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Explore various software testing interview questions covering testing types, methodologies, tools, and key terminology.
Get set for 170+ software testing interview questions that will make you confident for your next interview. These questions cover a wide range of topics such as software testing concepts, testing techniques, types of testing, testing tools, software development lifecycle, and quality assurance.
The questions here are presented in a clear and concise format, making it easy for you to prepare for software testing interviews. Each question is followed by a detailed answer that will provide you with in-depth explanations and examples, that too in an easy-to-understand way to help you understand the concepts better.
Preparing for software testing interviews can be quite stressful and exhausting but keeping an eye on exam patterns and questions while maintaining discipline can do wonders. Below are the tips for software testing interview preparation which will certainly help you achieve your goal.
Remember, the interview is not just about proving your technical skills but also about demonstrating your communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and overall fit for the role and the company. Be confident, stay calm and be yourself.
Software Testing Interview Questions
Note : We have compiled all Software Testing Interview Questions List for you in a template format. Feel free to comment on it. Check it out now!!
Software testing refers to the process of evaluating the quality and functionality of a software application to ensure that it meets the specified requirements and expectations of the end users. Since the last decade, software has become more and more complex hence software testing as a field has emerged as a booming field. It is performed by running the software and comparing its actual behavior to its expected behavior to identify defects, errors, and bugs.
There are various types of software testing, such as :
Black box testing is a type of software testing that focuses on the behavior of a system without having any knowledge of its internal structure or workings. In other words, the tester does not have access to the code or the design of the system being tested.
In black box testing, the focus is on testing the functionality of the system without having any knowledge of “how it actually works”. This approach allows testers to identify issues and ensure that the system meets the requirements or not.
To understand black box testing with a real-life example, let's consider the scenario of a person buying a new car. When a person buys a car, they expect it to work properly without any issues. The buyer does not need to know how the engine works or how the transmission shifts gears, they only care that the car meets their needs and performs as expected.
Similarly, in black box testing, the tester is like a car buyer who is only concerned with the system's behavior, rather than the internal workings of the system. The tester uses the system's inputs and observes the outputs to check if the system behaves as expected.
White box testing is a software testing technique that focuses on examining the internal structure and implementation details of a software system and is thus also called clear-box testing or structural testing. The tester must have knowledge of the internal workings of the software including its code and design while performing white box testing.
Our purpose in doing white box testing is to ensure that the software works correctly according to its internal logic and also fulfills the specified requirements. Testers typically use this technique to validate the accuracy of individual code units as well as overall system behavior.
White box testing involves various methods such as statement coverage, branch coverage, path coverage and condition coverage. These techniques aim to exercise different parts of the code and assess their behavior under different scenarios. Testers may also perform code reviews and static analysis to identify potential issues and improve the overall code quality.
By conducting white box testing, you can uncover errors and vulnerabilities that may be hidden within the software's internal structure. It complements other testing techniques such as black box testing which focuses on the external behavior of the software without considering its internal implementation details.
Overall, white box testing plays a vital role in ensuring the robustness and quality of software systems by verifying the correctness of their internal components and logic.
From the name itself, you can infer that gray box testing is a software testing approach that combines elements of both white box testing and black box testing. In gray box testing, the tester has limited knowledge of the internal workings of the software while still having access to some internal information and working details.
Unlike black box testing where the tester has no knowledge of the internal structure or code implementation, gray box testing allows the tester to have partial knowledge and this knowledge may include access to design documents or limited visibility into the code.
Our main purpose in conducting gray box testing is to leverage this partial knowledge to design and execute test cases that target specific areas of the software system. Testers can use their understanding of the internal workings to create tests that go beyond the typical inputs and expected outputs of black-box testing.
Gray box testing can be beneficial in certain cases where the tester wants to validate specific features or module integration points within the software and it can help uncover defects that may be difficult to detect through purely black box testing.
Some common techniques used in gray box testing include API testing, database testing, and limited code-level testing. Additionally, testers may also use techniques like data-driven testing, state transition testing, or model-based testing to achieve effective coverage.
Example: A real-life example of gray box testing can be realized when testing a website's login feature. The tester knows the general architecture of the website such as the front-end and back-end components but does not have access to the actual source code. They may also have some knowledge of the encryption algorithm used to store passwords but not the exact implementation. With this partial knowledge, the tester can identify potential bugs in the login process and provide feedback to improve the overall security and functionality of the website.
A/B testing is a type of testing used in the field of marketing and web development. It involves comparing two versions of a product or webpage to determine which one performs better. The two versions referred to as A and B, are presented to users at random and their responses are compared to determine which version is more effective.
In A/B testing, a specific metric is identified to measure the performance of each version. For example, if testing two versions of a website's homepage, the metric might be click-through rate or time spent on the page. Users are divided into two groups, with one group seeing version A and the other group seeing version B. The groups are typically large enough to ensure statistical significance, and the results are analyzed to determine which version performed better.
A/B testing is used to optimize and improve various aspects of a product or website such as user experience, design, functionality, and content. It is a valuable tool for marketers and developers to make data-driven decisions and improve the performance of their products.
SPICE stands for Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination and it is a model that assesses and improves software development processes based on international standards. It is an initiative to standardize the software development process and to increase the quality of the software product. SPICE provides a set of requirements that software development organizations should meet to ensure that their processes are well-defined and repeatable which results in producing high-quality software.
You might have guessed it from the name itself, latent defects are defects that exist in the software code but have not yet been triggered due to the specific conditions required to cause them not yet being met. These defects can be a result of flaws in the software production process or errors in the pre-production testing phase. When users perform a particular task in an unusual or rare situation then latent defects can be revealed.
Masked defects are defects that have not yet caused a failure in the system since they are being hidden by another defect. These defects can only be identified when the defect hiding it is exposed by the user through a specific operation. Masked defects are often discovered in situations where multiple defects exist and one defect masks the other hence preventing it from being executed.
Usability Testing is a method used to evaluate a product's usability by testing it with real users. The main purpose we do usability testing is to identify usability problems such as difficulties in navigation, and task completion and to determine how easily users can learn to use the product.
Usability testing is usually conducted in a controlled environment in which users are under observation while performing specific tasks and then this feedback is used to refine the product and improve the user experience.
Regression testing is the process of re-testing previously tested software components to ensure that they still work as expected after changes or updates. It is performed to identify and fix any defects or bugs that might have been introduced due to the changes in code or system.
Regression testing is an iterative process that requires careful planning, execution, and reporting of test results and it involves selecting the appropriate test cases, executing them, and comparing the actual results with expected results to identify any deviations.
Performance testing is done to check how well a software or system works under different conditions. You test things like how quickly it responds and how smoothly it runs under heavy loads and this helps us to identify any performance issues that might be slowing down the system or causing problems for the users. By doing performance testing we can make sure that the system is running efficiently and smoothly which makes for a better user experience overall.
To understand it better, imagine your favorite sports team gearing up for a big game. They want to ensure they're at their best, so they train hard and test their skills against different scenarios. This is essentially what performance testing is for a system or application. It's like putting them through their paces to see how they handle a certain workload or set of conditions.
Load testing is a type of testing where we simulate a heavy workload on a system or application to see how well it can handle a large number of users or transactions. It's like giving the system a real workout to see how much it can lift, so to speak!
Think of it this way: You wouldn't want to host a party without first making sure your house can handle the number of guests you're inviting, right? Load testing is like checking your house's capacity for guests before the party.
Similarly, load testing helps us identify how many users or transactions a system can handle before it starts to slow down or crash. By conducting load testing, we can optimize the system's performance and ensure it's ready to handle the expected load. So, load testing is like taking your system to the gym, getting it in shape, and making sure it's strong enough to handle whatever comes its way!
From the name itself, we can infer that compatibility testing is done to ensure that a software application is compatible with various hardware, operating systems and other external systems that it will interact with. This type of testing is important because it ensures that the application can run and function properly on different platforms and configurations.
During compatibility testing, we test the application with different configurations to ensure that it is compatible with different setups. This helps us to ensure that the end-users have a consistent experience with the application regardless of the platform they are using. We use a variety of tools and techniques to perform compatibility testing such as virtual machines and simulators.
Overall we can say that compatibility testing is an essential part of the software testing process as it ensures that the application works seamlessly across various platforms and configurations.
Security testing is a vital aspect of software testing that focuses on evaluating the security of a system or application. The goal of security testing is to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the software that could be exploited by attackers or malicious users. Security testing involves a wide range of techniques and methodologies to ensure that the software is secure and can protect against unauthorized access, data theft, and other security breaches.
Think of it like a security guard checking every nook and cranny of a building to make sure it's safe and secure. Security testing is the digital equivalent of that where we put the software through a series of tests to make sure it's protected against any potential threats. We do this by trying to hack into the system or application trying to find any loopholes or weaknesses that could be exploited by someone with malicious intent.
Manual testing is a process of testing a software application manually without the use of any automated testing tools. In manual testing, testers execute test cases and scenarios by hand and simulate the actions of end users. Our main purpose of manual testing is to identify and report any defects or issues in the software application.
For example, let's say you are a tester for a mobile banking application. You need to test the application by performing different actions such as opening the app, logging in, transferring money, and viewing account statements. During manual testing, you would go through each of these actions step by step and ensure that the application is performing as expected. You would look for any errors, unexpected behavior or inconsistencies that could affect the user experience. If you find any issues, you would document them and report them to the development team for further investigation and resolution.
A test strategy is a document that outlines the testing approach and objectives for evaluating the software application's functionalities, features, and components for the tester. Usually, it includes information on the testing environment, resources, timelines, and methodologies for ensuring comprehensive testing of the software application.
We can define a bug as a fault or defect in software that causes it to behave in an unintended manner or in a way we don't need/want. A bug may be caused by an error in the design, coding, or other stages of software development. The bug can be a reason for any deviation from the expected behavior of the software or system that impedes its performance.
A test environment is the infrastructure and resources required to perform software testing including hardware, software, and other resources such as test data and test tools. A test environment should closely mimic the production environment to ensure that the testing is representative of the final system. Test environments may include dedicated testing hardware or cloud-based infrastructure.
We can define defect tracking as a process of identifying, documenting and managing defects found during the software testing process. Usually, it will involve creating a defect report and then assigning it to the relevant team member and finally tracking the progress of the defect resolution until it is resolved.
An API refers to Application Programming Interface. It serves as a bridge between two software components, enabling them to communicate with one another. By abstracting the complexity of a software program's internal workings, an API simplifies its usage and enables its user to concentrate solely on the inputs and outputs necessary to operate it.
During the development of software, developers typically employ third-party libraries, rather than creating everything from scratch. An API offers a common language for communication, providing a universally-understood interface that both software components can use.
In addition, APIs can be used to supply data to an application. For example, if you are creating a weather app that shows the temperature, rather than developing your own technology for gathering this information, you can instead utilize an API provided by a meteorological institute to access the necessary data.
We can define smoke testing as a type of software testing that is performed to ensure that the critical functions of the software application are working as expected before conducting more detailed testing and it usually involves executing a set of pre-defined tests to check if the software application can perform basic functions such as installation, startup, login and navigation. It is usually performed before more comprehensive testing is done to save time and effort.
Let's say you have just finished assembling a new computer. Before you start installing all the software and applications on it, you decide to perform a smoke test to ensure that the computer is functioning properly. You turn on the computer and check if it boots up successfully, the screen is working, and the keyboard and mouse are functioning correctly. If all these critical functionalities are working fine, you can move ahead with installing more software and conducting further testing. However, if there are any issues in the critical functionalities during the smoke test, you can identify and fix them before proceeding with another test.
Alpha testing is a type of acceptance testing conducted by the software developer or tester in a controlled environment to simulate real-world usage scenarios and collect feedback from a limited number of end-users. Our main goal of alpha testing is to identify bugs and issues with the software before releasing it to the public.
Let's say you're a software developer and you're developing a new messaging app. Before releasing it to the public, you conduct alpha testing with a small group of friends and family members who use different devices and operating systems. During the alpha testing, you observe how they use the app, what issues they encounter and what features they find useful or confusing. You collect their feedback and use it to improve the app's usability and user experience. Once the issues are resolved then only you move forward with beta testing and eventually release the app to the public.
Beta testing is a type of software testing that involves releasing a pre-release version of a software product to a selected group of end-users commonly known as beta testers. Our main goal of beta testing is to gather feedback from real users in real-world environments and identify any issues or other areas of improvement before the software is officially released to the public.
During beta testing, the software is made available to a specific user base which can be a targeted group of customers or a closed group of individuals with specific expertise. Beta testers are encouraged to use the software under normal operating conditions and report any bugs or unexpected behavior they encounter. They may also provide feedback on the overall user experience, interface design, performance and functionality.
Beta testing serves several purposes. First, it helps uncover issues that may have been missed during internal testing, as real users interact with the software in diverse environments and usage scenarios. Second, it allows the development team to gather valuable feedback from end-users, which can be used to prioritize and address critical issues, refine features, and enhance the overall user experience. Additionally, beta testing generates user testimonials and real-world case studies, which can be utilized for marketing purposes.
Let's understand with an example: Imagine a gaming company developing a new video game that they plan to release for a popular gaming console. Before the game's official release, they invite a select group of external gamers to participate in beta testing. These gamers will have access to the game for a limited time and will be asked to provide feedback on any bugs or issues they encounter while playing. The feedback received during the beta testing phase will be used to make any necessary improvements to the game before its official release to the public.
As we can get the idea from the term itself, localization testing is a type of testing that ensures that a software application or product is adapted to the language, culture, and other specific requirements of a particular region and this testing is necessary because different regions have different languages, currencies, time formats and other cultural differences that affect the functionality of the software.
For example, suppose a software company has developed accounting software that is used in the US and is now planning to expand its market to France. The company needs to ensure that the software is adapted to the French language, currency, tax regulations, and other specific requirements of France. Localization testing will help ensure that the software works correctly in the French environment and that it meets the needs and expectations of French users. This testing will involve checking the correctness of the translated text, date and time formats, currency conversions, and other country-specific requirements.
Again from the term you can infer that globalization testing is a type of software testing that you perform to ensure that a software application can function properly across different cultures and regions of the world. This includes testing the application's ability to handle different languages, date and time formats, currencies, and other regional settings.
Let's say you are part of a team that is developing a new e-commerce website that will be used by customers all over the world. You want to make sure that the website can handle different languages, currencies, and other regional settings.
To perform globalization testing, you would first identify the different regions and cultures that the website will be used in. You would then create test cases to check that the website can handle different languages and character sets as well as different date and time formats and currencies.
For example, you might test that the website can handle different currency symbols and formats such as the dollar sign ($) or the euro symbol (€). You might also test that the website can display dates in different formats such as dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy.
By performing globalization testing you can ensure that your e-commerce website will work seamlessly for customers all over the world regardless of their location or language preferences.
Recovery testing is a type of testing that focuses on testing a system's ability to recover from failures or disasters such as power outages or hardware failures or software crashes. Our main goal of recovery testing is to ensure that the system can recover its data and functionality in the event of a failure.
Recovery testing involves intentionally causing a system failure and then observing how the system responds and recovers from the failure and this type of testing is often performed in environments that are similar to the production environment to ensure that the system behaves the same way in both environments.
It can be used to identify weaknesses in a system's recovery processes and to determine the time required for the system to recover from a failure and the recovery process can involve restoring data from backups or restarting the system or other steps depending on the nature of the failure.
An example of recovery testing might involve simulating a power outage and verifying that the system is able to gracefully shut down and then restart and restore all data and functionality upon power restoration.
In installation testing, we focus on verifying that the installation process of a software application is working correctly and whether the software can be installed and upgraded or uninstalled without any issues. Our main goal of installation testing is to ensure that the installation process is hassle-free and without any bugs or errors and does not affect the functionality of the software.
Let's understand with an example, Imagine you are developing a software application that needs to be installed on different operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Linux. During installation testing, you would verify that the installation process works correctly on all supported operating systems and that the software is installed in the correct location with the correct configuration. You would also check for any errors or issues that may occur during the installation process such as missing files or other dependencies. Consider this, during installation testing, you may discover that the software fails to install on certain versions of the operating system or that it requires a specific library or component to be installed beforehand.
Sanity testing is a type of software testing that is performed to ensure that the software application's code changes or updates did not introduce any new defects or issues. It involves executing a set of pre-defined tests to check the software application's basic functions and features after making changes to the code.
Suppose you are a software tester responsible for testing an e-commerce website. You receive a new build of the website that contains updates to the shopping cart feature. Before performing any extensive testing you can quickly check the basic functionalities such as adding a product to the cart, removing a product from the cart, and proceeding to checkout. This initial round of testing is called sanity testing. If any of the basic functionalities fail then the build is rejected and sent back to the development team for further fixes.
In summary, sanity testing is a quick and straightforward way to check the basic functionalities of a software build to ensure it's worth testing further.
Integration testing is a type of software testing that evaluates the software applications' functionality and behavior after integrating different modules or components of the software application and it involves testing the interactions and interfaces between the different modules or components of the software application to ensure that they can work together as a whole.
Acceptance testing is a crucial quality assurance (QA) process that evaluates how well an application meets the requirements and approval of end-users. It can be conducted in various forms such as beta testing, application testing, or end-user testing depending on the organization's approach.
Our main aim in conducting acceptance testing is to ensure that the software or application is aligned with business requirements and end-users' expectations. The QA team is responsible for conducting the acceptance tests, and the test results are either a pass or fail. If the software or application fails the acceptance test then it indicates the presence of a flaw and further improvements are required before it can be released into production.
Software testers need to have a combination of technical and interpersonal skills to be successful in their role.
Some of the technical skills that are required include an understanding of software development processes, knowledge of testing tools and methodologies, familiarity with different programming languages, and the ability to write test cases and scripts. Testers also need to be familiar with software testing techniques and types of testing. Additionally, they should have a good understanding of the software being tested and be able to work collaboratively with the development team.
Interpersonal skills are equally important for a software tester. Testers need to be able to communicate effectively with different stakeholders including developers, product managers, and business analysts.
They should be able to write clear and concise reports and be able to present findings to non-technical stakeholders. Attention to detail and problem-solving skills are also critical for testers as they need to be able to identify and diagnose issues and work with developers to resolve them.
As a software tester, you must possess or develop certain qualities that will help you excel in your career. Some of these important qualities are as follows:
Overall, being a good software tester requires a combination of technical expertise and analytical skills with the required personal qualities.
Unit testing and integration testing are two types of testing that are performed during the software development lifecycle. Let’s see the differences between them based on a few points:
A test case is a set of conditions that a software tester uses to determine if a software application meets the specified customer requirements. Test case design involves defining preconditions, naming the test case, specifying input conditions, and expected outcomes. Test cases are derived from test scenarios and represent a fundamental testing activity.
A test case document provides comprehensive information on the testing strategy, testing process, preconditions, and expected outputs. These test cases are executed during the testing process to verify if the software application performs its intended tasks. Test cases are written as a one-time effort and can be used for future regression testing.
Test cases are valuable tools for defect reporting as they link defects with a test case ID. Detailed test case documentation serves as a reliable guard for the testing team ensuring that any missed requirements or functionalities are caught during the execution of these comprehensive test cases.
Exploratory testing is an approach to testing software that emphasizes the tester's creativity and freedom to explore the application rather than following predefined test cases. The tester uses their knowledge, skills and experience to design and execute tests in real-time based on their understanding of the system under test.
The tester may start by exploring a particular feature or functionality but the testing evolves as new information is discovered during the testing process. Exploratory testing is typically performed without any preconceived notions or assumptions about the software and can uncover defects that may be missed by traditional scripted testing.
For example, suppose you are testing a new mobile app that allows users to book flights. In exploratory testing, you might start by booking a flight using the app as intended. Then you might explore different scenarios such as trying to book a flight for a date that has already passed or attempting to book a flight for a destination that doesn't exist or entering invalid credit card information. Through this process of exploration, you might identify issues such as incorrect error messages or confusing user interfaces that would not have been found through scripted testing.
Be sure to check out our comprehensive guide on Top Asked mobile testing interview questions to further strengthen your preparation.
Ad-hoc testing is a type of informal software testing that is performed without a defined test plan or test case. In this approach, the tester will explore the application and try to find defects based on their experience and knowledge. It is a flexible and creative way of testing that can quickly identify critical issues in the software.
For example, let's say you are testing a new e-commerce website and you decide to perform ad-hoc testing by adding and removing products from your cart in various ways. While doing this you notice that the shipping charges are not being calculated correctly and you immediately report this issue to the development team. This is an example of ad-hoc testing where you identified a critical issue without following a predefined test plan.
A test suite is a collection of test cases that are designed to test a specific feature or functionality or aspect of a software application. Test suites can be organized into groups based on their purpose/ scope/priority. It typically includes a set of related test cases that are organized and executed together to ensure comprehensive testing of the software application.
Test data is a set of inputs or data that are used to execute the test cases and evaluate the software applications' functionalities, features and components and usually includes both valid and invalid inputs to ensure comprehensive testing of the software application.
A test plan is a document that outlines the overall approach, objectives and activities for testing a software system. It serves as a roadmap for the testing process by providing a structured framework for executing and managing testing activities and usually created during the early stages of the project and is continuously updated and refined throughout the testing phase.
A comprehensive test plan includes the following key elements:
The test plan serves as a reference and guide for the testing team, stakeholders, and project management throughout the testing process as it ensures that testing activities are well-structured and aligned with the project objectives leading to thorough testing and the delivery of high-quality software.
A test scenario is a hypothetical situation or use case that describes the end-to-end behavior of a software application and it generally gives us the outlines of a series of steps or actions that a user might take when interacting with the system and specifies the expected results or outcomes for each step. Test scenarios are used to ensure that an application is functioning as expected and meeting user requirements.
From the term itself, we can infer that automated testing is a type of testing in which the test cases are executed using software tools and scripts instead of manually testing the application and our main goal of automated testing is to increase the efficiency of the testing process and it is done by reducing the time and effort required for testing manually and identifying defects and errors more quickly and accurately using software tools.
For example, let's say there is a website or mobile application that requires frequent updates and changes. Instead of manually testing every single feature and functionality each time a change is made, automated testing can be used to quickly run through test cases and ensure that everything is still functioning properly. This saves time and resources and allows developers to focus on other important aspects of the project.
Another example, let's say there is a banking application that needs to undergo rigorous testing to ensure the security of customer data. Automated testing can help quickly and accurately identify any potential security vulnerabilities and ensure they are addressed before the application is released to the public.
Configuration testing is an essential software testing technique that ensures the smooth functioning of an application under various hardware and software configurations. The primary objective of configuration testing is to test the application with multiple configurations to evaluate its functional requirements and find the optimal configurations under which it operates without any flaws or defects.
In this testing method, testers examine various system configurations that are likely to be encountered in real-world scenarios such as different operating systems, hardware configurations, software versions, network environments, and more. The purpose of this testing is to verify that the application works seamlessly with different configurations and produces the expected outputs.
Through configuration testing, software testers can identify compatibility issues between the application and different hardware and software configurations and it helps to minimize the risks of application failure or malfunction when deployed in different environments. By detecting configuration-related defects and issues, configuration testing provides critical insights into the application's performance and functionality thereby enhancing its quality and reliability.
Configuration testing is an important part of the software development process as it ensures that the application meets the desired functionality and performance standards across various environments.
Alpha testing and beta testing are two types of user acceptance testing performed in software development. Here are the differences between alpha and beta testing:
We can conclude that the primary differences between alpha and beta testing is their objectives, test environments, and scope. Alpha testing is focused on identifying defects and improving the software product while beta testing is focused on feedback from end-users and identifying any remaining issues.
Static testing is a software testing technique that involves reviewing and analyzing software documentation and code without executing the program. This can include reviewing requirements specifications, design documents, and source code to identify defects, inconsistencies or potential problems. Static testing can be performed manually or using automated tools and is typically used to identify defects early in the development process when they are less expensive to fix.
Dynamic testing is a software testing technique that involves evaluating the behavior and performance of a software application under various conditions by executing it and observing its output.
It involves the actual execution of the software code to verify if the output matches the expected behavior as defined in the test cases. During dynamic testing, software testers design test cases and run them on the software generating actual results that are compared with the expected results.
Our main goal of dynamic testing is to identify and rectify defects or errors in the software code and thus ensure that the application functions as intended. It is a crucial component of software testing and is typically performed after static testing has been completed.
Configuration management is the process of managing all the components that make up the software or system including source code, test scripts, third-party software, hardware, data and documentation. It involves careful and thorough management of these items throughout the project and product life cycle.
This has implications for testing as it allows testers to manage their test ware and test results using the same mechanisms. Configuration management also supports the build process and enables us to keep a record of what is being tested making it easier to report and fix defects.
A defect report is a formal document that contains a clear and concise description of defects found during the software testing process.
It provides detailed information on:
Quality Assurance teams and end-users are typically responsible for creating defect reports. End-users often report more defects as they tend to use the application in various ways to explore its features. This feedback helps the development team to improve the quality of the software by fixing the defects in a timely manner. Overall, a well-written defect report plays a critical role in the software development process.
In software testing, a test script refers to a set of instructions or commands written in a programming language that is used to perform automated tests on software applications. Test scripts outline the steps to be taken to carry out a specific test scenario including the inputs and expected outputs.
Test scripts can be written in various programming languages such as Java, Python, or Ruby and can be executed by automated testing tools to perform functional or non-functional tests. The purpose of test scripts is to automate repetitive testing tasks, improve testing efficiency and accuracy, and reduce the risk of human error.
Test scripts are often created by software testers or automation engineers as part of the test automation process and they play an essential role in the continuous integration and delivery of software applications.
V-model is a software development and testing model that emphasizes the relationships between each phase of the development life cycle and its associated testing phase. The V-shape of the model is formed when the left side of the V represents the various stages of the software development process such as requirement gathering, design, coding, and unit testing while the right side represents the testing stages that correspond to each development stage.
Each phase in the development process is associated with a corresponding testing phase, and the V-model emphasizes the importance of testing at each stage of the development process. This approach ensures that defects are caught and fixed early in the development process which can help reduce the cost of fixing defects later on.
The V-model is often used in industries with strict regulatory requirements such as aerospace, defense, and medical devices where the software must meet specific standards and requirements.
Test deliverables are also known as test artifacts referring to the collection of documents and tools/components that are provided to stakeholders during the software development life cycle (SDLC). These deliverables are created and maintained to support the testing process. Throughout different phases of the SDLC, many specific deliverables are generated which are outlined as follows:
Before the Testing Phase:
During the Testing Phase:
After the Testing Phase:
It is essential to ensure that all test deliverables are plagiarism-free and accurately represent the testing activities and outcomes to effectively communicate with project stakeholders.
In software testing, an Object Repository is a centralized location or database that stores information about the various objects or elements of an application's user interface (UI). It is used in automated testing frameworks to store and manage the properties and attributes of UI elements, such as buttons, text fields, checkboxes, and menus.
The main purpose of an Object Repository is to provide a convenient and efficient way to identify and interact with UI elements during test automation. It acts as a repository of reusable objects which allows testers or automation engineers to access and manipulate these objects without having to repeatedly define them in each test script.
The Object Repository typically includes the following information about each UI element:
By using an Object Repository, testers can achieve better test maintenance and reusability. Instead of hard-coding the object details directly into the test scripts, they can simply reference the objects from the repository and this makes it easier to update or modify object properties in one central location without affecting multiple test scripts.
Additionally, an Object Repository promotes a modular and organized approach to test automation. Testers can build a library of objects that represent different UI components and then combine them to create test cases. This modular approach simplifies test script creation and maintenance as changes in the UI can be accommodated by updating the corresponding objects in the repository.
Overall, an Object Repository helps streamline test automation efforts by providing a structured and reusable way to manage and interact with UI elements, enhancing efficiency, maintainability, and scalability in the testing process.
In software testing, the iterative model aligns with the iterative development process and follows a similar approach. The testing activities are conducted in parallel with the development iterations with the goal of validating the software's functionality, performance and quality throughout the iterative cycles.
Here's how the iterative model is applied in software testing:
The iterative model in software testing allows for early detection of defects, prompt bug fixing, and continuous validation of the evolving software product. By aligning testing activities with development iterations, it promotes collaboration, timely feedback, and iterative refinement of the software's quality. This iterative testing approach ensures that the software meets the desired quality standards and requirements as it evolves through successive iterations.
Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks and taking steps to minimize, monitor, and control the impact of those risks on a project or business. It involves analyzing potential risks, estimating the likelihood and potential impact of each risk, and developing strategies to address them. The goal of risk management is to reduce uncertainty and potential harm while also identifying opportunities for improvement and growth. Effective risk management helps organizations make better decisions and avoid costly mistakes resulting in improved overall performance.
Accessibility testing is a type of testing that ensures that a software application or a website can be used by people with disabilities including those who are visually impaired/hearing impaired/physically disabled or have cognitive impairments. The goal of accessibility testing is to ensure that everyone regardless of their ability can use and access the software application or website. You can see this feature in your mobile setting or in the toggle bar.
Accessibility testing includes evaluating the application or website against various accessibility standards such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The testing process may involve using assistive technologies such as screen readers, magnifiers, or keyboard-only navigation to simulate the experience of users with disabilities.
Accessibility testing also involves checking for accessibility issues such as missing or incorrect alternative text for images, inadequate color contrast, insufficient keyboard navigation options, and inaccessible forms and controls. By performing accessibility testing, organizations can ensure that their software applications and websites are accessible to a wider audience and comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to accessibility.
Internationalization testing is a type of testing that checks if a software application can be easily adapted to different languages and regions without any issues. The primary goal of internationalization testing is to ensure that the application is designed and developed to be easily localized for different markets and cultures.
Internationalization testing covers a wide range of areas such as language support, date and time formats, currency symbols, and user interface design. It involves testing the application's compatibility with different locales, scripts, and input methods.
The testing process involves checking the application's functionality, user interface, and content with different languages and regions. The testers verify if the application can handle different characters and special symbols while also checking for non-English alphabets.
Overall, internationalization testing is critical for ensuring that the application can be adapted to different markets which helps to expand its user base and increase revenue for the organization.
Stress testing is a type of testing that helps determine the stability and robustness of a system under extreme conditions. This is like pushing the system to its limit and beyond to see how it responds. Our main purpose of stress testing is to identify the breaking points of a system and understand how it behaves under high pressure.
Think of it as a test of the system's resilience and ability to handle intense pressure. Stress testing can help identify potential bottlenecks, issues with data flow, memory leaks, and other performance issues that might cause a system failure. This is important because it allows us to improve the system's performance, prevent crashes, and maintain the system's reliability even under extreme conditions.
As the name suggests, vulnerability testing refers to a type of security testing that is performed to identify vulnerabilities or weaknesses in a system. Our objective while performing vulnerability testing is to detect security flaws that can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to a system or to compromise its integrity or availability. Vulnerability testing is done using various tools and techniques to simulate attacks and identify potential vulnerabilities in the system. The results of the testing are used to prioritize and remediate vulnerabilities resulting in ultimately improving the overall security posture of the system.
Penetration testing refers to security testing that involves testing the system's ability to withstand real-world attacks and unauthorized or illegal access attempts.
Testers can conduct penetration testing using many techniques such as:
Our goal to do penetration testing is to identify security weaknesses and also to evaluate the system's ability to prevent and respond to them.
Software Testing Interview Questions
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Let’s understand the differences between load testing and stress testing based on five differentiating criteria which are as follows:
In short, we can conclude that load testing and stress testing are both performance testing techniques but differ in their purpose, test conditions, duration, performance metrics, and test data. Load testing evaluates the system's ability to handle expected loads while stress testing evaluates the system's ability to handle unexpected high loads beyond its operational limits.
End-to-end testing is a software testing technique used to test the flow of an application from start to end. The objective of end-to-end testing is to validate the behavior of the entire system as per the business requirements. In simple words, we can say that it involves testing the software system as a whole rather than testing each individual component separately.
In end-to-end testing, testers simulate real user scenarios and test the application's functionality across various modules, subsystems, and interfaces. It includes testing of user interface, APIs, database, server, and other system components to ensure that they work together seamlessly.
End-to-end testing is typically performed after unit testing, integration testing and system testing have been completed. It can be done manually or with the help of automated testing tools. The main benefits of end-to-end testing are that it helps to uncover defects or issues that may not be caught by other testing methods and helps to ensure that the application meets the business requirements and functions as intended in a real-world environment.
Code review is a process of thoroughly evaluating the code on different aspects to detect errors and potential bugs during the software development cycle. The main objective is to identify inconsistencies and mistakes to improve the code quality. Peers or dedicated reviewers assess the code and provide feedback on areas that require improvement. This process helps in enhancing developers’ coding skills and ensures that the software meets the required quality standards.
Risk assessment is the process of identifying and evaluating potential risks associated with a project or system. It involves analyzing the likelihood and impact of identified risks and determining the level of risk posed by each. The assessment can be qualitative or quantitative depending on the nature of the risks and the available data. The purpose of risk assessment is to inform risk management decisions and develop strategies to mitigate or eliminate identified risks beforehand to save time and effort.
The main features of sanity testing are as follows:
Overall we can say that sanity testing is a quick, limited-scope, and high-level testing activity that focuses on major issues to ensure that the critical and most important functionalities of an application are working as expected.
There are various types of test coverage techniques used in software testing to ensure that all code paths are executed and all potential defects are discovered.
Some of the commonly used test coverage techniques are as follows:
By using these test coverage techniques, testers can identify potential defects and ensure that all code paths are executed and thus resulting in better-quality software.
In software testing, a workbench refers to a dedicated environment or setup that provides testers with the necessary tools and infrastructure to perform their testing activities effectively. It is a controlled and isolated environment specifically designed for testing purposes.
The workbench in software testing typically includes the following components:
The purpose of having a dedicated workbench in software testing is to create an optimized and controlled environment that supports efficient and effective testing activities. It ensures that testers have access to the necessary resources, tools and infrastructure needed to conduct comprehensive testing, identify defects and ensure the overall quality of the software being tested.
Every workbench typically consists of five tasks that include:
HTTP status codes are a crucial part of software testing as they help identify and troubleshoot issues with web applications.
Here are some of the most common HTTP status codes that you should know:
It is important to know these HTTP status codes as they help testers and developers identify and fix issues that arise during the testing and development of web applications.
Defect cascading is also known as defect propagation. It is a phenomenon in software testing where one defect triggers or leads to the discovery of multiple additional defects. In other words, it is a situation where a single defect can cause other defects to surface or occur. This is because different parts of the software system are interconnected and dependent on each other. Therefore, a defect in one part of the system can cause other parts of the system to malfunction or not function as expected.
For example, let's say a developer introduces a defect in the code for a particular feature. When testers test the feature, they may discover the defect and report it. However, during further testing, they may also find that the defect has caused other related features to fail or not work as intended, leading to the discovery of additional defects.
Defect cascading can be challenging for testers to manage because it can lead to a larger number of defects being discovered and reported than originally anticipated. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly test the entire system and all related features to minimize the occurrence of defect cascading.
If a defect that could have been removed during the initial stage is later discovered and removed then it typically results in a higher cost. This is because the later a defect is discovered in the software development lifecycle, the more expensive it becomes to fix it.
If a defect is detected early on during the development process then it can be fixed quickly and at a lower cost. However, if it goes undetected and is found later then usually it requires extensive rework which can be time-consuming and costly. Additionally, the defect may have caused other defects or dependencies which can further increase the cost and effort required to fix it.
Hence it is always recommended to detect and fix defects as early as possible in the development lifecycle to minimize costs and ensure the timely delivery of quality software.
Developers shouldn't test the software they wrote because they tend to have a biased perspective toward their code. They may overlook certain bugs or defects due to their familiarity with the code or assume that certain functionality is working as intended without thoroughly testing it. Additionally, developers may not have the same level of expertise in testing methodologies and techniques as dedicated software testers which can result in a lower quality of testing. It is important to have an independent and unbiased perspective in testing to ensure that all defects and bugs are identified and resolved before the software is released to the end users.
Confirmation testing is also known as regression testing and it is a software testing technique that is used to verify that the changes made to a software application did not introduce new defects or negatively impact the existing functionality.
Confirmation testing involves executing a set of tests that were previously passed to ensure that they still pass after the changes have been made. This is done to ensure that the software remains stable and functional throughout the development process.
Confirmation testing is typically performed after a defect has been identified and fixed or after a new feature has been added to the software. It helps to ensure that the changes did not affect the behavior of the software in any way that would negatively impact its performance or usability.
In security audits, as the name suggests we check the system's security features and weaknesses thoroughly. Our main goal while conducting security audits is to evaluate the system's security posture and to identify security risks and weaknesses and a typical security audit involves a deep and complete analysis of the system's security policies and controls. Overall we can say that it is an evaluation of the system's physical and logical security measures.
We know that functional testing and non-functional testing are two types of testing performed on software applications and they differ on many points such as in their objectives, scope, approach, testing tools used, and user experience. Now let's focus on each of the points individually.
In summary, we can say that functional testing is focused on ensuring that the software application performs the intended functions without errors while the latter is focused on testing the software application's performance, security, and other non-functional aspects. Both types of testing are important for ensuring that the software application meets the user's needs and expectations.
The main components of a defect report format which is also known as a bug report typically include the following information:
Including these key components in a defect report format ensures that the reported issues are documented comprehensively and in a standardized manner. This facilitates efficient communication, tracking, and resolution of defects by the development and testing teams.
Static testing and dynamic testing are two types of testing approaches used in software testing. Here are some differences between them:
In summary, both static and dynamic testing approaches are essential for ensuring the quality of software. While static testing focuses on the software artifacts, dynamic testing focuses on the behavior of the software during runtime. By using both approaches together, software development teams can ensure that their software is reliable, functional, and meets the needs of their users.
Let's understand the difference between system testing and acceptance testing in five key points:
Let's understand the differences between Quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) in detail based on a few important points:
Let’s understand the difference between verification and validation based on a few points:
Static analysis and dynamic analysis are two different techniques used in software testing. The main differences between the two are as follows:
Overall, we can conclude that static analysis is used to detect defects and issues in the software design and code before the software is executed while dynamic analysis is used to detect defects and issues in the software behavior while it is being executed. Both techniques are essential for ensuring the quality and reliability of software.
Test closure is the final stage of the software testing process. It involves evaluating the testing process to identify areas for improvement and documenting the results of the testing process. Test closure also involves generating a final report that summarizes the testing process including the testing objectives, test cases executed, defects found, and recommendations for future testing.
Test automation refers to the use of specialized software tools to execute tests on a software application automatically rather than manually. The primary objective of test automation is to simplify and accelerate the testing process and minimize human intervention resulting in accurate results in a short time.
Automated testing involves the use of scripting languages and tools to create and execute automated test cases. These test cases can be run repeatedly and consistently ensuring that any defects or issues in the software are caught early in the development cycle.
Test automation can be used to test various aspects of software including functionality, performance, security, and usability. It can also be applied to various types of testing such as unit testing, integration testing, regression testing, and acceptance testing.
Overall, test automation offers many benefits to the software development process, such as reducing testing time, improving test coverage, and increasing overall software quality.
Let’s see the major differences between both types of testing based on the following points:
In short, we can conclude that both positive and negative testing are important testing techniques that help to ensure the quality of the software application. A good software testing strategy should include both positive and negative testing to provide comprehensive coverage of the software application.
In software testing, a test harness or automated test framework is a collection of tools and drivers that are used to facilitate and automate test execution. It typically includes a test library, test cases, and other supporting materials needed to compile and run tests. The test harness helps to generate reports on test execution and outcomes.
Another term for a test harness is an automated test framework which is a set of software and test data designed to test a particular component or module under various circumstances while monitoring its behavior and results. Test harnesses are particularly useful in integration testing where test stubs are used to simulate components that have not yet been developed or integrated into the software. By using a test harness, testers can ensure that the software works correctly under a variety of conditions and with different inputs thus improving the overall quality of the software.
Test management involves the planning, design, execution, and reporting of software testing activities. It encompasses all aspects of the testing process including test planning, test case development, test execution, and defect tracking. Test management also involves coordinating testing activities with other teams involved in software development such as developers and project managers.
In the software testing field, test estimation involves estimating the time, effort, and resources required to complete software testing activities. Test estimation is important for project planning and budgeting and is usually based on factors such as the complexity of the software being tested and the scope of testing while keeping track of available resources.
Risk-based testing is an approach to software testing that prioritizes testing efforts based on the identified risks associated with the software system under test. The objective of risk-based testing is to allocate testing resources effectively by focusing on high-risk areas that have the potential to cause significant damage or loss. It involves identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing risks and then designing test cases to cover those risks. The benefits we reap from risk-based testing include better test coverage and reduced testing time and cost resulting in improved software quality.
In software testing, coverage techniques are used to ensure that different aspects of the software under test are adequately tested. These techniques help assess the completeness and effectiveness of the testing process by identifying which parts of the software have been exercised or examined.
Here are some common coverage techniques used in software testing:
These coverage techniques can be combined or used independently depending on the specific testing goals and requirements. Employing a combination of coverage techniques helps ensure comprehensive testing and improves the overall quality of the software.
The waterfall model is a software development process that follows a sequential or linear approach to software development. In this model, the development process is divided into a series of phases that must be completed linearly before moving on to the next phase.
The phases of the waterfall model are typically defined as:
Each phase of the waterfall model is completed before moving on to the next phase and the output of each phase becomes the input for the next phase. The waterfall model is a highly structured approach to software development that is often used in projects where the requirements are well-understood and the scope of the project is well-defined. However, it can be less flexible than other development models as changes to the requirements or design may be difficult to implement once the project has moved beyond the requirements phase.
The agile model is a software development approach that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. It involves iterative and incremental development cycles where requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams.
The agile model values individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, response to change over processes and tools, comprehensive documentation, contract negotiation, and following a plan. It emphasizes delivering working software in shorter iterations which typically range from 2 to 4 weeks and welcomes changes in requirements throughout the development process.
The Agile model involves breaking down the development process into smaller cycles called sprints which include planning, designing, coding, testing, and delivery. Each sprint results in a working software increment that can be reviewed and evaluated by the customer and stakeholders. This allows for continuous feedback and improvement throughout the development process.
The Agile model is often used in software development projects where requirements and specifications are likely to change and where the focus is on delivering a functional product quickly while maintaining high quality and customer satisfaction.
A showstopper defect also known as a critical defect or a blocking issue is a severe software defect that has a significant impact on the functionality of the system. It is a defect that prevents further testing or hinders the system from being used in production. Showstopper defects are critical issues that need to be addressed before the software can be considered ready for release or deployment.
Characteristics of a showstopper defect include:
When a showstopper defect is identified, it usually receives immediate attention and becomes the highest priority for resolution. Development and testing teams work together to investigate the root cause, develop a fix, and thoroughly test the resolution before it is applied to the software. The aim is to resolve the showstopper defect promptly to ensure that the software can function as intended and meet the required quality standards.
Identifying and addressing showstopper defects is crucial in software development and testing as their presence can significantly impact user satisfaction, business operations, and the overall success of the software. Timely detection, reporting, and resolution of showstopper defects help ensure that the software is stable, reliable, and suitable for production use.
The Spiral model is a software development lifecycle model that combines elements of both iterative and waterfall models. It emphasizes risk analysis, iterative development, and constant feedback to accommodate changing requirements and mitigate potential risks. The Spiral model consists of four key phases:
The Spiral model repeats these phases in a cyclic manner allowing for continuous improvement, feedback incorporation, and risk management. Each iteration builds upon the previous ones and thus gradually refines the software until it meets the desired goals and quality standards. The Spiral model offers flexibility, adaptability, and a systematic approach to software development, particularly in complex and large-scale projects where risks and requirements may evolve over time.
Scrum is an agile software development framework that focuses on teamwork, communication, and iterative development. It involves a set of practices and ceremonies such as sprint planning, daily stand-up meetings, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospectives. The development process is divided into short time periods called sprints which are typically two to four weeks long. The main advantage of using Scrum is that it provides transparency, flexibility, and adaptability to changing requirements.
Software development practice in which the code changes are integrated and tested frequently and usually on a daily basis is termed as continuous integration. Our main goal of continuous integration is to detect and fix integration issues as early as possible in the development process and thereby improving the quality of the software and reducing the cost and time of fixing defects. Continuous integration involves the use of automation tools such as Jenkins and Selenium.
From the term itself, we can infer that continuous testing is a software testing practice that involves testing the software continuously throughout the software development process from requirements gathering to deployment. The main goal of continuous testing is to provide early and frequent feedback on the quality of the software and to identify and fix defects as early as possible in the development process. Continuous testing involves the use of automation tools such as Selenium, JUnit, and TestNG.
Continuous delivery is a software development practice in which the software is developed and delivered frequently and consistently which usually happens on a daily or weekly basis. The main goal of continuous delivery is to provide a faster and more reliable way of delivering software and to reduce the time and cost of releasing new features and updates. Continuous delivery involves the use of automation tools such as Docker, Jenkins, and Puppet.
Continuous Deployment is a software engineering approach in which software changes are automatically tested and deployed to production as soon as they are ready. The aim of continuous deployment is to accelerate software delivery and improve the quality of software by allowing for more frequent and smaller releases.
In continuous deployment, each change made to the software codebase goes through automated testing and validation to ensure that it meets the required quality standards. If the changes pass the tests then they are automatically deployed to production without any human intervention. This means that new features and bug fixes are continuously delivered to users without any delay.
Continuous deployment requires a high degree of automation including automated testing and continuous integration. It also requires a high level of collaboration between developers, testers, and operations teams to ensure that the process runs smoothly and any issues are resolved quickly.
As a software tester, your roles may include:
Overall, If you want to be a software tester then you will play a critical role in ensuring that the software meets the business requirements as well as end-user needs and operates efficiently without any defects or issues.
Smoke testing and sanity testing are two types of preliminary testing performed on the application before the actual testing process.
The key differences between the two are as follows:
Software Testing Interview Questions
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Usability testing and user acceptance testing (UAT) are two different types of testing that focus on the user's perspective. Let’s see the key differences between the two which are as follows:
Compatibility testing and configuration testing are two types of testing performed to ensure that the application works on different platforms and devices. Let's see the key differences between the two which are as follows:
Boundary value analysis (BVA) and equivalence partitioning are two black box testing techniques used to identify the test cases.
Let's see the key differences between the two which are as follows:
Retesting and regression testing are two different types of software testing, each with a unique purpose and approach. Let's see the main differences between retesting and regression testing which are as follows:
In short, we can conclude that retesting and regression testing are both important components of the software testing process but they serve different purposes and require different approaches. Retesting is focused on verifying that a specific issue has been resolved while regression testing is focused on ensuring that the system as a whole still functions correctly after changes have been made.
The difference between top-down and bottom-up testing are as follows:
Top-down testing can uncover interface and communication issues early in the testing process. Bottom-up testing can help identify issues with individual modules and their interactions.
Both are very important concepts in software testing and hence it is necessary to know the difference between these two which are as follows:
Let's see the differences between a test case and a test scenario based on major points which are as follows:
Static testing tools and dynamic testing tools are two different approaches to software testing. Let's see five differences between the two which are as follows:
In short, we can conclude that functional testing tools are used to ensure that the software application meets its functional requirements while non-functional testing tools are used to ensure that the software application meets its non-functional requirements. Both types of testing tools are essential for ensuring the quality and reliability of the software application.
Load testing and performance testing are two types of testing that are often used interchangeably but they are not the same. Let's see the five differences between the two which are as follows:
Defect and bug are two terms that are often used interchangeably in software testing but they have slightly different meanings. Let's see the five differences between the two which are as follows:
The test plan and test strategy are both essential documents in software testing. Let’s see five points that differentiate the two which are as follows:
Let's see the five major differentiating points in incremental testing and iterative testing which are as follows:
Let's see the five major differentiating points between test-driven development(TDD) and behavior-driven development(BDD) which are as follows:
Let's see the five major differentiating points between acceptance testing and user acceptance testing(UAT) which are as follows:
Let's see the five major differentiating points between functional and non-functional requirements which are as follows:
Let's see the five major differentiating points between acceptance criteria and test criteria which are as follows:
Let's see the five main differentiating points between testing and validation which are as follows:
Let's see the five main differentiating points between manual and automated testing which are as follows:
Let's see the main differentiating points between the software development life cycle(SDLC) and the software testing life cycle(STLC) which are as follows:
Boundary Value Analysis is a black box testing technique used to identify errors around the boundaries of input ranges. In this technique, input values are selected from the boundary values of the input domain. The idea behind this technique is that most errors tend to occur at the boundaries rather than in the middle of the input range. Boundary value analysis helps in verifying that the application handles the input values correctly at the boundary values.
Equivalence Partitioning is a black box testing technique used to identify errors by dividing the input domain into smaller partitions. In this technique, the input values are divided into groups and only a few values are tested from each group instead of testing every value individually. The goal of this technique is to reduce the number of test cases while still achieving good test coverage.
A Test Plan Document is a formal document that describes the overall approach, objectives, scope, and deliverables of the testing process. The document outlines the test strategy, test objectives, resources required, timelines, and the testing methodology that will be used. The document serves as a guide to the testing team and provides a clear picture of the testing process including the test environment, testing phases, and test deliverables.
A document that records the details of the testing process including the results of individual tests, errors or defects identified, and the steps taken to resolve them is termed as Test Log and it is a critical record of the testing process and helps the testing team keep track of the testing progress, test results, and any issues encountered. The Test Log also serves as evidence of the testing carried out and provides valuable information to stakeholders about the quality of the software being tested.
A Test Summary Report is a document that summarizes the results of the testing process. It provides an overview of the testing activities carried out including the test objectives, test scope, test environment, testing methodology used, and the test results. The report also includes any defects or issues identified during testing, the severity of each issue, and the steps taken to resolve them. The Test Summary Report is an essential document that helps stakeholders understand the quality of the software being tested and provides valuable information for decision-making regarding the software's release and is often referred to as TSR.
A Test Execution Report is a document that provides an overview of the testing process including test results and the overall status of the testing effort which generally includes information on the test environment used, test cases executed, and the pass/fail status of each test case. The report also summarizes the progress of testing, identifies any issues encountered during testing, and provides recommendations for further testing or improvements to the testing process.
The test case design technique is a systematic approach used by software testers to design test cases. It is a process of identifying and creating test cases based on various factors such as requirements, specifications, design documents, and other inputs. The primary goal of test case design techniques is to ensure that test cases are thorough and effective in detecting defects in the software.
There are various techniques used for test case design including:
These techniques help testers to identify and design test cases that can effectively detect defects in the software ensuring that it meets the required quality standards.
A test bed is an environment set up specifically for software testing purposes. It includes all of the necessary hardware and software resources required to simulate real-world scenarios and test software applications or systems.
Testbeds can be used to:
Testbeds may also include specialized tools or software designed for testing such as load testing software or network simulators. The purpose of a test bed is to provide a controlled environment where testers can safely and effectively evaluate the behavior of software and identify any defects or issues before the system is released to production.
In software testing, a test oracle is a mechanism used to determine whether a software system produces the expected results for a given test case. It is a source of expected outcomes that testers use to compare with the actual results generated by the system under test.
The test oracle can be based on various sources such as:
The primary goal of a test oracle is to help identify defects or inconsistencies in the software being tested.
Let's know the main differentiating points between an incident and a defect which are as follows:
Let's see the major differences between a defect report and a bug report along with their differentiating criteria:
Let's see the five differences between test execution and test evaluation along with their differentiating criteria:
Test planning and test design are two important phases in software testing. Let's see the differences between test planning and test design based on five differentiating criteria which are as follows:
Test design and test execution are two essential phases in software testing. Let's see the differences between test design and test execution based on five differentiating criteria which are as follows:
Let's see the main differences between exploratory testing and ad-hoc testing based on a few criteria as follows:
In short, we can conclude that even though exploratory testing and ad-hoc testing are both informal testing techniques but exploratory testing is a structured approach to testing with specific goals and documented test charters while ad-hoc testing is a free-flowing approach with no specific design or coverage thus relying on the tester's memory to recall the testing process.
Defect leakage which is also known as "defect seepage" or "defect escape" is a term used to describe defects that are found by end-users or customers after the software has been released. Defect leakage can occur when the software is not adequately tested or when defects that are found during testing are not properly addressed or resolved. Defect leakage can lead to negative consequences for the business such as loss of customer trust, increased support costs, and damage to the brand's reputation.
In software testing, a test driver is a software component that acts as a tool to execute a test suite. It provides the necessary environment for the test cases to run and verifies the results.
A test driver typically performs the following tasks:
A test driver can be a simple script or a sophisticated software component depending on the complexity of the software under test. It is often used in conjunction with test stubs to simulate the behavior of the software's dependencies.
A test stub is a software component that is used in automated testing to simulate the behavior of a module that is not yet available or completed and is typically used in integration testing where the software modules are integrated and tested together as a group. The test stub acts as a substitute for the missing module thus allowing the testing to proceed as if the module were available. The test stub can also provide predefined inputs and outputs to the software being tested and hence enabling the tester to verify the behavior of the integrated system.
A traceability matrix is a document or tool that is used to track and verify the relationship between different artifacts or elements of a software project. Generally used in software testing to ensure that the test cases cover all the requirements and that all the defects are traced back to their original sources.
The traceability matrix can be used to track the relationship between the requirements, defects, and other project artifacts such as design documents and code modules and thus helps to ensure that the testing is comprehensive and that all the requirements have been met and all defects have been identified and resolved. The traceability matrix can also be used as a tool for project management thus enabling stakeholders to track the progress of the testing and ensure that the project stays on track.
Let's discuss the differences between test coverage and code coverage which are as follows:
We can define test case review as a process where the developed test cases are evaluated to ensure their effectiveness and accuracy and this review is usually performed by a group of people that includes testers, developers, and other stakeholders who have an understanding of the software being tested. Our main objective of the test case review is to identify any potential defects or issues with the test cases before they are executed.
During the review, the team checks the followings:
Test case reviews are an important aspect of the software testing process as they help to improve the quality of the test cases and ultimately the quality of the software. By detecting defects early in the process it helps us to reduce the cost and effort of fixing them at later stages.
In software testing, a walkthrough is a type of review where the author of a document such as a requirements specification or a design document leads a group of reviewers through the document to gather feedback and ensure understanding.
The primary purpose of a walkthrough is to identify any potential issues or misunderstandings early in the development process before significant time and resources have been invested. During a walkthrough, participants may ask questions, provide feedback and suggest changes to the document. The author may also use the opportunity to clarify any ambiguities or address any concerns.
In short, we can conclude that a walkthrough can be an effective way to improve the quality of a document and ensure that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the requirements and design.
Risk-based testing approach is a testing methodology that focuses on identifying and prioritizing the high-risk areas of an application and allocating testing resources accordingly. The aim of this approach is to ensure that the most critical functionality is thoroughly tested and the maximum number of defects are detected with minimum testing effort.
Some key points about the risk-based testing approach are as follows:
Let’s understand the differences between an error and a defect:
Let’s understand the differences between a test case and a test script based on a few points which are as follows:
Let’s understand the differences between testing and debugging based on few points which are as follows :
The defect life cycle which is also known as the bug life cycle is the process through which a defect goes from discovery to resolution and it describes the various stages that a defect goes through in its lifetime.
The different stages of a typical defect life cycle are as follows:
The defect life cycle helps the development and testing teams to track the progress of defect resolution and ensure that all defects are handled properly. By monitoring the defect life cycle, the teams can identify bottlenecks and delays in the defect resolution process and take corrective action.
A test case management tool is a software application designed to help manage the creation, execution, and tracking of test cases and related information. These tools provide a centralized repository for test cases and thus allowing testers to easily create, modify, and execute test cases. They also often include features for tracking test coverage, linking test cases to requirements, generating test reports, and collaborating with team members.
Test case management tools can be particularly useful for large and complex projects with many test cases where it would be difficult to manage everything manually. By using a test case management tool, testers can improve their efficiency, accuracy, and consistency in executing tests and can also better track progress and report on results.
A test automation tool is a software that automates the process of executing test cases. These tools are used to simulate user interactions with an application which can help reduce the time and effort required for manual testing. Test automation tools can also be used to perform repetitive tasks such as regression testing resulting in freeing up testers to focus on more complex testing tasks. They also help in improving the accuracy of testing and reducing the risk of human error.
A test management tool is a software application that helps in managing the entire testing process from planning and design to execution and reporting. Test management tools provide a centralized repository for storing and sharing test plans, test cases, and test results and hence allow testers to track testing progress, manage testing resources, and monitor test coverage. These tools also provide a range of reporting and analysis capabilities helping stakeholders to make informed decisions about the testing process.
A test reporting tool is a software application that helps in generating reports on the results of testing. These tools allow testers to create custom reports that can be shared with stakeholders and thus providing them with information on the status of testing, test coverage, and defects found. Test reporting tools also provide visualization capabilities and hence allow stakeholders to easily understand the information presented in the reports.
A test environment management tool is a software application that helps in managing the test environment including hardware and software configurations. These tools allow testers to create and manage multiple test environments and thus ensure that the testing is performed under the same conditions as the production environment. Test environment management tools also provide reporting and analysis capabilities and hence help stakeholders to understand the impact of the environment on the testing process.
A test design tool is a software application that helps in designing test cases and these tools can be used to create test scenarios, test cases, and test data. They also provide the ability to manage test designs and track changes made to test cases. Test design tools can help in improving the quality of test cases by ensuring that they are well-structured and cover all relevant scenarios resulting in easy maintenance.
A code coverage tool is a software testing tool used to measure the amount of code covered during testing and analyzes the source code and track which lines of code have been executed during a test run and generates a report that indicates the percentage of code that was covered by the tests.
Code coverage tools are used to determine how thoroughly a test suite is testing an application or system and can help us to identify gaps in test coverage and provide insights into where additional testing may be needed. By using a code coverage tool, developers can ensure that their code is being tested thoroughly and that any potential issues are identified and addressed before the code is deployed to production.
An example of a code coverage tool is JaCoCo which is a free and open-source tool for measuring and reporting Java code coverage. It works by instrumenting the Java bytecode and providing detailed information about which lines of code were executed during the tests. JaCoCo can be integrated with various build tools and IDEs, and it supports multiple output formats including HTML, XML, and CSV.
A load testing tool is a software application that helps in testing the performance of an application under heavy loads. These tools can simulate thousands of users interacting with the application simultaneously and hence help testers to identify performance bottlenecks and other issues. Load testing tools can also help in determining the maximum capacity of the application and thus provide information on how the application will perform under peak loads.
A security testing tool is a software tool designed to identify vulnerabilities and security flaws in an application or network. These tools can be used to simulate attacks on the application and thus helping us to identify weaknesses in the security architecture. Security testing tools can also provide us with information on compliance with security standards and regulations. These tools are essential for any organization that takes security seriously, as they help to identify potential security risks before they can be exploited by attackers. These tools automate the process of security testing and can be used to detect security issues such as:
Some popular security testing tools include:
A usability testing tool is a software tool that is designed to evaluate the usability of a software application and is used to measure how easy it is for users to navigate and interact with a system or application.
These tools can help testers identify areas where users might struggle such as confusing navigation, unclear instructions or poorly-designed interfaces.
Some popular usability testing tools include:
A performance testing tool is a software that testers commonly use to evaluate the speed, scalability and stability of an application under various workload conditions. These tools help to simulate different types of loads and measure system performance.
Performance testing tools can be used to identify bottlenecks, track response times and measure resource utilization during peak periods. They can also generate reports and graphs to provide insights into the performance characteristics of the application being tested.
Some examples of performance testing tools include:
A test result analysis tool is a software tool that helps in analyzing and interpreting the results of software testing activities. It provides various features and functionalities to process and analyze the test results and allows testers and stakeholders to make informed decisions based on the findings.
Some common features of test result analysis tools include:
By using a test result analysis tool, testing teams can efficiently analyze and interpret the test results, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the overall quality of the software being tested.
Test execution is the process of running the actual test cases either manually or through automation to verify if the application behaves as expected or not. During test execution, the testers follow the test cases to check for defects or deviations from expected behavior. The execution phase involves creating test logs, recording test results, and reporting defects. Test execution is a crucial step in the testing process as it helps identify defects and errors that may have gone unnoticed in earlier stages.
A test execution tool is a software application that is used to execute test cases automatically and helps us to automate the test execution process resulting in reduced time and effort required for manual testing. Test execution tools can perform various actions such as:
A test case execution log is a record of the actual testing activities performed during the execution of a set of test cases.
It documents the details of each test case that was executed such as:
The test case execution log serves as a historical record of the testing performed and can be used for tracking progress and identifying areas for improvement. It is an important document for the testing team and other stakeholders to track the testing progress and ensure the quality of the product.
Test case maintenance involves the process of updating and managing test cases to keep them relevant and up-to-date with the changing requirements of the application under test. Test case maintenance involves adding new test cases, modifying existing test cases, and removing obsolete test cases. Test case maintenance ensures that the testing process remains effective and efficient and helps to identify defects early in the development cycle.
A test automation framework is a set of guidelines and best practices for automating the testing process and provides a structured approach to test automation and helps to standardize the testing process. A test automation framework includes tools, libraries, and scripts that support the automation of the testing process. The framework provides a consistent and repeatable approach to testing and thus reduces the time and effort required for testing resulting in improvement of the accuracy and reliability of the test results.
Software Testing Interview Questions
Note : We have compiled all Software Testing Interview Questions List for you in a template format. Feel free to comment on it. Check it out now!!
Keyword-driven testing is a software testing approach that separates the test design and implementation from the test execution. In this approach, test cases are designed and organized using keywords or action words that represent specific test actions or operations.
The basic idea behind keyword-driven testing is to create a set of reusable keywords that encapsulate test actions such as clicking a button, entering data, or verifying results. These keywords are then used to define test steps or test scripts in a tabular format which is often referred to as a test data table or test script table.
The test scripts are typically organized in a modular and hierarchical manner which allows for better maintainability and reusability. The test data table contains the test inputs, expected results, and references to the keywords that need to be executed.
During test execution, a keyword-driven testing framework interprets the test scripts and executes the corresponding keywords. Each keyword is associated with an underlying implementation or code snippet that performs the actual test action.
The benefits of keyword-driven testing include:
Overall, keyword-driven testing provides a structured approach to test design and execution which enables teams to achieve better test coverage, maintainability, and reusability in their testing efforts.
Data-driven testing is a testing technique where test cases are designed based on the data that is input into a software application. In data-driven testing, a set of input data is defined to exercise the functionality of an application in various ways. These input data sets are defined as test data and test cases are designed to use this test data.
The main objective of data-driven testing is to reduce the time and effort required to create and maintain test cases. By using data-driven testing, the same test case can be executed multiple times with different sets of data and thus helps to identify bugs and defects in the software by verifying if the application behaves correctly under different input conditions.
We use data-driven testing commonly used in functional and performance testing where large amounts of data need to be processed and analyzed and also it is especially useful in testing applications that involve complex calculations or data transformations.
Model-based testing is an approach to software testing that uses models to represent the desired behavior of a system under test and these models can be created using various techniques such as flowcharts, state diagrams, decision tables, or other graphical representations.
Once a model is created then automated test cases can be generated from it to validate the behavior of the system. The test cases are derived by analyzing the model and its possible scenarios to determine the input values and expected output results.
Model-based testing helps in identifying potential defects early in the development lifecycle and provides better coverage of the system under test compared to manual testing. It can also reduce the time and effort required for testing as well as improve the quality of the software being tested.
Requirement-based testing is a testing approach that focuses on verifying whether the software system or application meets the requirements specified in the requirements documentation and test cases in this testing are derived from the requirements themselves and are designed to validate that the software system satisfies each requirement.
The process of requirement-based testing involves:
This approach ensures that the software system meets the functional and non-functional requirements and helps to ensure that the software is developed according to the user's needs and expectations.
A regression test suite is a collection of test cases that are executed to ensure that changes made to an application do not affect the existing functionality. Regression testing is performed to ensure that new changes or bug fixes do not create new issues or break existing functionality.
A regression test suite usually contains a set of test cases that are run periodically or after each new release to ensure that the software still behaves as expected. Whenever we have an update in our mobile then these test cases are run to check the working condition of our mobile as well as new features' functioning.
Agile testing is a testing methodology that follows the principles of agile software development. It involves testing and delivering software iteratively and incrementally with a focus on collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction.
In agile testing, testing activities are integrated into the development process rather than being a separate phase. The testers work closely with the development team and testing is done continuously throughout the development cycle and this helps to identify and address defects early on resulting in reduced cost and effort required to fix them.
Agile testing involves a range of testing activities including unit testing, integration testing, acceptance testing, exploratory testing, and test automation, and testers use a variety of techniques such as user stories, acceptance criteria, and test-driven development to ensure that the software meets the customer's requirements and is of high quality.
Agile testing also focuses on communication and collaboration between team members including developers, testers, product owners, and customers. Testers provide feedback to the development team and then the team works together to continuously improve the software and the testing process. This helps to ensure that the software meets the customer's needs and is delivered on time and within budget.
Browser automation refers to the process of automating tasks and interactions performed in a web browser and it involves using software tools or frameworks to simulate user actions such as clicking buttons, filling out forms, navigating through web pages, and extracting data from websites.
Browser automation is commonly used in web testing where automated tests are executed in a web browser to verify the functionality, performance, and compatibility of web applications. It allows testers to automate repetitive tasks, execute test cases across multiple browsers and platforms, and improve the efficiency of the testing process.
Key concepts related to browser automation include:
Overall, browser automation simplifies the testing process by automating repetitive tasks, enabling consistent test execution across multiple browsers, and improving efficiency. It helps ensure the quality and reliability of web applications by validating their behavior under different scenarios and configurations.
User interface testing is a type of software testing that is performed to validate the graphical user interface (GUI) of an application. The purpose of user interface testing is to ensure that the application's interface is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and meets the user's requirements. When we open and unlock a mobile then its GUI is coming into action and is responsible for experience on different applications. User interface testing usually involves testing the layout, design, and functionality of an application's GUI.
Review of a system or application's accessibility features and compliance with accessibility standards is referred to as an accessibility audit. The main goal of an accessibility audit is to evaluate the system's ability to provide equal access and usability for users with disabilities such as visual, auditory, or motor impairments and typically involves a thorough analysis of the system's accessibility features such as color contrast, keyboard navigation and assistive technology compatibility.
A code review checklist contains a set of guidelines that we use to outline the criteria for reviewing a piece of software code to ensure its quality, maintainability, and adherence to best practices and usually includes a list of items that need to be evaluated during the code review process such as coding standards, performance, security, scalability, and error handling.
The purpose of a code review checklist is to ensure that the code we have written is optimized for performance, is secure from attacks, is easily maintainable, and is in compliance with industry standards. By following a code review checklist, developers can identify potential bugs and issues before the code is deployed to production hence reducing the likelihood of costly errors and downtime.
A code review checklist can be tailored to fit the specific needs of a project or organization and can be used in conjunction with other software development methodologies such as Agile or DevOps. By using a code review checklist we can ensure that their code is of high quality while meeting project requirements and aligns with industry best practices.
A test plan checklist is a document that guides on the important items that should be included in a test plan which helps in creating a comprehensive test plan that covers all aspects of the testing process such as test objectives, methodology, test coverage, resources, schedule, and test deliverables. Hence checklist ensures that all necessary elements are included in the test plan and nothing important is left out. Additionally, it serves as a reference guide for the testing team to ensure that the test plan is being executed as intended.
A test case checklist can be defined as a document that provides us with guidelines for creating effective test cases. It also outlines the important elements that we should include in a test case, such as test objectives, test steps, expected results, test data, and test conditions. The checklist helps us to ensure that all necessary aspects of a test case are covered, making it easier to identify defects and validate system functionality. Overall we can say that it also helps us to ensure that all test cases are consistent and follow the same structure and thus making it easier for us to understand and maintain the test cases over time.
A defect report template is a document that outlines the essential elements of a defect report which includes the details of the defect such as the description, severity, steps to reproduce, and expected and actual results. The template helps to ensure that all necessary information is included in the defect report, making it easier for the development team to reproduce and fix the defect. It also helps to ensure that all defect reports follow a consistent structure, making it easier to track and manage defects over time.
A test case template is a document that contains the steps that should be taken to test a particular feature or functionality of a software application. It typically includes the details of the test scenario such as the input data that should be used, the expected output, and any preconditions or assumptions that should be met before the test can be performed. The template is used to ensure that all test cases are consistent in terms of format and level of detail hence making it easier to manage and execute the testing process.
A test log template is a document that provides a structured approach to recording the results of test execution which outlines the important elements that should be included in the test log such as the test case ID, the status of the test case, the actual results, the date and time of execution and any defects found. The template helps us to ensure that all necessary information is recorded in the test log, making it easier to track the progress of testing and identify any issues that may arise.
A test summary report template is a document that provides an overview of the testing process and result which includes information on the test objectives, scope, methodology, test coverage, resources, schedule, and test results. The template helps you to ensure that all important aspects of the testing process are covered in the summary report hence making it easier to communicate the results of the testing to stakeholders. It also helps to ensure that the summary report follows a consistent structure, making it easier to compare and understand the results of testing across different projects.
A test execution report template is a document that contains a detailed summary of the test execution process which includes information on the test cases executed, the test results and any defects found during the testing process. The template helps us to ensure that all necessary information is included in the test execution report and thus makes it easier for us to track the progress of testing and identify any issues that may arise.
A test automation script template is a predefined format that testers use for creating test automation scripts. Generally, it includes the necessary steps and commands used for the automation tool to execute the test cases. The template contains the following details such as test case name, test steps, expected results, actual results, and pass/fail status. Testers can save time and reduce errors that may occur during the test automation script creation process by using a template.
A test data management plan is a document that outlines the strategy and procedures for managing test data throughout the testing life cycle. It defines the types of data needed, the source of the data, the frequency of data refresh, and the process for securing and protecting the data. The plan also includes guidelines needed for creating and maintaining test data sets and ensuring their accuracy and completeness.
A test environment setup guide is a document that provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up the necessary environment for software testing and outlines the hardware, software, network configurations, and other components required to create a controlled testing environment. The purpose of the setup guide is to ensure consistency and reliability in the testing process by providing a standardized approach to setting up the test environment.
The test environment setup guide includes the following information:
The test environment setup guide serves as a reference for testers and ensures that the test environment is consistently set up across different testing activities and helps in reducing the setup time, eliminates guesswork, and improves the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process.
Test prioritization is the process of determining the order in which tests should be executed based on their importance, criticality, and impact on the system under test. It involves assigning priorities to individual test cases or test scenarios to ensure that the most critical and high-risk areas are tested first. Test prioritization helps in optimizing testing efforts, focusing on high-value tests, and maximizing the effectiveness of testing within the available resources and time constraints.
Here are some key considerations for test prioritization:
By prioritizing tests effectively, testing teams can focus their efforts on critical areas, identify major issues early in the testing process, and ensure that the most important functionalities are thoroughly tested. It helps in maximizing the value of testing and delivering a high-quality software product.
Test scheduling refers to the process of planning and organizing the execution of software tests within a defined timeframe and involves determining when and in what order tests should be executed based on various factors such as project timelines, test priorities, resource availability, and dependencies.
The goal of test scheduling is to effectively allocate resources and manage the testing process to ensure that testing activities are completed within the project timeline and meet the project objectives. It involves creating a schedule or timeline that outlines the sequence of test activities, their durations, and the resources required.
Key considerations in test scheduling include:
Test scheduling helps ensure that testing activities are conducted in a structured and planned manner, enabling timely identification of defects and reducing the overall project risk. It allows project stakeholders to have visibility into the testing progress and helps in making informed decisions based on the test results.
Test data management tools are software solutions designed to assist in the management, generation, and manipulation of test data used in software testing processes. These tools help testing teams in creating, maintaining, and provisioning test data for various testing activities, ensuring that the right data is available at the right time to support testing efforts.
Here are some key features and benefits of test data management tools:
Overall, test data management tools help in improving the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness of test data management activities, reducing the time and effort required for test data setup and maintenance. These tools contribute to better test coverage, data privacy and security, and overall testing productivity.
In conclusion, we know that preparing for a software testing interview can be challenging, but with the right resources and approach, it is still a manageable task. This compilation of 170+ interview questions we have covered various aspects of software testing can serve as a valuable resource for your job interview in this field.
Some of the important topics covered in these questions include different types of testing, testing methodologies, testing tools, software development life cycles, testing documentation, and terms you frequently hear while preparing for this field. It is important to not only memorize the answers to these questions but also to understand the underlying concepts and principles behind them.
In addition to studying these questions, it is also important for you to practice and gain hands-on experience with testing tools and techniques. This can help demonstrate your skills and knowledge during the interview process.
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