Test your websites and apps on 5000+ real Android and iOS devices. Eliminate the need of internal device labs, reduce costs, and ensure responsiveness, reliability, and compatibility.
Globally Secured
Instantly test 5000+ real Android/iOS devices. No waitlists. Covers OS versions, device models, form factors. Supports interactive & automated testing with sensors and network.
Get StartedUse faster DevTools to debug mobile apps across multiple devices with different screen sizes
Ensure seamless user experience by checking your app's responsiveness on various network profiles, such as 3G, 4G, 5G etc
Install multiple apps in one session and easily upload .aab, .apk, .ipa files, or install directly from the Play Store/App Store
Ensure your app supports multiple locales to provide a seamless user experience for diverse language and regional settings
Test your website or mobile app from different geoIPs to make sure your users get the perfect experience across all locations
Test biometric authentication in your app with our Beta - Secure and streamline user verification
Run high volumes of tests with your favorite Automation Framework eg. Appium, XCUITest, Espresso and more. Integrate directly with popular CI/CD tools and deploy faster then ever.
Get Started NowDebug native apps using advanced UI inspection capabilities to quickly fix app issues related to layout, functionality, and responsiveness.
World's leading companies trust LambdaTest with their digital transformation journey.
Faster Test Execution
Top-Notch Customer Support
LambdaTest helped us achieve faster time-to-market and enhanced CX.
Daniel de Bruijn
Quality Assurance Automation Engineer
Get access to industry leading 24/7 dedicated support
Perform faster local testing with UnderPass app, built for secure tunnels
Fits seamlessly into your testing stack with out-of-the box integrations
Use native DevTools to debug and optimize your apps effortlessly