author, and evolve end-to-end tests using natural language.More about KaneAI
Connect to dozens of applications to test directly with LambdaTest. Explore all Integrations
World's leading companies trust LambdaTest with their digital transformation journey. All Customer Stories
flaky tests
reduction in test execution time
HyperExecute is a highly reliable test execution platform and has excellent customer support.
Sagar Uday Kumar
Sr. Engineering Manager
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Step-by-step documentation for various test automation frameworks to help you run your first Selenium script.
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Helping you build trust with your customers is important to us.
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LambdaTest is #1 choice for SMBs and Enterprises across the globe.
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24/7 support
Got questions? Throw them to our 24/7 in-app customer chat support or email us on support@lambdatest.com.
Trusted by over 2,000,000 teams
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Thank you for providing free open source license to run the web and mobile tests of our open source projects for free on Lambdatest platform.
Experience firsthand how our platform can empower you to reach your Playwright testing objectives and bring innovation in your testing procedures. Try LambdaTest today.