CODING JAG - Issue 111

Welcome to the 111th edition of Coding Jag brought to you by LambdaTest!👐

Testing and development have always been intertwined since testers and developers started working together. While both of these positions aim to provide a quality product, their way of thinking differentiates them.

A persistent conundrum for organizations is the ideal tester-to-developer ratio when it comes to quality assurance.

How would you answer this question if there was no right answer?

This issue of Coding Jag addresses the long-standing issue of the right ratio of developers to testers.


Are Agile Self-Managing Teams Realistic with Layered Management?

...5 min

Here's a guide that discusses the reality of using self-managed Agile teams when a business incorporates multiple management layers.

5 Testing Practices you should have in your CI / CD Pipeline

...5 min

Use these 5 testing practices in your CI/CD pipeline to prevent bugs in your apps and avoid losing millions of dollars.

What’s the right ratio of developers to testers?

...5 min

Is there a correct answer to this question? Discover the answer to a question focused on a false belief there is a right ratio in staffing levels across the industry.

How to Maximize the Need for Testers

...5 min

In this blog, Maaret Pyhäjärvi lists out things to avoid to make testing more straight-forward. She points out that, in a world set up for failing in the usual ways, we need to put special attention to do the right thing.

How I Think Quality Engineering, Glue Work And Quiet Quitting Are Related!

...5 min

Read through this article to learn the basics of Quality engineering, glue work, and quiet quitting. How are they interlinked?


Why SaaS Products Should Conduct Thorough Performance Testing

...4 min

Explore the importance of performance testing and how it helps build a reliable SaaS that's not only robust but also stable and trustworthy.

Load testing using k6 by Grafana Labs

...4 min

Dive into this brief guide on how to run some of the most basic load tests using locally and via k6 Cloud.


How To Handle Multiple Windows In Selenium Python

...7 min

This Selenium Python tutorial delves into the the basics of browser windows and how to handle multiple windows in Selenium Python.

Behaviour Driven Development starts with collaboration, not automation

...9 min

Overcome the common misconceptions of BDD to provide features of high quality, increase ROI, and decrease defects and cycle time.

Use Selenium Wait for Page to Load With Python [Tutorial]

...9 min

Deep dive into this tutorial on Python Selenium wait and find out why there is a e need for using Selenium wait for the page to load and its implementation in Python.

What test cases should be automated (and which shouldn’t)

...9 min

In this article you can expect a some valuable advice on how to decide which test scenarios you should consider automating.


Product of the week: Merge 2.0

...8 min

Merge is a Unified API to add hundreds of integrations in your SaaS app. You can integrate up to five customers without paying a cent. Check it out!

Lean contract testing with Chakram

...10 min

Diogo Nunes explains why they chose Chakram over Pact and Postman to implement their contract tests.


Video: Tests That Help you Find Defects Faster


Check out this video which explores common mistakes that people make when writing tests. It also delves four different scenarios to demonstrate it and covers some actionable suggestions on how to improve tests.

Webinar Recording: Building Selenium

...29 min

Let’s have a quick recap of this online webinar, where Simon and Manoj reminisce about e Selenium project, and what to expect in the coming days.

Podcast: Salesforce Testing Best Practices

...29 min

Tune in as the hosts cover the best practices for Salesforce testing, including unit testing, selecting the appropriate testing tools, using an agile approach, hiring the appropriate testers, and more!


Event: CAST 2022


Be a part of this year's CAST held on November 7th and 8th in San Diego, California for a two-day conference packed with tutorials and workshops, where practice and being hands-on is the key.