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This exhaustive list of TestNG interview questions will aid you in strengthening your position as a candidate for the TestNG interview.
With 1.8k stars, 970+ forks, and 391k users on GitHub,TestNG is a popular testing framework for Java applications that are designed to simplify testing and provide advanced test automation features. Are you preparing for a job interview for a TestNG automation tester? Then this questionnaire of most asked TestNG interview questions is for you.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced automation tester, this TestNG questionnaire will help you prepare for your next TestNG interview by providing you with the knowledge and confidence to answer any TestNG-related question.
TestNG Interview Questions Sheet
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Inspired by JUnit, TestNG was created by Cedric Beust in 2004. TestNG is a free and open-source Java test automation framework. It is based on the same principles as JUnit and NUnit. TestNG's advanced and useful features make it a more robust framework than its competitors. Such as annotations being easier to use, HTML reports for implementations, and enabling you to group test cases.
TestNG's NG stands for 'Next Generation.' It was developed by Cedric Beust and is increasingly utilized by developers and testers in test case generation due to the ease of use of numerous annotations, grouping, dependence, priority, and parametrization capabilities.
We have a whole dedicated learning hub where you will get A to Z information about the TestNG testing framework with best practices.
Method 1:
In the first method, you run TestNG scripts from the command line by specifying the TestNG JAR file and the path to your test class file in the java command. Here is the code snippet for a better understanding
java -cp testng.jar:path/to/your/test/class com.testng.TestClass
Replace testng.jar with the name of the TestNG JAR file, path/to/your/test/class with the path to the file containing your test class, and com.testng.TestClass with the fully qualified name of your test class.
Method 2:
Another method to run the TestNG script is as shown below:
TestNG is built on the same foundation as JUnit and NUnit. TestNG is a more robust framework than its competitors due to its advanced and valuable capabilities. Some of the major benefits of TestNG include:
The major difference between the TestNG test and the TestNG test suite is aTestNG test is a single Java class with one or more test methods annotated with the @Test annotation. In contrast, a TestNG test suite is an XML file that contains one or more TestNG test definitions.
Here is some other difference between TestNG and TestNG test suites:
TestNG is one of the leading automation testing frameworks, and it has several advantages over JUnit. Here is a list of advantages that TestNG has over JUnit:
Also, if you are curious about the difference between JUnit and TestNG, check out our blog on TestNG vs. JUnit.
TestNG is a Selenium test automation testing framework that provides a flexible and powerful way to write and organize test cases. It is a powerful tool for test automation because it includes features such as parallel test execution, test dependency management, flexible test configuration, data-driven testing, and comprehensive reporting.
The following are the basic steps involved in creating a TestNG test:
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Suite: The highest level of organization in TestNG is a suite. It is a set of one or more tests that can be run concurrently. A suite may include several tests, configurations, and other elements such as listeners, parameters, and groups.
Test: A test is a collection of related test cases that can be executed concurrently. A test may contain one or more classes and various parameters and configurations.
Class: A class is a Java class that contains one or more test methods. Test methods are marked with @Test and run as part of a test. Other methods for setting up or tearing down the test environment can also be found in a class.
We can control the order of method execution in TestNG by using various attributes and annotations. Here are some examples of how to execute methods or test cases in a specific order:
The following is the correct order to run the TestNG suite from the XML file:
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="MyTestSuite">
<!-- Add listeners here -->
<test name="TestNG QnA">
<parameter name="param1" value="value1" />
<class name="com.example.tests.MyTestClass">
<include name="testMethod1" />
<exclude name="testMethod2" />
<include name="group1" />
<group name="group2" />
<parameter name="param2" value="value2" />
<package name="com.example.tests.*" />
<!-- Add method selector here -->
<!-- Add other TestNG XML files here -->
Please remember that this is just an example, and the actual tags used may vary depending on your project's specific testing requirements and configurations.
The XML file is used in TestNG to configure and customize the test execution process. It contains a number of elements and attributes that define the suite, test cases, test methods, groups, listeners, and other settings that govern how the tests are run.
Here are some reasons why we should create an XML file in TestNG:
Here's an example of code that shows how to use the XML file to pass values 1 and 2 to the parameters "val1" and "val2":
// TestNG XML file
<suite name="MyTestSuite">
<test name="MyTest">
<parameter name="val1" value="1" />
<parameter name="val2" value="2" />
<class name="com.example.MyTestClass" />
// Java code
public class MyTestClass {
public void testMethod(@Parameter("val1") int val1, @Parameter("val2") int val2) {
// Test code goes here
The "<parameter>" tag is used in this example to specify the values for the "val1" and "val2" parameters in the TestNG XML file. The Java code then declares these parameters with the "@Parameter" annotation and passes their values to the "testMethod()" method.
Here is the correct order for testng.xml tags.
TestNG supports groups of regular expressions, which might be useful for selecting a subset of tests based on a given pattern.
Here's an example of a TestNG XML file that groups test using regular expressions:
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Example Test Suite">
<test name="Example Test">
<include name=".*smoke.*"/>
<class name="com.example.tests.Test1"/>
<class name="com.example.tests.Test2"/>
<class name="com.example.tests.Test3"/>
The regular phrase ".smoke." is used in this example to pick tests with the term "smoke" in their group name. The include tag specifies the regular expression, and the run tag specifies that only tests that match the regular expression should be executed.
This TestNG XML file will run all tests in the classes com.example.tests.Test1, com.example.tests.Test2, and com.example.tests.Test3 if they are part of a group that fits the regular expression ".smoke."
The preserve-order attribute in the TestNG XML file specifies whether the test methods in a test class should be executed in the order defined in the Java code. If the preserve-order property is set to true, TestNG will keep the order of test methods as defined in the Java code. TestNG may run the test methods in any order if preserve-order="false."
Add the TestNG dependency to your Maven pom.xml file, create a TestNG XML file and add your test classes and configurations, add the maven-surefire-plugin to the build section of your pom.xml file, and run your Maven tests using the test command to integrate TestNG XML with Maven.
You can use the below example as a reference to add the maven-surefire-plugin to the build section of your Maven pom.xml file and specify the TestNG XML file to use.
Don't miss our comprehensive guide on the top Maven testing interview questions to boost your preparation.
You can use the parameter tag within the test tag to pass parameters in the test case via the TestNG XML file. First, You need to specify the parameter name and value within the tag. These parameters can be accessed in the test case by using the @Parameters annotation in the method signature, as shown below:
@Parameters({"username", "password"})
public void myTestMethod(String username, String password) {
//test method code
The myTestMethod method in the preceding example is annotated with the @Parameters annotation, which specifies the parameter names username and password. The method code then uses these parameters to run the test.
Here is an example of an XML file in TestNG
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="MyTestSuite">
<test name="MyTest">
<class name="com.example.MyTestClass"/>
You should check out our blog on how to create TestNG XML file to get a better insight.
You can use the <test> tags include the attribute. Here is an example of code that shows how to write a regular expression in a TestNG XML file:
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
<suite name="MyTestSuite" verbose="1">
<test name="MyTest" >
<class name="com.example.MyTestClass" />
<include name=".*smoke.*"/>
Annotations in TestNG are used to specify the behavior of test methods. The annotations are carried out in a specific order and hierarchy. The following are the types of annotations used in TestNG in the execution sequence/hierarchy:
Before Suite
Before Test
Before Class
Before Method
Test 1
After Method
Before Method
Test 2
After Method
After Class
After Test
After Suite
Here is an example that includes all annotations:
public class MyTest {
public void beforeSuite() {
System.out.println("Before Suite");
public void beforeTest() {
System.out.println("Before Test");
public void beforeClass() {
System.out.println("Before Class");
public void beforeMethod() {
System.out.println("Before Method");
public void test1() {
System.out.println("Test 1");
public void test2() {
System.out.println("Test 2");
public void afterMethod() {
System.out.println("After Method");
public void afterClass() {
System.out.println("After Class");
public void afterTest() {
System.out.println("After Test");
public void afterSuite() {
System.out.println("After Suite");
Precondition Annotations: These annotations are executed before the test. It is made up of the following annotations:
Test Annotations: These annotations are defined just before the test methods. It also includes the following annotations:
Postcondition Annotations: These annotations are executed after the test methods. It also includes the annotations listed below:
Meta-Annotations: These annotations are used in TestNG to create custom annotations. They provide additional test metadata, such as how the test should be grouped, what data should be used for the test, and which groups should be excluded from the test.
In TestNG, the @Factory annotation is used to create test instances at runtime. It enables you to generate test classes or instances dynamically based on runtime conditions or parameters.
You can use the @Factory annotation to create multiple instances of the same test class with different data sets or parameters and run them in parallel to improve test execution speed. Here is an example of @factory annotations
public static Object[] createInstances() {
Object[] result = new Object[3];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
result[i] = new MyTest(i);
return result;
The @Factory annotation is used to create multiple instances of the same test class, each with a different set of input parameters or configurations. This is useful when running the same test with different data sets or configurations or when running tests in parallel to save time during testing.
Meanwhile, @DataProvider annotation supply test data to a test method. It allows you to separate the test data from the test logic, making your test code easier to maintain and reuse. @DataProvider can be used to provide test data from a variety of sources, including arrays, Excel sheets, databases, and external files.
In TestNG, the @Listener annotation is used to define listeners, which are classes that listen to events that occur during the execution of a TestNG test. Listeners can be used to customize or enhance TestNG's behavior by adding extra functionality such as logging, reporting, or customizing the test execution flow.
You can specify one or more listener classes to be invoked during test execution by using the @Listener annotation. This enables you to extend and customize TestNG's behavior to meet your specific testing requirements.
The annotations are executed in the following order in TestNG:
The following is an exhaustive list of the attributes supported by the @Test annotation in TestNG:
The alwaysRun attribute ensures that a test method is always executed, regardless of whether a dependent method fails or is skipped.
In Data-driven testing, we use the dataProvider attribute of the @Test annotation in TestNG to provide data to a test method.
The dependsOnMethods attribute in TestNG is used to specify a test method's dependency on one or more other test methods. This property allows us to ensure that certain test methods are run in the correct order.
When one test method is dependent on another, TestNG will not run the dependent method until all of its dependencies have passed successfully. The dependent method will be skipped if any of the dependencies fail or are skipped.
The dependsOnGroups attribute in TestNG is used to specify a test method's dependency on one or more groups of test methods. This property allows us to ensure that certain groups of test methods are executed in the correct order.
When a test method is dependent on a group of test methods, TestNG will not execute the dependent method until all of the test methods in the specified group have successfully passed. If any of the group's test methods fail or are skipped, the dependent method will also be skipped.
The @BeforeTest annotation is used to run the setup code before running all of the test methods in the <test> tag of a TestNG XML file. The @BeforeMethod annotation, on the other hand, is used to run the setup code before each individual test method in a class.
Using the @Test annotation's dependsOnMethods attribute, we can make test cases dependent on one another in TestNG. This attribute allows us to specify which test methods must be run before a specific test method can be executed.
After all of the test methods have been completed, TestNG generates several reports by default. Such as:
Apart from these, the TestNG Listener API allows you to create custom reports. Custom listeners can be created by developers to generate reports in a variety of formats, including JSON, PDF, and CSV.
TestNG provides several methods for producing test result reports. Here are some common methods for generating reports for TestNG results:
The emailable report is generated by default in the TestNG project's output directory, in the folder named "test-output." The emailable report's filename is "emailable-report.html."
So, for a TestNG project, the full path to the emailable report would look something like this:
The index.html report is one of TestNG's default reports, providing an overview of the test results as well as links to other reports such as the emailable report, testng-results.xml, and testng-failed.xml.
The index.html report is generated by default in the TestNG project's output directory under the folder named "test-output." The index.html report's filename is "index.html."
It should be noted that the output directory can be specified in the TestNG XML file by using the "outputDirectory" attribute of the "suite" element.
The TestNG Reporter class is a built-in class for logging messages during test execution. Follow these steps to use the Reporter class for log generation:
import org.testng.Reporter;
Reporter.log("Log message");
<suite name="My Test Suite" verbose="1"></suite>
When the verbose output option is enabled, the Reporter class logs are displayed in the console and included in TestNG reports.
In TestNG, you must use a combination of listeners, reporters, and frameworks to generate a customized report. You can take the following steps:
You can distribute the project report generated by TestNG in the following ways:
TestNG groups enable you to categorize your tests and control their execution based on these categories. By grouping your tests, you can easily select which to run and which to skip based on the group to which they belong.
Groups have several advantages, such as:
Check out our blog on the same, If you want to learn step-by-step how to Group test cases in TestNG.
The process of categorizing test methods into logical groups based on their functionality or purpose is referred to as grouping in TestNG. We can execute a subset of test methods or all test methods in a group by grouping. We can define groups at several levels, including class, package, and suite.
Groups are a collection of multiple test case methods that have been combined into a single unit. We can operate directly on the group by grouping, which will reflect on all of the test case methods under it. Furthermore, in TestNG, we can define a group of groups as a larger unit of test methods.
The exclusion a group in TestNG indicates that this group will not run throughout the execution and will be ignored by TestNG. Furthermore, the name of the group to be excluded is defined in the XML file using the following syntax:
<exclude name = "TestNG testing">
You can make a group of groups in TestNG by including one or more groups as dependencies on another group. The following are the steps for creating a group of groups in TestNG:
@Test(groups = {"group1"})
public void testMethod1() {
// test code
@Test(groups = {"group2"})
public void testMethod2() {
// test code
@Test(groups = {"group3"})
public void testMethod3() {
// test code
@Test(groups = {"groupOfGroups"}, dependsOnGroups = {"group1", "group2", "group3"})
public void testGroupOfGroups() {
// test code
In the preceding example, the testGroupOfGroups method is a member of the groupOfGroups group and is dependent on the groups group1, group2, and group3.
You can design complicated test hierarchies by using group dependencies, which allow you to run tests in a certain order and ensure that all dependent tests pass before running a given test.
With the @Test annotation's groups feature, you can organize many test methods into a single group in TestNG. Here's how to use TestNG to group many test methods into a single group:
@Test(groups = {"GroupName"})
With the @Test annotation's groups feature, you can group multiple test methods into multiple groups in TestNG.
To divide a test method into numerous groups, use the groups attribute to give a comma-separated list of group names. As an example:
@Test(groups = {"Science", "Maths"})
public void college() {
// test code
The college method is included in both Science and Maths in the preceding example. Similarly, you can organize numerous test methods into several groups by using the groups attribute to define the same group names for each method.
The priority attribute of the @Test annotation in TestNG allows you to group multiple test methods with different priorities. The priority attribute specifies the order in which TestNG should execute the test methods.
To divide a test method into numerous groups, use the groups attribute to give a comma-separated list of group names. As an example:
@Test(priority = 1, groups = {"Maths"})
public void testMethod1() {
// test code
@Test(priority = 2, groups = {"Maths"})
public void testMethod2() {
// test code
@Test(priority = 3, groups = {"Science"})
public void testMethod3() {
// test code
@Test(priority = 4, groups = {"Science"})
public void testMethod4() {
// test code
There are two groups in this example, Science and Maths, as well as four test methods, testMethod1(), testMethod2(), testMethod3(), and testMethod4(). The priority attribute specifies the order in which the test methods within their respective groups should be executed.
An inclusion group is a group that is included in test execution. The exclusion group is a group that is excluded from test execution.
TestNG allows us to make a single test rely on a group of tests. We use the dependsOnGroups attribute in the TestNG test case file to execute in this manner. The name of the group on which we want this method to rely is the value of this attribute. An illustration of this is provided below:
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class MyTests {
@Test(groups = {"login"})
public void testLogin() {
// test login functionality
@Test(groups = {"search"}, dependsOnGroups = {"login"})
public void testSearch() {
// test search functionality
@Test(groups = {"checkout"}, dependsOnGroups = {"search"})
public void testCheckout() {
// test checkout functionality
Asserting in TestNG is a code element that assists us in determining whether the expected and actual results are equal. To determine whether the test case passed or failed, we use the built-in "Assert" class and many of its methods in TestNG. Furthermore, in TestNG, a test case is considered a "pass" if none of the assert methods throw an exception during execution. The syntax for TestNG assert is as follows:
import org.testng.Assert;
// perform assertion
Assert.assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue, message);
Also Read: A list of 70 Cucumber Interview Questions and Answers
assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue, message): It compares two values and determines if they are equal.
assertTrue(condition, message): This assertion helps whether or not the specified condition is true.
assertFalse(condition, message): This assertion defines if the specified condition is true or false.
assertNull(object, message): This assertion determines whether or not the specified object is null.
assertNotNull(object, message): This assertion specifies if the specified object is null.
In TestNG, there are two types of assertions:
Soft asserts in TestNG mean that the tests will continue to run even if the assertion throws an exception in the middle of the execution. Furthermore, TestNG does not include Soft asserts by default, so an additional org.testng.asserts.Softassert package import is required.
Soft assertions differ from hard assertions in that when a hard assertion fails, the test terminates immediately, and the remaining test steps are skipped. When a soft assertion fails, however, the test continues to run, and any subsequent assertions are also run. Only when the test is completed are the test results, including soft assertion failures, reported, but the test is not terminated.
Dependencies are used in TestNG to specify the order in which test methods should be executed. A dependency is a relationship between two or more test methods that specifies that one or more tests must be run before another.
Here is an example of dependency:
@Test(dependsOnMethods = {"testMethod1"})
public void testMethod2(){
// test method code
public void testMethod1(){
// test method code
In TestNG, we can create dependent tests by specifying the dependonMethods parameter on the @Test annotation. The attribute's value is the name of the method on which we want this method to rely. This method is applied as follows:
public void loginTest() {
// code for login test
@Test(dependsOnMethods = {"loginTest"})
public void dashboardTest() {
// code for dashboard test
Through the TestNG XML file, we can also create dependencies between groups. Such dependencies denote a group's reliance on another. Here's an example of how to use the testng.xml file to create a dependency between two test methods:
<test name="MyTest">
<class name="com.example.MyTestClass">
<include name="loginTest" />
<include name="dashboardTest" dependsOnMethods="loginTest" />
TestNG gives two methods to declare dependencies
TestNG is a Java testing framework that allows for various types of dependencies between test methods. The following dependencies can be achieved by using TestNG:
Dependencies | Attribute |
Method Dependencies | dependsOnMethods |
Group Dependencies | dependsOnGroups |
Class Dependencies | dependsOnClasses |
Soft Dependencies | alwaysRun |
Priority Dependencies | priority |
Priorities are used in TestNG to define the order in which test methods should be executed. in the @Test annotation, it is used to assign priorities to test methods. Test methods with lower priority values will be executed first, followed by methods with higher priority values.
In our dedicated blog, you can learn practical examples of how to setpriorities in TestNG.
Priorities for test methods in TestNG can be set using the priority attribute in the @Test annotation. Here's an example:
public void testMethod1() {
// test code
public void testMethod2() {
// test code
public void testMethod3() {
// test code
In this example, testMethod1() is the most important and will be executed first, followed by testMethod2() and, finally, testMethod3(). You can set the execution order of your test methods by assigning any integer value to the priority attribute.
Parameterization in TestNG, refers to the process of passing parameters to a test method so that it can be run multiple times with different data sets. This feature is especially helpful when running the same test with different input values or test scenarios.
The "@DataProvider" annotation in TestNG can be used to parameterize code. The DataProvider annotation specifies a method that provides data to a test method. The data provider method returns a two-dimensional array of objects, with each row representing a set of data used to run the test method.
Optional parameters behave similarly to the default case in TestNG parameterization. When no other parameters are defined for that test case method, we use the optional parameter. The @Optional annotation also declares the optional parameter. We don't define the @Optional parameter above the test method definition but rather alongside it.
Following that, the following code snippet shows how to declare optional parameters in TestNG:
public void testMethod(@Optional("default") String optionalParam) {
// Test code goes here
The "@Optional" annotation is used in this example to specify a default value for the "optionalParam" parameter. If this parameter is not supplied when the test method is run, its value will be "default."
The timeout attribute in TestNG is used to specify the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that a test method should be allowed to run before being forcefully terminated. This property is useful when a test method becomes stuck in an infinite loop or takes too long to complete, causing the entire test suite to stall. It can be declared at
suite level: To impose a time limit on all methods in the suite.
method level: To impose a time constraint on a specific method.
@Test(timeout = 5000)
The invocationCount attribute specifies how many times a test method must be executed in a single execution. Hence, if I set the invocationCount to 5, the test function will be invoked five times each time I run the TestNG test case.
Code for invocationCount:
@Test (invocationCount = 10)
Parallel test execution in TestNG means running multiple test cases or test suites on multiple threads at the same time. TestNG is designed to support the parallel execution of tests, which allows testers to run multiple tests concurrently, reducing overall test execution time.
There are two ways to for parallel testing in TestNG:
Parallel testing is possible in TestNG at multiple levels:
Exceptions during test execution can be handled in two ways by TestNG:
@Test(expectedExceptions = ArithmeticException.class)
public void testDivideByZero() {
int a = 5;
int b = 0;
int c = a / b;
Yes, you can disable a test in TestNG by annotating the test method with @Test(enabled=false). Once you disable the test, it won't execute when you run the test script again.
Here is an example of it:
public void enabledTest() {
// test code here
During test execution, the Reporter class in TestNG is used to generate additional logs or custom output. It allows developers or testers to log additional information or messages during test execution, which can help with debugging or troubleshooting test failures.
The Reporter.log() method in TestNG can be used to generate logs via the Reporter class. This method's syntax is as follows:
Reporter.log("TestNG web app testing");
Listeners are classes in TestNG that can be used to customize and extend TestNG's behavior during test execution. They enable custom actions to be performed before or after specific events, such as the start or end of a test case or suite, the success or failure of a test, or the generation of a test report.
TestNG comes with a set of built-in listeners that you can use right away, or you can create your own custom listeners by implementing the necessary interfaces.
There are two ways to declare listeners in TestNG
In the TestNG XML configuration file, add the <listeners> tag inside the <suite> tag to declare listeners. Here's an illustration:
<suite name="My Test Suite">
<listener class-name="com.example.MyTestListener"/>
<test name="My Test">
<class name="com.example.MyTestClass"/>
Listeners can also be declared by annotating your test class with the @Listeners annotation. Here's an example:
import org.testng.annotations.Listeners;
public class MyTestClass {
// test methods...
TestNG includes a number of built-in listeners that you can use to customize and extend your test suite's behavior. Here's a quick rundown of the most common listeners in TestNG:
To implement the IAnnotationTransformer interface in TestNG, you need to create a new Java class that implements the IAnnotationTransformer interface, implement the transform() method to modify the ITestAnnotation object associated with the test method, and add the listener to your test suite by including it in your TestNG XML configuration file or annotating your test class with the @Listeners annotation.
The default priority for a test method in TestNG is 0. This means that if a test method is not explicitly assigned a priority using the @Test annotation, it will be assigned a priority of 0 by default.
Sure, here are the step-by-step instructions for implementing TestNG ITestListener:
An exception test in TestNG is a type of test that determines whether or not a method throws a specific exception. When an exception is thrown, it is used to ensure that a method behaves as expected.
To create an exception test in TestNG, use the @Test annotation's expectedExceptions attribute. This attribute specifies the type of exception that the method is expected to throw.
You can install TestNG in Eclipse by following these steps:
In TestNG, use the following code snippet to throw an SKIP exception:
throw new SkipException("Skipping this test method due to some reason...");
The SkipException class in TestNG is a built-in exception class that can be used to skip a test method during execution. The message passed to the SkipException class's constructor is displayed in the test results, indicating why the test was skipped.
Refer the question number 67
The time unit specified in TestNG test suites and test cases in seconds.
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
<suite name="MyTestSuite" verbose="1" time-out="180">
<!-- Test suite contents -->
In this example, we have set the test suite timeout to 180 seconds.
TestNG can be launched in a number of different ways.
You can use TestNG to build a data-driven framework by following these steps:
@Test(dataProvider = "testData")
public void testMethod(String firstName, String lastName, int age) {
System.out.println("Name: " + firstName + " " + lastName + ", Age: " + age);
// Test logic using the test data
You can use the enabled attribute of the @Test annotation to exclude a specific test method from a TestNG test case execution. The enabled attribute specifies whether or not a test method should be executed. If the enabled attribute is set to false, the test method will be skipped during the execution of the test case.
@Test(enabled = false)
public void testMethod2() {
// Test logic
The org.testng.SkipException class can be used to prevent a @Test method from being executed in TestNG. This class is used to throw a skip exception, which instructs TestNG to skip the test method execution.
Here is the code snippet for better understanding:
import org.testng.SkipException;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class MyTest {
public void testMethod2() {
throw new SkipException("Skipping testMethod2");
Here is the code snippet to run TestNG in the command prompt:
set classpath=C:UsersAdminDesktopLTlearninghubworkspaceTestNGtestingtutoriolin;C:UsersAdminDesktopLTlearninghubworkspaceTestNGtestingtutoriollib*
java org.testng.TestNG C:UsersAdminDesktopLTlearninghubworkspaceTestNGtestingtutoriol estng.xml
In TestNG, the @Test(threadPoolSize=x) annotation is used to specify the number of threads to use when running a test method in parallel. The x parameter is an integer value that indicates the thread pool size.
When you use this annotation, TestNG will create a pool of threads and distribute test method instances among them. Each thread will independently and concurrently execute its assigned test method instance with the other threads.
In TestNG, the @Test(invocationCount=x) annotation is used to specify how many times a test method should be invoked during the test execution. The x parameter is an integer value that specifies how many times the test method should be run.
When this annotation is used, TestNG will run the test method as many times as specified, each time with a new test instance. This is useful in testing scenarios where the test method must be run multiple times with different input data or conditions.
The thread-count attribute in TestNG is used to specify the number of threads that will be used to run the test methods. This attribute is used in the TestNG XML file's <suite> tag.
When the thread-count attribute is set to a value greater than one, TestNG will create multiple threads and distribute the test methods among them for parallel execution.
The verbose attribute in TestNG is used to limit the amount of information displayed in the console output during test execution.
The verbose attribute accepts integer values ranging from 0 to 10, with 0 being the least verbose and 10 being the most verbose. The default value is 1, which displays basic test execution information.
We can pass parameter values to test methods in the following ways in TestNG:
We can use the RestAssured library and write test methods that send HTTP requests and validate the responses to use TestNG to test RESTful web services. To test various scenarios, we can also use TestNG data providers and parameterization.
Appium, an open-source tool for automating mobile app testing, can be used to test TestNG mobile applications. To define the desired capabilities of the mobile device, we can create a TestNG test class and write test methods that interact with the mobile app by finding elements and performing actions on them. TestNG annotations can be used to manage the test environment and control the test execution order.
Here are the steps you can follow for this:
Be sure to check out our comprehensive guide on Top Asked mobile testing interview questions to further strengthen your preparation.
Follow these steps to add data providers to TestNG:
@DataProvider(name = "testData")
public Object[][] testData() {
return new Object[][] {
{"Mehul", "password1"},
{"Gadhiya", "password2"},
{"Devya", "password3"}
@Test(dataProvider = "testData")
public void testLogin(String username, String password) {
// Test code goes here
If you want to be a successful Java developer or software tester, you must first understand TestNG. With this tutorial's knowledge, you should be better prepared to answer any TestNG-related questions in your next interview.
We have provided an exhaustive list of TestNG interview questions where we covered some major practical topics such as XML files, annotations, assertions, and theoretical questions related to TestNG. Furthermore, LambdaTest offers certification opportunities for TestNG, which you can add to your CV to make your place stronger as a candidate.
However, TestNG and automation testing fields are continuously evolving and improving, so having in-depth knowledge about software testing, automation testing, and TestNG and continuously improving your skillset can grow your career as a TestNG automation tester exponentially. Best of Luck!
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