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  • January 06 2025

Top 80+ React Native Interview Questions and Answers [2024]

Master 80+ React Native interview questions to enhance your expertise in cross-platform development, React components, mobile app architecture, and more.

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React Native is a robust JavaScript framework widely recognized for developing mobile applications that run natively on both iOS and Android. By allowing developers to maintain a single codebase for multiple platforms, React Native significantly reduces development time and effort, making it a preferred choice for businesses and developers alike.

As one of the leading tools for mobile app development, React Native has powered some of the world's most popular applications. Its ability to deliver a native-like user experience while utilizing JavaScript highlights its versatility and efficiency. Preparing for React Native interview questions is crucial for developers aiming to showcase their expertise and secure a role in this competitive field.

Whether you're starting or advancing your career, mastering these questions helps deepen your understanding of the framework and improves your chances of success in interviews.


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Note : We have compiled all the React Native Interview Questions for your reference in a template format. Check it out now!

Fresher-Level React Native Interview Questions

Here are some essential React Native interview questions for freshers. These questions cover fundamental concepts across various React Native technologies, helping you build a solid foundation in the framework. By preparing for these questions, you can enhance your understanding and effectively showcase your React Native skills during interviews.

1. What Is React Native?

React Native (RN) is a popular JavaScript-based framework for building mobile apps with native rendering on iOS and Android platforms. Its primary advantage is that it enables developers to create applications for multiple platforms using a single codebase. This is one of the most common questions asked in React Native interviews, as it includes its benefits, such as faster development, native-like performance, and code reusability.

2. What Are the Limitations of React Native?

React Native has some limitations developers should be aware of:

  • Compatibility and Debugging Issues: React Native is still evolving and may cause compatibility issues with certain packages or tools.
  • Upgrading Challenges: Updating React Native may cause unexpected issues, and upgrading to newer versions may require manual intervention.
  • Lack of Custom Modules: React Native lacks some native components, requiring custom solutions or modifications.
  • Need for Native Developers: For complex projects, native code or collaboration with native developers might still be necessary.

3. How React Native Is Different From React?

Here are the primary differences between React Native and React:

AspectsReact NativeReact
PlatformMobile applicationsWeb applications
RenderingUses native components.Uses web components (DOM).
PerformanceNear-native performance.Depends on browser performance.
Code reusabilityPartial (business logic, some UI components).High (within web projects).
Development environmentRequires mobile simulators/emulators.Standard web browsers.

React Native and React are two powerful tools with distinct strengths. React, or ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces in web applications. React Native, on the other hand, is a framework that adapts React for mobile app development. To learn the key differences between them, follow this blog on React vs React Native.

4. What Is the Difference Between Flutter and React Native?

The following table will help us understand the primary differences between Flutter and React Native.

AspectsFlutterReact Native
Developed ByIntroduced by Google.Introduced by Facebook.
Programming LanguageUses Dart language to create mobile apps.Uses JavaScript to create mobile apps.
ArchitectureUses Business Logic Component (BLoC) architecture.Uses Flux and Redux architecture. Flux was created by Facebook, while Redux is preferred by the community.
PerformanceOffers faster performance by compiling applications with the ARM C/C++ library, improving native efficiency.Slower performance compared to Flutter. Hybrid application architecture can present challenges.
TestingProvides extensive testing tools for unit, integration, and widget testing.Relies on third-party tools for app testing.
Community SupportSmaller community support compared to React Native.Strong community support with quick resolution of queries and issues.
Industry AdoptionUsed by Google Ads, Hamilton, and Xianyu.Used by Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

To learn more about the difference in details, follow this blog on Flutter vs React Native; this blog uncovers the critical aspects that set Flutter vs React Native apart.

5. Explain the Concept of JSX in React Native

JSX is an extension of the JavaScript language that introduces a new type of expression called JSX expressions, which are used to create React elements. JSX expressions provide a shorthand syntax for invoking the API, React.createElement(type, props, ...children).

You can use JSX expressions anywhere you would use any other JavaScript expression, such as in return statements or when assigning a variable. Understanding JSX is often highlighted in most of the React Native interview questions, as it forms the backbone of component rendering in the framework.

6. How Do You Create a Component in React Native?

To create a component in React Native:

  • Import React and necessary components from react-native.
  • Define a function or class that returns JSX.
  • Export the component.
  • Example:

    import React from 'react';
    import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
    function MyComponent() {
      return (
          <Text>Hello from my component!</Text>
    export default MyComponent;

    Creating components to implement modular and reusable UI elements is important and is often a common topic in React Native interview questions.

7. What Is the Significance of the Render Method in React Native Components?

The render method in React Native components defines the component's user interface. It returns JSX that describes what should be displayed on the screen. This method is automatically called whenever the component's state or props change, triggering a re-render.

The render method must remain pure, meaning the same inputs should always produce the same output. Additionally, the render method should not modify the component's state, as this can result in unexpected behavior and performance issues. This is one of the most significant topics in React Native, and it has been asked in most of the React Native interview questions.

8. What Is State in React Native, and How Is It Different From Props?

In React Native, the state is used to handle data that can change. It works like a variable to store and update data.

When defining a state, an initial value must be given. The setState function is used to update the state later. When the state changes, the component where it is used will automatically update (re-render).

The useState is to be imported from React.


const [stateName, setStateName] = useState(<initial_value>);

The following are the differences between state and props in React Native:

OwnershipOwned by component.Passed from parent.
Update methodsetState()It cannot be updated.
UsageInternal component data.Data passed between components.
Default valuesSet using state = {...}Set using defaultProps.

Understanding these concepts ensures you can effectively manage component data and behavior, and it's often highlighted in most of the React Native interview questions.

9. How Do You Handle User Input in React Native?

To handle user input in React Native:

  • Use input components like TextInput.
  • Manage state to store input values.
  • Use the onChangeText prop for text input changes.
  • Use onPress prop for button presses.


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View, TextInput, Button, Text } from 'react-native';

const InputExample = () => {
  const [text, setText] = useState('');

  return (
        placeholder="Enter text"
        onPress={() => console.log(text)}
      <Text>You entered: {text}</Text>

export default InputExample;

10. What Are Keys in React Native, and Why Are They Important in Lists?

Keys are unique identifiers assigned to elements in a list. They enable React to efficiently track changes, additions, or removals. Keys are crucial for optimizing rendering performance and preserving component state across re-renders.

It is vital to understand the importance of keys in list rendering, as it is often mentioned in most of the React Native interview questions, highlighting their role in performance optimization and seamless updates.


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11. How Is Flexbox in React Native Different From CSS?

Flexbox in React Native helps define layouts and adapt them to various screen sizes, similar to CSS. In React Native, CSS Flexbox works just like in CSS but with some differences in default settings:

  • flex-direction: In CSS, the default is a row, but in React Native, it is a column.
  • align-content: In CSS, the default is stretch, but in React Native, it is flex-start.
  • flex-shrink: In CSS, the default is 1, but in React Native, it is 0.

These distinctions are commonly highlighted in React Native interview questions, as they help create responsive and effective mobile application layouts.

12. What Is the StyleSheet Component in React Native, and Why Is It Used?

A StyleSheet provides the standards for formatting and designing a web page or document. In React Native, the StyleSheet has several common attributes with CSS, such as color, height, and position-related properties like top, right, bottom, and left.

The StyleSheet.create() method creates a stylesheet, which is a collection of style definitions. These definitions include a wide range of properties similar to CSS, including color, dimensions, positioning, and layout attributes.

By using StyleSheet.create(), developers can organize their styles more efficiently and effectively. While inline styling is an option in React Native, it's generally not recommended for larger applications due to potential performance issues and reduced code readability.

Instead, the StyleSheet component provides several advantages:

  • React Native can optimize styles created with StyleSheet.create(), potentially improving rendering speed.
  • Stylesheets allow for better separation of concerns, keeping styles separate from component logic.
  • Defined styles can be easily reused across multiple components, promoting consistency and reducing code duplication.
  • StyleSheet provides a level of type checking, helping to catch styling errors early in the development process.
  • Centralized style definitions make the code more maintainable and easier to understand.

The syntax for creating a StyleSheet is simple. Developers use StyleSheet.create() to define an object containing style definitions. Each property of this object represents a named style, which can then be referenced in component rendering.

For example:

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 4,
    padding: 29,
    backgroundColor: "#123f45"
  text: {
    fontSize: 16,
    color: 'white'

These styles can then be applied to components using the style prop:

<View style={styles.container}>
  <Text style={styles.text}>Hello, I’M React Native!</Text>

This feature is a common topic in React Native interview questions, as it demonstrates how to manage styles effectively while adhering to best practices.

13. How Do You Handle Navigation Between Screens in React Native?

Navigation between screens in React Native is managed using libraries like React Navigation. A navigator component is configured to define the available screens. Methods such as navigate, push, and goBack are used to transition between screens. Understanding these methods is essential for freshers and is often featured in most of the React Native interview questions, as navigation is a fundamental aspect of mobile app development.

14. Explain the Concept of Conditional Rendering in React Native

Conditional rendering in React Native involves displaying components based on certain conditions. It is achieved using control structures such as if-else statements or ternary operators.

For example:

const App = () => {
  const hasNotifications = false;
  return (
      {hasNotifications ? (
        <Text>You have new notifications!</Text>
      ) : (
        <Text>No new notifications</Text>

This is the core concept in React Native for evaluating how developers handle dynamic UI rendering, and it is often covered in React Native interview questions.

15. How Can You Make a Network Request in React Native?

In React Native, network requests are commonly made using the fetch API or libraries like Axios. These requests are asynchronous, ensuring the app remains responsive while waiting for the server's response.

Promises or async/await syntax are used to handle the responses. Efficiently handling network requests is important for any newcomer and is often highlighted in many of the React Native interview questions, as it’s essential for creating robust apps.

16. Describe the Role of the React-Native-CLI Tool in React Native Development

The React Native CLI is a command-line tool designed to streamline the management of React Native projects. It automates essential tasks, including project creation, launching apps on simulators or devices, and preparing applications for release.

Understanding the React Native CLI is crucial for freshers starting their careers in React Native development. This tool is frequently highlighted in React Native interview questions to assess a candidate's knowledge of workflow optimization and efficient project management.

17. What Is the Purpose of the ScrollView Component in React Native?

The ScrollView component in React Native is a scrollable container that allows child components and views to exceed the screen size. It supports both vertical and horizontal scrolling, with vertical being the default. To enable horizontal scrolling, the horizontal prop is set to true.


  {/* Child components go here */}

Purposes of ScrollView include:

  • Child Component Scrolling: It supports scrolling of nested components and views, making content accessible even when the screen size exceeds.
  • Complete Rendering: All child elements are rendered, whether visible on the screen or not. This can impact performance when dealing with a large number of elements.
  • Suited for Limited Data: It works well for displaying a small number of items with fixed sizes. Components like FlatList are more suitable for larger datasets.
  • State Preservation: Since ScrollView renders all children at once, the state of every component inside is preserved, even for those that are not currently visible.
  • Generic Content Display: It is useful for presenting various types of content, such as text, images, and views, in a scrollable format.

Understanding ScrollView is essential for freshers, as it is mentioned in React Native interview questions focusing on performance optimization.

18. How Do You Debug React Native Applications?

In React Native, debugging can be approached in multiple ways due to the framework’s nature of working across different platforms like iOS and Android. Since React Native connects native code with JavaScript, developers face various challenges that require different tools and methods for debugging.

Here are some debugging methods:

  • Platform-Specific Debugging : Since React Native works on both iOS and Android, the debugging process can be different for each. Each platform has its own set of tools to help fix issues.
    • Android Debugging: Use adb logcat to check detailed logs from Android devices or emulators. This helps find issues with Android code or network requests.
    • iOS Debugging: On iOS, Xcode tools help view logs and debug native components. The console and debugger in Xcode are useful for fixing iOS-specific problems.
  • Remote Debugging with Chrome or React Native Debugger : React Native lets you debug JavaScript code remotely using tools like Chrome DevTools or React Native Debugger.
    • Chrome DevTools: This is a common way to debug JavaScript code. It lets you inspect variables, set breakpoints, and view logs in real-time.
    • React Native Debugger: This tool combines Redux DevTools and Chrome DevTools into one interface. It's great for debugging state management and checking network requests.
  • Console Logging : Using console.log() is a simple way to debug React Native apps. You can log variables, states, and props to understand how your app is working at different stages.
  • React Developer Tools :The React Developer Tools browser extension lets you inspect the component tree and check props and state in real-time. It's useful for debugging how React components behave.

These methods help make debugging efficient, and it is often covered in most of the React Native interview questions to assess a developer’s ability to handle cross-platform issues.

19. Explain the package.json in a React Native Project

The package.json file is a central repository for managing dependencies, scripts, metadata, and other primary project details.

​​Purpose of the package.json File:

  • Dependency Management: In React Native projects, the package.json file lists both JavaScript dependencies (like React and React Native themselves) and native dependencies that might require linking to the native code. This is crucial for managing the complex ecosystem of a cross-platform mobile app.
  • Version Control Integration: For React Native projects, version information is particularly important when submitting apps to app stores. The version number in package.json often corresponds to the app's version in the store.
  • Script Execution: React Native projects typically include scripts for running the app on iOS and Android simulators/emulators, as well as scripts for building release versions. For example:
  • "scripts": {
      "android": "react-native run-android",
      "ios": "react-native run-ios",
      "start": "react-native start",
      "test": "jest",
      "lint": "eslint ."

As this file manages all the dependencies, React developers must grasp the project structure. It is also commonly featured in React Native interview questions.

20. How Do You Install Third-Party Libraries in a React Native Project?

Third-party libraries are bundles of code created by other developers that enhance an application's functionality. They can introduce features like UI components, data storage, networking, etc.

React Native has a limited number of built-in third-party libraries, so developers often seek external resources to obtain the features they require.

Knowing how to manage dependencies with libraries is the core concept of React Native, and it is frequently mentioned in most of the React Native interview questions.

To install third-party libraries in a React Native project, follow these steps:

  • Use a package manager: React Native projects usually use npm (Node Package Manager) or Yarn. Both work well, but stick to one throughout your project for consistency.
  • Command line installation: Open your terminal, navigate to your project's root directory, and use one of these commands:
  • With npm:

    npm install <package-name>

    With Yarn:

    yarn add <package-name>
  • Rebuild the app: After installing, especially for native modules, rebuild your app.
  • npx react-native run-android


    npx react-native run-ios

21. Describe the Purpose of the AppRegistry Component in React Native

A component in React Native is a JavaScript function that returns JSX, but these components don't execute by themselves. To render them on our devices, we must register them and define where React Native should begin rendering.

AppRegistry is essential for building components and React Native applications. Knowledge of it is crucial for developers and is often covered in React Native interview questions. As AppRegistry is the entry point is defined using AppRegistry. AppRegistry allows us to register the starting point of the React Native application. At least one component must be registered for the app to work.

22. How Do You Handle Asynchronous Operations in React Native?

In React Native, asynchronous operations are handled using promises or async/await syntax. The most common methods for handling these operations include:

  • fetch: Used to make HTTP requests and handle responses asynchronously.
  • AsyncStorage: For storing data locally in a key-value store in an asynchronous way.
  • XMLHttpRequest: Another way to make network requests in React Native, though it's less commonly used compared to fetch.

Proper handling of asynchronous operations is vital for developers and is often a common topic to appear in most of the React Native interview questions to ensure smooth app functionality.

23. What Is Redux, and How Does It Relate to React Native?

Redux is a state management library for JavaScript applications. It helps manage the application’s state in a central location, making it easier to control and update. In Redux, actions (describing what should happen) and reducers (specifying how the state changes based on those actions) modify the state.

Redux relates to React Native in several ways:

  • React Native apps often need to share state across multiple components. Redux provides a centralized store accessible by any component, regardless of its position in the component tree.
  • Redux minimizes unnecessary re-renders by allowing components to subscribe only to the specific pieces of state they need, improving performance.
  • Redux can be integrated with navigation libraries like React Navigation to manage the navigation state for more complex navigation patterns.
  • Redux middleware, such as Redux Thunk or Redux Saga, integrates seamlessly with React Native to handle asynchronous operations like API calls.

24. How Do You Integrate Redux With React Native?

Here are the steps to integrate Redux with React Native:

  • Install the React-Redux and Redux libraries: To make Redux compatible with React Native, install the React-Redux and Redux libraries. Use either npm or yarn package managers to do this.
  • Here are the commands required to install redux and react-redux:

    npm install redux
    npm install react-redux
  • Create Store: The state of the application is stored here. The createStore function from the Redux library is used to create a store. The state is then updated by the createStore method based on actions, and it takes a reducer function as an argument.
  • Connect the User's React Native Components to the Store: Use the Provider component from the react-redux package to connect the user's components to the store. This allows access to the store for all connected components.
  • Connect the User's Components to the Store: Use the connect method in the react-redux package to link the components to the store. By mapping the state from the store to props and dispatching actions to props, the connect function allows the user to dispatch actions to update the state.
  • Send Actions to Modify the State: The state can be modified through the store’s dispatch function.
  • Register for Store Changes: Subscribe to changes using the store's subscribe function, then update the user's components as needed.

Understanding how Redux enhances state management within an app is crucial, as it is frequently covered in many React Native interview questions.

25. What Are Props in React Native?

The term props is used in React Native to denote the properties of components. During the creation of components, they can be customized with different parameters, known as props. These props are immutable and cannot be changed.


<ChildComponent propName={propValue} />


import React from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';

const ParentComponent = () => {
  return (
      <ChildComponent message="Hello from props!" />

const ChildComponent = (props) => {
  return (

export default ParentComponent;

26. What Is React Native SectionList?

The SectionList component in React Native is an inbuilt list view that renders lists divided into sections. As its name suggests, it is designed for displaying data organized into multiple sections. It is a Pure Component that supports several features such as pull-to-refresh, infinite scroll loading, separators, headers, footers, and more.

SectionLists are commonly used for rendering lists categorized into various sections. However, when sections are unnecessary, it is recommended to use either the FlatList or ScrollView components for simpler list views.


<SectionList sections={sectionsData} renderItem={itemRenderer} />

27. What Are the Benefits of Using React Native for Building Mobile Applications?

The following are the benefits of React Native for mobile app development:

  • Live Reloading: It offers hot reloading, allowing developers to see app changes immediately as they write the code. This helps speed up the development process by providing real-time feedback.
  • Portability: If the app needs to be moved to another framework, it can be exported from React Native and continued development in Android Studio or Xcode. This provides more flexibility for future changes.
  • Excellent Performance: Apps built with React Native perform almost as well as native apps because they are optimized for mobile devices. They use the GPU instead of the CPU, which makes them faster and more efficient than other cross-platform technologies.
  • Time and Cost Savings: It allows developers to build one app that works on iOS and Android platforms. Maintenance and updates can also be performed simultaneously for both platforms, further reducing expenses.

28. What Are the Different Ways of Styling in a React Native Component?

In React Native, styling is done using JavaScript objects, not regular CSS. Every component has a style prop where you can define styles using JavaScript object keys, following the camelCase convention.

For example, you would use borderRadiusus instead of CSS border-radius.

  • Inline Styles: These are used by directly adding styles to components. This is fine for small components but becomes hard to manage for larger apps.
  • Using StyleSheet: For more complex components, it's better to use StyleSheet.create() to define styles in one place. This is cleaner, more organized, and works better for larger apps.

29. How Do You Handle Platform-Specific Code in React Native?

React Native allows handling platform-specific code in two main ways:

  • Using the Platform Module: Conditionally render components or apply styles based on the platform (iOS or Android).
  • Platform-Specific Files: Create platform-specific files using naming conventions like Component.ios.js and React Native automatically chooses the correct file based on the platform.

The React Native interview questions discussed above are fundamental and essential for any fresher to understand. They form the foundation for mastering React Native development concepts and practices. Developing a strong grasp of these basics is crucial for building a solid skill set and excelling in interviews.

As you progress, you will encounter intermediate-level React Native interview questions that explore deeper aspects of the framework's features and applications. Addressing these questions will expand your knowledge, enhance your problem-solving abilities, and prepare you to tackle more complex challenges, ultimately strengthening your expertise in React Native development.

Intermediate-Level React Native Interview Questions

This section covers React Native interview questions for intermediate-level candidates with a good understanding of the framework and some hands-on experience. The questions focus on key concepts, features, and techniques that help improve the quality and performance of React Native applications.

30. What Are the React Lifecycle Methods?

React class components follow distinct phases during their lifecycle. When a component is created and added to the DOM, it receives properties (props) that can be accessed using this.props, marking the start of the lifecycle process. Understanding these lifecycle methods is crucial for developers, as it provides insights into how React operates when building applications. This knowledge is often featured in most React Native interview questions.

It’s important to note that a component might not experience every phase. For instance, it could be mounted and then quickly unmounted without undergoing updates or encountering errors.

The lifecycle is categorized into the following parts:

  • Mounting: This phase begins when a component instance is created and inserted into the DOM.
  • Updating: This phase occurs when a component receives new props or updates to its state.
  • Unmounting: The unmounting phase happens when the component is no longer required and is removed from the DOM.
  • Error Handling: This phase handles errors during rendering, in lifecycle methods, or within child components.

31. What Is HOC (Higher-Order Component) in React Native?

HOC (Higher-Order Component) is a design pattern in React Native that lets you recycle component logic efficiently. It's simply a function that accepts an existing component as input and returns a new component with additional capabilities.


const NewComponent = higherOrderComponent(WrappedComponent);

This concept often appears in React Native interview questions, focusing on the reuse of component logic across the application.

32. What Are Touchable Components in React Native, and How Do They Work?

Touchable components in React Native, including TouchableOpacity and TouchableHighlight, allow UI elements to respond to touch interactions. They handle touch events such as onPress and onLongPress and provide visual feedback, enhancing the interactivity of the app.

33. Discuss the Benefits and Limitations of Using Expo for React Native Development

Expo is an open-source platform that simplifies building React Native apps. It provides a set of tools and APIs, making it easy to quickly create and test apps in one unified development environment.

Benefits of Expo include:

  • Rapid Development: Expo provides a quick setup process and eliminates the need for native build configurations.
  • OTA Updates: It allows for over-the-air updates without going through app store approval processes.
  • Pre-built Components: Expo provides a rich set of pre-built components and APIs.
  • Cross-Platform Consistency: It ensures more consistent behavior across platforms.
  • Simplified Testing: The Expo Go app allows for easy testing on physical devices without building the app.

Limitations of Expo:

  • Limited Native Module Access: It restricts direct access to native modules, which can be limiting for complex apps.
  • Larger App Size: Expo apps tend to be larger due to included libraries.
  • Update Delays: There can be delays in supporting the latest React Native versions.
  • Less Control: Developers have less control over the native layer of the app.
  • Ejection Complexity: Moving from Expo to bare React Native ("ejecting") can be complex.

Understanding Expo's benefits and limitations is crucial for developers when building React Native applications. It helps them make informed decisions, and this topic is often covered in most React Native interview questions.

34. Explain the Concept of Props Drilling and How to Avoid It

Props drilling occurs when props are passed through multiple levels of components, even to components that don't directly use them, just to reach a deeply nested component that needs the data. This can lead to components that are tightly coupled and difficult to maintain.

To avoid props drilling, you can use methods like the Context API or Redux.

  • Context API: React's Context API helps share state across components without the need to pass props manually. By creating a context at a higher level, you can make the data available to any component that needs it.
  • Redux: Redux is a state management library that centralizes the application's state. Instead of passing props through many levels of components, Redux lets any component access the state directly from the store.

Both methods help reduce unnecessary prop passing, making the code more maintainable and efficient. This topic is often raised in React Native interview questions.

35. What Is the Importance of Gesture Handling for Creating Rich and Responsive User Interfaces in React Native?

Gesture handling is crucial for creating smooth and interactive user interfaces in React Native. It is essential for features like swipe navigation, pinch-zoom, drag-and-drop, animations, carousels, pull-to-refresh, long-press actions, and rotations.

Libraries such as react-native-gesture-handler provide reliable solutions for implementing these gestures, improving the app's responsiveness and providing a more intuitive user experience.

36. What Is the Purpose of PanResponder for Handling Touch Gestures?

PanResponder is a built-in module in React Native that handles touch gestures and user interactions. It enables developers to recognize and respond to multi-touch and gesture movements, such as dragging, swiping, or panning.

This module listens to touch events and provides callbacks like onMoveShouldSetPanResponder and onPanResponderMove, which help detect when a gesture starts, changes, or ends. This allows developers to track touch positions and implement animations or logic based on user input.

37. What Is the Storage System in React Native?

React Native uses an unencrypted, asynchronous, and persistent storage system to manage data globally within the app. Data is stored as key-value pairs using the AsyncStorage class. Since the stored data is not encrypted and lacks a permanent backup mechanism, developers must implement additional strategies for data synchronization and protection.

38. How Can You Handle Offline Storage in a React Native App?

To handle offline storage in a React Native app, you can use AsyncStorage to store simple data locally on the device. AsyncStorage is a simple and widely used approach for offline storage in React Native apps. It is a key-value storage system that allows you to store small amounts of data, such as user preferences, tokens, or settings, directly on the device.

To use AsyncStorage, you can save data with AsyncStorage.setItem() and retrieve it with AsyncStorage.getItem(). It's a simple solution for apps that don't require complex data structures or large datasets.

AsyncStorage is best for small, simple data. It is easy to implement for offline storage in React Native apps and is often mentioned in most React Native interview questions.

39. Explain shouldComponentUpdate in React Native

To handle the re-rendering of components in React Native, the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method is used. This method is called before a component re-renders when new props or states are received. It helps determine if a component needs to be re-rendered, which allows for performance optimizations.

The syntax for shouldComponentUpdate is:

shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)

shouldComponentUpdate compares the current and next props and state. If there is no significant change that would affect the component’s output, it prevents unnecessary re-renders. This improves the performance of the application.

For example, if a component does not need to re-render under certain conditions, shouldComponentUpdate can skip the render. This results in better responsiveness and app optimization, and it is the most common topic in most React Native interview questions.

40. What Is the Virtual DOM, and Why Is It Important in React Native?

The Virtual DOM is a concept in React and React Native that represents the UI as an in-memory tree structure of components. When changes occur in a component's props or state, React generates a new Virtual DOM tree, compares it with the previous one through a process called reconciliation, and updates the actual DOM with only the necessary changes.

In React Native, the Virtual DOM works similarly to how it functions in the web version of React. However, instead of modifying the browser’s DOM directly, React Native’s Virtual DOM interacts with the native platform’s UI elements.

The importance of the Virtual DOM in React Native includes:

  • Performance optimization: The Virtual DOM minimizes actual DOM manipulations, improving performance by batching updates and reducing reflows and repaints.
  • Cross-platform consistency: React Native’s Virtual DOM ensures a consistent development experience across iOS and Android. Developers write code targeting the Virtual DOM, which is then translated into platform-specific UI components.
  • Developer productivity: Developers focus on writing declarative UI code while React Native handles efficient rendering updates, making the development process more productive and less error-prone.
  • Reconciliation control: The Virtual DOM’s reconciliation process ensures that only necessary updates are made to the UI, preventing unnecessary re-renders and improving responsiveness.

41. How Can You Achieve Responsive Design in React Native?

To achieve a responsive design in React Native, layouts need to adjust properly to different screen sizes and orientations.

Here are some approaches:

  • Flexbox: React Native uses Flexbox for layout, which automatically adjusts the size and position of components based on the available space. This is key for creating responsive designs.
  • Dimensions API: You can access screen dimensions using the Dimensions module to tailor your layout to the screen size.
  • Platform-specific code: React Native provides platform-specific extensions (e.g., Platform.OS) to write code for iOS or Android, allowing for adjustments on each platform.
  • Orientation changes: By listening for orientation changes, you can update your UI. You can use the Dimensions module or libraries like react-native-orientation-locker for this.
  • Responsive fonts: Use the PixelRatio module to adjust font sizes based on the screen's density.
  • Layout components: Libraries like react-native-responsive-screen offer components that adapt their size to the screen dimensions.
  • Media queries: Implement CSS-like media queries using libraries like react-native-responsive to achieve responsive styling.

42. What Is the Purpose of the PixelRatio Module in React Native?

The PixelRatio module in React Native helps developers manage differences in screen densities across devices. Since mobile devices vary in pixel densities (measured in pixels per inch or PPI), this affects how content appears on the screen.

The main purpose of the PixelRatio module is to help create designs that look consistent and visually balanced on screens with different pixel densities. It provides methods to calculate and adjust sizes based on the density of a device's screen.

For example, the PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize() method converts a layout size defined in density-independent pixels (dp) into the actual pixel size based on the device's screen density.

import { PixelRatio } from 'react-native';

const layoutSize = 50; // Size in dp
const pixelSize = PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(layoutSize);
console.log('Actual Pixel Size:', pixelSize);

43. How Do You Handle Push Notifications in a React Native App?

Handling push notifications in React Native involves the following steps:

  • Choose a Notification Service: Select a service to manage notifications, such as Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Android or Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) for iOS. Configure the required settings to connect your app to the service.
  • Ask for User Permissions: Request permission from users to send notifications. Use libraries like react-native-push-notification or @react-native-community/push-notification-ios to simplify this step.
  • Register the Device: Retrieve a unique token for the user’s device from the notification service. This token is required to send notifications directly to the device.
  • Handle Incoming Notifications: Set up the app to handle notifications when they are received. Decide how the app should react if it is running, in the background, or closed when a notification arrives.
  • Display Notifications: Use a library to display notifications on the device. These could be triggered by the app itself (local notifications) or sent from the notification service (remote notifications).

This is a common topic in React Native interview questions, as it concerns effectively managing notifications in an app.

44. What Is NativeBase?

NativeBase is an open-source library that helps developers create user interfaces for React Native apps. It provides ready-to-use components like buttons, images, alerts, cards, and more, making it easier to build apps with a consistent design. NativeBase works with Expo, Web, and React Native CLI projects. The components can be quickly used in an app by importing NativeBase and selecting the ones needed, saving time and effort in building the user interface.

45. How Can You Implement Bi-directional Communication in React Native?

Bi-directional communication in React Native refers to the exchange of data between two entities, typically between the client and the server, in both directions.

Here are some methods to implement bi-directional communication:

  • Using Props: Props pass data from parent to child components. Child components can trigger events or actions by using callbacks provided by the parent, which sends information back to the parent.
  • Using Context API: The Context API shares data between components that are not directly related to the component tree. This approach simplifies data sharing by eliminating the need to pass props through multiple layers of components.
  • Global State Management: Libraries like Redux and MobX manage global state, where any component can access and modify the shared state. This creates a centralized method for managing data across the app.
  • React Hooks: React hooks organize logic to be shared across components. This method makes it easier to reuse behavior and manage data flow between components.
  • Native Modules: For more complex scenarios, native modules expose native functionality to JavaScript and vice versa, providing a two-way communication channel between native code and JavaScript in React Native.

46. What Are the Differences Between React Native and Native?

One of the most common React Native interview questions involves understanding the differences between React Native and Native (Android/iOS) development. Below is a table highlighting the primary differences:

CharacteristicsReact NativeNative Development
Development LanguageJavaScript/TypeScript with ReactAndroid: Kotlin/Java iOS: Swift/Objective-C
PerformanceGood, but with some overhead.Highest possible performance.
UI RenderingCross-platform components.Platform-specific native components.
Code Reusability80-90% code shared between platforms.Minimal code reusability.
CostLower development costs.Higher development costs.
Hardware AccessRequires native modules.Direct, optimized hardware integration

47. How to Add Custom Font in a React Native App?

To use a custom font in a React Native app, follow these steps:

  • Add Font Files: Place the font files (e.g., .ttf or .otf) into the assets/fonts directory in the project.
  • Link the Fonts: For newer versions of React Native (0.60+), the fonts are automatically linked. For older versions, run the react-native link command.
  • For iOS, add the fonts in Xcode’s "Info.plist" file under UIAppFonts. For Android, no additional setup is required if the fonts are placed in the assets/fonts directory.

  • Use the Font in Styles: Specify the custom font in your component styles by using the fontFamily property.

Here’s an example of adding a custom font:

import { Text, View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.customText}>Hello custom font!</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
customText: {
fontFamily: 'CustomFont-Bold', // Replace with your custom font name
fontSize: 20,
color: '#FF6347', 

export default App;

48. Explain the Purpose of the AppState Module in React Native

The AppState module in React Native helps monitor the app's state, whether it's in the foreground or background. This is one of the core concepts in React Native, often covered in most React Native interview questions. It allows developers to react to changes in the app's lifecycle, such as when the app is minimized or returned to focus.

Some common uses include:

  • Background Tasks: Trigger background tasks or pause ongoing activities when the app moves to the background.
  • User Engagement: Adjust notifications or UI updates when the app returns to the foreground to reflect new data.
  • Data Fetching: Control when to refresh data, limiting network requests when the app is inactive.

49. Explain Bridge Communication in React Native

Bridge communication in React Native refers to the process by which JavaScript code interacts with native code on the device. The bridge facilitates the transfer of data and events between the JavaScript thread and the native thread, enabling JavaScript to access native features.

Key aspects include:

  • Asynchronous Communication: JavaScript sends requests to native modules, which are processed on the native thread, and the results are returned to JavaScript.
  • Native Modules: Native modules expose methods for JavaScript to call, providing access to platform-specific functionality.
  • Performance: The Bridge offloads tasks to the native side for performance optimization.
  • Serialization and Deserialization: Data exchanged is serialized and deserialized in JSON format to ensure compatibility.
  • Communication Overhead: Frequent communication between JavaScript and native modules can cause overhead, so optimizing communication is key for maintaining performance.

50. How to Improve the Performance of a React Native App?

To improve the performance of a React Native app, consider the following:

  • Incorporate Hermes: Hermes is a JavaScript engine optimized for React Native, reducing APK size and boosting app responsiveness.
  • Use Memoization: Use useMemo and React.memo() to avoid unnecessary re-renders.
  • Choose the Right Navigation Method: Use lightweight navigation libraries like React Navigation.
  • Avoid ScrollView for Large Lists: Use FlatList instead of ScrollView to reduce memory usage.
  • Cache Image Files: Use libraries like react-native-fast-image to cache and load images faster.
  • Avoid Arrow Functions in Render: Avoid arrow functions inside render to prevent extra re-renders.

51. Explain Axios in React Native

Axios is a library used to make HTTP requests in React Native. It supports various HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Axios works seamlessly with React Native APIs and is ideal for interacting with APIs and handling data in the app.

To get started, install Axios in your project:


yarn add axios



npm install axios --save

Here are some features of Axios:

  • It can make XMLHttpRequests from the browser.
  • It allows HTTP requests within React Native.
  • It works well with most of the React Native APIs.
  • It offers client-side protection from XSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery).
  • It automatically handles the transformation of request and response data, making it easier to work with.

52. How Can You Implement Background Tasks in a React Native App?

Background tasks are essential for performing operations that don't require user interaction while the app is not in the foreground.

React Native provides various ways to manage background tasks:

  • Headless JS: This allows JavaScript code to run in the background, even when the app is closed. It's useful for tasks like syncing data, sending analytics, and processing notifications.
  • Background Fetch: By using the react-native-background-fetch library, you can schedule periodic background fetches to update data or trigger actions.
  • Push Notifications: While not a direct background task, push notifications can prompt the app to perform certain tasks or updates upon arrival.
  • Native Modules: For tasks requiring native functionality, custom native modules can be created to handle background operations on the native side.
  • Background Geolocation: The react-native-background-geolocation library helps track the device's location and execute tasks based on location changes, even when the app is in the background.

This is a critical topic often covered in React Native interview questions, as developers need to understand how background tasks are managed in mobile apps.

53. How Can You Implement Background Tasks in a React Native App?

To manage the dynamic linking of libraries in a React Native project, the react-native link command can be used. This automates the process by linking native modules and modifying the necessary native files.

For complex libraries or custom native modules, manual linking might be required. This involves manually editing the native files to integrate the library properly. After linking, remember to rebuild the project to apply the changes.

Understanding this process is crucial for React Native development and often comes up in most of the React Native interview questions.

54. What Is Babel and Its Role in React Native Development?

Babel is a JavaScript transpiler that plays a key role in React Native development. It enables developers to write code using the latest JavaScript features, such as ES6 and beyond, as well as JSX syntax, which may not be supported by all environments. Babel converts this code into a compatible format for older JavaScript versions and devices.

In React Native development, Babel ensures compatibility across Android and iOS platforms by transforming code into a version that works with various JavaScript engines. This allows developers to use modern JavaScript features while maintaining broad compatibility across devices and React Native versions.

Babel's role and impact on the codebase are common topics covered in React Native and often mentioned in most interview questions.

55. What Is the Role of Error Boundaries in React Native?

Error Boundaries in React Native are components that catch and manage JavaScript errors during rendering or in lifecycle methods. Instead of letting errors crash the entire app, they display a fallback UI to maintain usability.

This approach ensures that functional parts of the app remain accessible, even when certain components fail, helping improve app stability and providing a better user experience.

56. Discuss the Use of ErrorUtils in Error Handling Within a React Native App

ErrorUtils is a built-in utility in React Native designed to manage errors within the app. It catches JavaScript errors that occur outside the execution flow, such as errors in asynchronous functions or event handlers.

Using ErrorUtils.setGlobalHandler, developers can define a custom error-handling function. This setup helps catch unhandled errors, allowing for logging or reporting them. It provides more control over the app’s behavior, improving error recovery and user experience, especially in production environments.

This topic is core under React Native and is often highlighted in many of the React Native interview questions, as handling errors properly is crucial for app stability.

57. What Is the Difference Between Controlled and Uncontrolled Components in React Native?

Here’s the difference between controlled and uncontrolled components in React Native:

FeaturesControlled ComponentsUncontrolled Components
State ManagementThe component state is managed by React.The component state is managed by the DOM/native element itself.
Value HandlingValue is controlled by the React state.Value is handled internally by the native element.
Input UpdatesEvery state change triggers a re-render.Minimal re-renders updates happen directly on the element.
Form Data AccessEasy to validate and manipulate input values.More difficult to access and validate input values.
Data FlowExplicit, predictable.Implicit, less predictable.
Use CaseComplex forms, real-time validation, dynamic inputs.Simple forms, minimal state interaction.

58. What Are the Differences Between Hot Reloading and Live Reloading in React Native?

Below is a table highlighting the key differences between hot reloading and live reloading in React Native:

CharacteristicHot ReloadingLive Reloading
Basic DefinitionPreserves application state while updating modified components.Completely restarts the application when changes are detected.
State PreservationMaintains current app state during updates.Resets the entire application state with each reload.
PerformanceFaster and more efficient.Slower and requires a full app restart.
Code ChangesApplies changes to specific components.Reloads the entire application.
Memory UsageLower memory overhead.Higher memory usage during reload.
Best Suited ForComplex interfaces with intricate state management.Simpler applications or initial development phases.

59. How Would You Implement a Custom Loading Spinner in React Native?

To implement a custom loading spinner in React Native, you can start by using the built-in ActivityIndicator component, which shows a loading spinner. You can adjust properties like color, size, and alignment to match the app’s design.

For added flexibility, you can create a custom component that wraps the ActivityIndicator and includes additional elements, such as text or icons, to indicate the loading state more clearly. This custom wrapper can be reused across the app, ensuring consistent styling and behavior.

This approach is often covered in most React Native interview questions, as it involves custom components commonly used in app development.

60. Explain the Concept of Code Signing and Its Importance in React Native App Deployment

Code signing is the process of verifying the authenticity of a mobile app by attaching a digital signature. In React Native app deployment, code signing ensures the app comes from a trusted source and hasn’t been tampered with. It involves using private keys to sign the app during the build process, with the public key used by the operating system to verify its integrity during installation.

Code signing is crucial for:

  • Security: Ensuring the app hasn't been tampered with.
  • Trust: Building trust with users and app stores, confirming the app is safe to install.
  • Compliance: Meeting app store requirements for submitting and updating apps.

Without proper code signing, an app may fail to install on devices or be rejected by app stores. As code signing plays a vital role in the app deployment process, this topic is relevant to most React Native interview questions.

61. What Is the Role of PureComponent in React Native and When to Use It?

PureComponent in React Native optimizes rendering performance by performing a shallow comparison between the current and previous props and states. This prevents unnecessary re-renders when the data hasn’t changed.

This component is best used when the output depends solely on its props and state, without the need for additional logic or side effects. This approach enhances performance, particularly for components that render frequently.

This topic is important for developers to know about as it helps optimize rendering performance. It is often covered in React Native interview questions.

62. How Do You Create a Custom Transition Animation Between Screens Using React-Navigation?

To create a custom transition animation between screens using react-navigation, follow these steps:

  • Install Required Packages: Ensure react-navigation and react-native-reanimated are installed.
  • Configure Screen Transitions:
    • For React Navigation v6.x and newer, use TransitionPresets for predefined transitions or define a custom animation using cardStyleInterpolator.
    • For older versions, use transitionConfig to set custom animations.
  • Define Custom Animation: Use React Native's Animated API or react-native-reanimated to create smooth transitions by modifying properties like opacity, scale, or translation.
  • Apply to Navigator: Use these configurations within the stack navigator's screenOptions or as part of the screen's options to create custom animations.

This is a common topic in React Native, as it helps build a custom transition. Therefore, it is important that this question appears in most React Native interview questions.

63. Explain the Purpose of AccessibilityRole and AccessibilityState in React Native.

In React Native, AccessibilityRole and AccessibilityState improve accessibility, making the app more usable for people with disabilities.

  • AccessibilityRole: Defines the role of a UI element, such as a button, link, or heading. It helps screen readers identify the purpose of the element, providing context to users relying on assistive technologies.
  • AccessibilityState: Defines the state of an element, such as whether a checkbox is checked, a switch is on, or an item is selected. It enables screen readers to communicate the element's current state to users.

These properties are important for ensuring accessibility and are often mentioned in many React Native interview questions, as they relate to app inclusivity.

64. What Are the Advantages of Using TypeScript With React Native?

Here are the advantages of using TypeScript in React Native:

  • Self-Documentation: By specifying types for variables and functions, TypeScript clarifies what values are expected in components, making it easier for other developers to understand the code.
  • Refactoring: TypeScript helps identify errors like incorrect variable values or wrong function arguments, providing early feedback to correct issues before running the app.
  • Easy Debugging: Having types documented within the code simplifies the debugging process, offering clear insights into where problems may arise and making it easier for others to contribute.
  • Valid Output: With valid TypeScript code, developers can be confident that the generated JavaScript output will be correct, unlike JavaScript, where such certainty may not always be available.
  • Text Editor or IDE Support: TypeScript integrates with most editors and IDEs, offering features like autocomplete and type definitions, guiding developers on what to pass to components.
  • Improved Structure: Defining types for variables and functions establishes a clear structure for the app, aiding in better code organization, clearer thinking about the app’s context and easier project scaling.

Understanding the advantages of TypeScript in React Native can highlight your ability to work with modern development practices and improve the quality of mobile app code, making it an important question to include in most React Native interview questions.

65. How Can You Implement a Parallax Effect in a React Native App?

To implement a parallax effect in a React Native app, you can follow these steps:

  • Install the react-native-reanimated library to handle animations.
  • Use hooks like useSharedValue, useAnimatedScrollHandler, and useAnimatedStyle to track scroll position and apply animations.
  • Create a shared value (e.g., scrollY) to track the scroll position.
  • Use the useAnimatedScrollHandler to update scrollY as the user scrolls.
  • Apply useAnimatedStyle and interpolate to map the scroll position to animation properties, such as translateY for vertical movement.
  • Limit the animation range with Animated.Extrapolate.CLAMP for smoother transitions.

By following this approach, you can create a dynamic parallax effect, where elements move at different speeds as the user scrolls, resulting in an engaging visual effect. Understanding how to implement this effect is important for developers, and it is often highlighted in most of the React Native interview questions.

66. Explain the Role of requestAnimationFrame in Managing Animations

The requestAnimationFrame API plays a crucial role in optimizing animations in React Native by syncing them with the device’s refresh rate. When called, requestAnimationFrame schedules the animation callback to run right before the screen is repainted, ensuring smooth and fluid animations by minimizing stuttering or jank.

React Native’s Animated library relies on requestAnimationFrame for managing animations effectively, allowing for more performant transitions. This is an important concept in React Native and often appears in most of the React Native interview questions, as it involves performance optimization.

67. What is the Use of React-Native-Webview for Embedding Web Content in a React Native App?

The react-native-webview is a widely used library that enables embedding web content directly into a React Native application. This component is useful for rendering HTML content websites or integrating web-based services without needing to switch between native and web views.

To use it, developers simply install the react-native-webview package and import the WebView component. This component allows for handling navigation, injecting JavaScript into the webpage, managing loading events, and even styling the web content, making it a powerful tool for integrating web features into a native app, and is often asked in many of the React Native interview questions, as they demonstrate the ability to work with web and mobile integrations.

68. How Do You Handle Orientation Changes in a React Native App?

To handle orientation changes in a React Native app, you can utilize the built-in Dimensions API or third-party libraries such as react-native-orientation-locker. The Dimensions API provides the current screen’s width and height, enabling the detection of orientation changes (portrait or landscape). You can listen for orientation change events using addEventListener and update your components' layout based on the new screen dimensions.

Handling orientation changes is an important part of building responsive applications and is often addressed in React Native interview questions, as it reflects the developer’s ability to ensure smooth user experiences across various device orientations.

69. Explain the Purpose of the ImageBackground Component and Its Benefits

The ImageBackground component in React Native allows you to display an image as the background of a view. It’s useful for creating visually dynamic and engaging user interfaces, as it enables the overlaying of other components like text or buttons on top of the background image.

The benefits of using ImageBackground include:

  • Simplifying the process of adding an image background without needing to create complex layout structures.
  • Ensuring that the image is loaded once and doesn't require multiple layers.
  • Providing easy customization, such as resizing or repositioning the image to fit various design needs.

This component is a practical tool for React Native developers, and understanding its use is important for developers and is often addressed in most of the React Native interview questions as it demonstrates the ability to create aesthetically pleasing and functional designs.

The intermediate-level React Native interview questions listed above are designed to help both beginners and those with some experience prepare effectively for interviews. As you advance in your React Native development career, you'll encounter more challenging questions that are particularly relevant for experienced developers. These questions will help you deepen your understanding and expertise in various React Native concepts and technologies, ensuring you're well-prepared for more advanced roles in the field.


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Experienced-Level React Native Interview Questions

Here, the focus shifts to advanced topics essential for experienced React Native developers. By exploring these advanced React Native interview questions, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of complex concepts and optimization strategies. This preparation equips you to handle intricate development scenarios and build high-performance React Native applications effectively.

70. Discuss the Role of ActivityIndicator in Indicating a Loading State in a React Native App

The ActivityIndicator component in React Native is used to show a loading indicator while the app is processing data. It is a built-in component that displays a spinning icon, signaling to users that an action is taking place in the background, such as fetching data, processing an operation, or waiting for an event.

This component improves user experience by providing visual feedback, helping users understand that the app is working and has not frozen. It can be customized for size, color, and visibility, adapting to different scenarios based on whether the app is in a loading state or not. The use of ActivityIndicator ensures that users are kept informed while waiting for a process to complete.

Understanding the use and customization of the ActivityIndicator can be key to demonstrating how to handle loading states in mobile applications, and it is often mentioned in most of the React Native interview questions.

71. How Would You Handle the Global App State Without Redux or Context API?

To handle global app states without Redux or Context API, one approach is to create a simple custom global state manager. This can be done by creating a module that exports functions to manipulate the state and listeners to subscribe to state changes. The module can hold the state in a shared object, allowing components to read and update it directly.

Alternatively, state management libraries like Recoil or Jotai can provide more structured solutions for managing the global state.

These libraries allow you to manage state efficiently across components without the need for Redux or Context API, and they come with built-in mechanisms for state updates and synchronization. The choice of method depends on the app's complexity and whether there is a need for state synchronization across various components.

This concept is commonly mentioned in React Native interview questions where handling the global state is a frequent topic.

72. Explain the Use of LayoutDebugger in Identifying Layout Issues in a React Native App.

The LayoutDebugger is a tool in React Native that helps developers identify and troubleshoot layout issues within the app. It allows you to visualize the component tree, layout properties, and boundaries of various components to better understand how your UI is rendered and behaves on different screen sizes.

Here are the uses of LayoutDebugger:

  • Inspecting Layout Calculations: It shows the calculations behind component dimensions (such as width and height) and positions, helping identify why a component might not be displayed as expected.
  • Debugging Flexbox Issues: Since React Native uses Flexbox for layout, the LayoutDebugger can help pinpoint issues related to Flexbox properties like flex, justifyContent, alignItems, and others.
  • Responsive Design Testing: It can help test how components behave across different device sizes and orientations.

A solid understanding of LayoutDebugger can help developers build better applications, and this question is often highlighted in most of the React Native interview questions as it is related to debugging and layout issues.

73. Discuss the Use of React-Native-SVG for Rendering Vector Graphics in a React Native App

The react-native-svg library allows developers to render scalable vector graphics (SVG) in React Native apps. It provides a range of components that can be used to create complex, resolution-independent graphics, such as shapes, paths, and text.

SVG graphics are ideal for mobile app design because they maintain high visual quality on screens of different sizes and resolutions, ensuring that images remain sharp and clear.

Using react-native-svg is useful for rendering custom icons, logos, and other visual elements that need to scale across multiple devices without losing quality. The library is also lightweight, making it suitable for performance-sensitive applications where memory usage is a concern. Additionally, SVG graphics are highly customizable through styles and animations, offering flexibility in design.

This is an important topic in React Native and is often covered in React Native interview questions, especially regarding performance and graphics rendering.

74. What Is the Role of the React Native Packager in React Native?

The React Native Packager is responsible for bundling JavaScript code and assets for the app. It combines all JavaScript files into a single file and processes project assets (like PNG files), converting them into objects that can be rendered by components like Image. The packager ensures that the app’s code is correctly translated into a format that the device can interpret.

75. How Do You Handle Version Updates and Migrations in a React Native Project?

Handling version updates and migrations in a React Native project involves a systematic approach:

  • Version Control: Use version control systems like Git to track all changes and ensure the ability to revert to a previous state if needed.
  • Dependency Management: Regularly update project dependencies and document the versions used. Tools like 'react-native-git-upgrade' can help manage React Native version updates and resolve compatibility issues.
  • Platform-Specific Guidelines: Follow platform-specific instructions for iOS and Android, especially when updating native modules, as updates may affect configurations or require code adjustments.
  • Testing and Continuous Integration: Conduct thorough testing, including unit, integration, and regression tests, to identify issues early. Implement continuous integration to automate testing and ensure a smooth transition during updates.

This topic is essential in React Native and is often asked in most of the React Native interview questions as it is focused on version control and updates.

76. Explain the Process of Integrating React Native With Existing Native Code in an App

To integrate React Native with an existing native app, follow these steps:

  • Ensure you have React Native, Android Studio, Xcode, and other necessary tools installed.
  • In the root directory, create a package.json file and install React Native using Yarn or NPM.
  • Align your project structure to include React Native's folder setup and decide on version control strategies.
  • Adjust the native code to avoid conflicts with React Native libraries.
  • Set up communication between JavaScript and native code through bridges.
  • Manually register any native modules used by React Native in the native project files.
  • Bundle JavaScript assets and place them in the appropriate directories for Android and iOS.
  • Use AppRegistry to integrate React Native content into the app.
  • Start the Metro bundler, run the app, and verify everything works as expected.

React Native integration with existing code is a key subject in React Native, making it an important question to be asked in most of the React Native interview questions that focus on hybrid development.

77. How to Handle Deep Linking in a React Native App?

To handle deep linking in a React Native app, follow these steps:

  • Install Required Libraries: You need to set up libraries like @react-navigation/native for navigation and react-native-linking to handle deep links.
  • Configure Deep Linking:
    • URL Schemes: Register URL schemes or universal links for iOS and set up intent filters for Android.
    • Navigation Setup: Use React Navigation to manage how the app responds to deep links. Set up the linking prop on the NavigationContainer with the necessary URL schemes.
  • Handle Incoming Deep Links: When the app is launched via a deep link, React Native will capture the link in the app’s linking event. You can parse the URL to determine which screen or data the user should be directed to.
  • Test Deep Linking: Test by using URLs with the registered schemes to ensure proper navigation to the target screen within the app.

Deep linking is a common area in React Native, particularly for navigation and app flow, making it a core concept to appear in most of the React Native interview questions.

78. Explain the Purpose of VirtualizedList and How It Improves Performance in Long Lists.

VirtualizedList is a React Native component designed to optimize the rendering of large lists. It only renders the items currently visible in the viewport, and as the user scrolls, it recycles the components for items that are no longer visible.

This approach reduces memory usage and rendering time, improving app performance, especially when dealing with extensive datasets. By limiting the number of rendered components, VirtualizedList ensures smoother scrolling and a more responsive user experience. It is often used in components like FlatList and SectionList.

Understanding VirtualizedList is crucial for React Native developers, and it is often mentioned in most of the React Native interview questions, as it is related to performance optimization in large lists.

79. How Do I Use React Native With GraphQL?

React Native works with GraphQL to manage data and handle API communication efficiently. Libraries like Apollo Client or Relay are commonly used to manage GraphQL queries and mutations. These tools help fetch or update only the required data, making it easier to work with complex data structures while keeping the app's data logic organized.

By using GraphQL, apps can handle data updates and changes effectively. This is especially useful for apps that need to display dynamic content across various components. It ensures that components only get the data they need, improving clarity in how data flows through the application.

Using GraphQL with React Native is important and is frequently covered in React Native interview questions, as it is especially focused on data management.

80. Describe the Use of the Animated Library for Creating Complex Animations.

The Animated library in React Native is used to create complex animations and transitions within an app. It provides tools to animate properties like opacity, position, scale, and rotation. The library allows developers to define animations declaratively, meaning the animation logic is written in code, and React Native handles its execution.

By using the Animated library, developers can create smooth animations such as fading in/out, moving objects across the screen, or changing their size. It supports both timing-based animations (using Animated.timing) and physics-based animations (using Animated.spring).

The Animated library is crucial for building visually attractive and advanced applications, and it is often featured in React Native interview questions.

81. How Do You Test a React Native App?

Testing a React Native app is essential to ensure its functionality and performance across different devices and platforms. Developers commonly perform unit testing to verify individual components, integration testing to check how various parts of the app work together, and performance testing to measure speed and responsiveness. Testing helps identify and fix bugs early in the development cycle, leading to higher-quality apps with better user experiences.

React Native testing of popular apps like Facebook, Instagram, Discord, Flipkart, Oculus, and others built with the React Native framework ensures their usability, functionality, and performance across diverse devices and platforms. To achieve thorough testing, leveraging a cloud-based platform like LambdaTest can significantly enhance the process.

LambdaTest is an AI-powered test execution platform that enables developers to run manual and automated React Native testing at scale. It offers access to over 3,000 browsers, real devices, and OS combinations, making it a versatile solution for ensuring app compatibility and performance.


With LambdaTest, developers can perform React Native testing on both Android and iOS devices, ensuring seamless functionality across platforms. The platform’s ability to run multiple tests simultaneously saves time and improves testing coverage, making it an invaluable tool for delivering robust React Native applications.

82. How Does the Fabric Architecture Work in React Native?

The Fabric architecture in React Native addresses the limitations of the current architecture by improving performance and user experience. In the previous setup, tasks like UI rendering and JavaScript optimizations are handled asynchronously across three threads: the JavaScript thread, the shadow thread, and the main thread. This leads to performance issues, such as stuttering and delays.

Fabric solves this by organizing tasks and synchronizing operations across threads. It prioritizes high-priority tasks, uses an immutable shadow tree for consistency, and reduces memory consumption by keeping a single copy of DOM nodes.

These improvements allow Fabric to synchronize UI operations with the screen’s frame rate, reducing frame drops and improving memory usage. Fabric architecture in React Native is an advanced topic and is often covered in many of the React Native interview questions.

83. What Are Refs Used for in React Native?

Refs in React Native are used to directly access and manage DOM elements or components created within the render method. They are useful for handling actions like focusing input fields, triggering animations, or working with third-party libraries. The useRef hook is commonly used to create and manage refs in functional components.

It returns an object with a .current property, which persists throughout the component's lifecycle. Updates to this property do not cause the component to re-render, making it ideal for tracking mutable values.


Download React Native Interview Questions

Note : We have compiled all the React Native Interview Questions for your reference in a template format. Check it out now!


Mastering React Native is essential for developers aspiring to excel in cross-platform mobile application development. This curated set of React Native interview questions equips you with the knowledge to tackle topics ranging from foundational to advanced concepts effectively.

Success in interviews requires more than just memorizing answers—it involves a deep understanding of React Native’s core principles, components, and best practices. To enhance your expertise, apply what you've learned to real-world projects, stay updated with the latest features, and continually refine your skills. By preparing diligently, you can confidently demonstrate your React Native proficiency and secure exciting opportunities in 2024!

Frequently asked questions

  • General ...
What are the new features of React Native?
Some new features of React Native as of 2024 include:
  • Improved Hermes Engine
  • React Native 0.71/0.72 Updates
  • TurboModules
  • New Architecture (Fabric)
  • React 18 Support
What is the minimum iOS and Android version required for React Native?
The minimum platform and SDK versions for React Native are:
  • iOS: 15.1
  • Android: SDK 24 (Android 7)
What is a native debugger?
A native debugger is a cross-platform desktop application compatible with macOS, Windows, and Linux. It integrates Redux DevTools and React Developer Tools into one interface, simplifying the debugging process by removing the need for separate tools.

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