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Fast, scalable, reliable and secure test orchestration and execution platform at the right price.
LambdaTest guarantees top-notch security.
We have a better alternate testing solution for you.
Features | | Mabl |
Selenium | ||
Cypress | ||
Playwright | ||
Puppeteer | ||
Appium | ||
Taiko | ||
Customizable Test Environments | ||
Analytics and Test Intelligence | ||
Cross Browser Testing | 3000+ Browsers and OS | Limited Browser Support |
Real Device Web and App Automation | ||
Performance | 50% faster (Traditional Selenium Grid) & 70% faster(HyperExecute) | |
Test Orchestration | ||
Subscription Management | Easy Change of Plans | Limited |
Integrations | 120 | 15 |
24/7 Support | ||
Dedicated CSM | Only on Enterprise | |
Community | ||
Certifications | ||
Visual Testing | ||
Start Free Testing |
Experience lightning-fast test execution Cloud of 3000+ browsers that
is up to 70% faster than any traditional Selenium Grid cloud.
2 Million+
Along with 3000+ browsers and devices combinations to test we provide you additional features to make sure you give your users a perfect experience.
LambdaTest gives you access to more than 3000 combinations of browsers, operating systems, and real devices so you can ensure the best customer experience!
LambdaTest's users can access in-depth reports on their test runs, browser coverage, execution logs and videos.
We are a SOC2, GDPR, and CCPA compliant platform. Over 2 Million+ users, 500+ enterprises and 130+ countries rely on us to quickly deploy tests across the globe.
Test Early, debug accurately, and release faster with LambdaTest
Real Desktop & Mobile Devices
Testing on LambdaTest ensures a seamless experience by testing against 3000+ real browsers running on real desktop and mobile devices.
Supports all Test Frameworks
LambdaTest Selenium Grid allows you to test on multiple machines, using any automation framework. We provide step-by-step instructions to help you get started and run your first Selenium test on LambdaTest Grid.
Enterprise- ready Tunnel
LambdaTests enterprise-ready tunnel feature allows you to test your locally hosted web apps in an identical environment, ensuring no compatibility issues before the launch.
End to end test execution logs
Debug test runs with end-to-end test execution logs. Get complete Selenium logs, video logs, network logs, viewport screenshots and more.
In-built Geolocation Testing
LambdaTests in-built geo-location testing feature allows you to select from 60+ countries for your testing needs.
Analytics and Reporting
Our Integrated analytics and reporting feature allows you to analyze your test runs, send reports to stakeholders, and get a better understanding of your results.
Trusted by startups, SMBs and big enterprises alike.
By being able to run our Selenium scripts on the legacy and latest browsers on LambdaTest helped us save significant time in test execution with zero hassle to maintain the infra.
Anish Ohri
Head of Testing and Performance Engineering
By using LambdaTest, the team was able to execute up to 200 tests concurrently through parallel testing. Test suites that used to take 60 minutes now take not more than 5 minutes.
Lovleen Bhatia
Co-Founder & CEO
Using LambdaTest cross browser automation on the cloud has allowed Emburse to reduce test execution time up to 20% and achieve better code quality.
Alan Harwood
Senior Manager, Engineering
LambdaTest has reduced the time taken to reproduce and debug the problem. It has helped us identify browser specific problems and increase developer feedback time by 400% and increase efficiency by 100%.
David Seel
Team Lead (Software Engineering)
With LambdaTest, we were able to increase our test coverage by 70% and reduced our test execution time from average 1 minute per test to 20 seconds, a 66% reduction in test execution time.
Matt Rench
Principal Automation Engineer
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