Run Playwright E2E Testing Online

Accelerate Playwright E2E testing on LambdaTest Cloud. Run scripts on various browsers and OS combinations simultaneously to reduce execution time.

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Run Playwright E2E Testing Online

Run Playwright E2E Tests Across Various Browsers

Conduct Playwright E2E tests effortlessly on our scalable cloud infrastructure. Explore compatibility across 3000+ browsers, including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and WebKit.

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Run Playwright E2E Tests Across Various Browsers

Boost Playwright E2E Testing Speed by By 50X

Accelerate QA feedback and release velocity by running Playwright E2E tests concurrently across 3,000+ browsers and OS configurations on LambdaTest Cloud.

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Boost Playwright E2E Testing Speed by By 50X

Employ LambdaTest SmartWait for Assured Testing

Utilize the SmartWait Algorithm for precise actionability checks, minimizing false positives. Enhance automation, streamline testing, and achieve superior software quality with Playwright E2E testing.

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Employ LambdaTest SmartWait for Assured Testing

Enhance Test Reliability with Auto-Healing

Enhance your Playwright E2E tests with Auto Healing. Make your test suite more robust and reliable by automatically recovering from certain failures without manual intervention.

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Enhance Test Reliability with Auto-Healing

HyperExecute - Our Fastest Test Execution Platform

A next-generation test execution platform that provides agile QA teams with cost and speed advantages similar to cloud-based spot instances.











Why LambdaTest for Playwright E2E Testing

Here's why LambdaTest is the right Playwright test automation cloud for enterprises, SMBs, and startups alike

24/7 Support

24/7 Support

Get access to industry-leading 24/7 dedicated support.

 Zero Test Flakiness

Zero Test Flakiness

Highly reliable and accurate infrastructure that has no flakiness.

120+ Integrations

120+ Integrations

Fits seamlessly into your testing stack with out-of-the box integrations.

50+ environments

50+ environments

Best cross browser coverage across any cloud grid.

Our Core Products

Plan, author, and evolve end-to-end tests using natural language.More about KaneAI ArrowArrow


Seamless Collaboration via Integration

Connect to dozens of applications to test directly with LambdaTest. Explore all IntegrationsArrowArrow

Airtable Integration With LambdaTest
Applitools Integration With LambdaTest
Asana Integration With LambdaTest
Azure Pipeline Integration With LambdaTest
Bamboo Integration With LambdaTest
Bitbucket Integration With LambdaTest
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CircleCI Integration With LambdaTest
Clickup Integration With LambdaTest
Datadog Integration With LambdaTest
GitHub Integration With LambdaTest
GitLab Integration With LambdaTest
Jira Integration With LambdaTest
Airtable Integration With LambdaTest
Applitools Integration With LambdaTest
Asana Integration With LambdaTest
Azure Pipeline Integration With LambdaTest
Bamboo Integration With LambdaTest
Bitbucket Integration With LambdaTest
Bugasura Integration With LambdaTest
CircleCI Integration With LambdaTest
Clickup Integration With LambdaTest
Datadog Integration With LambdaTest
GitHub Integration With LambdaTest
GitLab Integration With LambdaTest
Jira Integration With LambdaTest
Airtable Integration With LambdaTest
Applitools Integration With LambdaTest
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Azure Pipeline Integration With LambdaTest
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Bitbucket Integration With LambdaTest
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Bugasura Integration With LambdaTest
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ZipBoard Integration With LambdaTest
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Paymo Integration With LambdaTest
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TeamCity Integration With LambdaTest
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ZipBoard Integration With LambdaTest
K6 Integration With LambdaTest
Leapwork Integration With LambdaTest
Mattermost Integration With LambdaTest
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Paymo Integration With LambdaTest
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Trello Integration With LambdaTest
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YouTrack Integration With LambdaTest
ZipBoard Integration With LambdaTest

Customer Success Stories

World's leading companies trust LambdaTest with their digital transformation journey. All Customer StoriesArrowArrow


flaky tests


reduction in test execution time


HyperExecute is a highly reliable test execution platform and has excellent customer support.

Sagar Uday Kumar

Sr. Engineering Manager

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More Reasons to Love LambdaTest


Step-by-step documentation for various test automation frameworks to help you run your first Selenium script.

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Enterprise Grade Security

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Wall of Fame

LambdaTest is #1 choice for SMBs and Enterprises across the globe.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Playwright E2E Testing?
Playwright E2E testing is a framework for automating end-to-end testing of web applications. It allows developers to simulate user interactions and verify the functionality of web pages across different browsers and devices.
Is Selenium better than Playwright?
It depends on your project. Playwright is a NodeJS-based Web application testing framework with headless architecture. Playwright is preferred for efficient headless testing of web applications or websites. Selenium is a web-UI testing library used for testing web applications by automating browser interactions. Selenium offers you a wider test coverage as it supports every major browser, also Selenium is compatible across major programming languages and is not just restricted to JavaScript, like Playwright.
What is the difference between Cypress and Playwright E2E testing?
Cypress and Playwright are both E2E testing tools, but they differ in their approach. Cypress focuses on a simple API for testing in modern web applications, while Playwright is a more comprehensive tool that supports multiple browsers and provides programmatic access to browser features.
How can I run Playwright tests in parallel using LambdaTest?
Visit LambdaTest documentation to get started with Playwright Testing. Learn how to run Playwright tests in parallel with a step by step guide.
What are the benefits of Playwright Testing on LambdaTest?
LambdaTest is the most fastest platform to help you execute Playwright tests at scale faster with its robust, reliable & secure cloud grid. You can trigger Playwright tests instantly on 50+ browser versions (more to come) and moreover get features that aid you to execute tests and deploy faster.
What browser and OS versions does Playwright on Automate support?
LambdaTest makes testing across browsers a breeze. Run Playwright tests in parallel (across 50+ browsers and OS configurations) to further cut down on test execution time. Not only this, reduce feedback time and get your product out faster with LambdaTest.
How many Playwright tests can I run parallely?
LambdaTest allows its users to run as many parallel tests you want at scale. However the freemium version allows users to run 5 parallel tests for the duration of their trial. If you have any questions about this please contact us at:
Does Playwright on LambdaTest support tests on real mobile devices?
Playwright is not currently able to test on real mobile devices.
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