Top 30 Mocha Interview Questions and Answers

Get ready for your Mocha interview with our expert-curated list of Mocha interview questions tips. Impress your potential employer and land your dream job!

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Mocha is a popular JavaScript testing framework that can be used for testing mobile apps. As per the State of JavaScript 2022, after Jest and Storybook, Mocha is the 3rd most-used testing framework, with 44% of the market share. As Mocha continues to gain popularity as a testing framework, the demand for skilled Mocha developers is on the rise.

To assist you in preparing for your upcoming Mocha-related interview, this blog offers an extensive list of the top 30 Mocha interview questions and responses. It covers a wide range of topics, including Mocha basics, testing asynchronous code, working with different assertion libraries, integrating with other tools, and more.

This exhaustive Mocha Mocha interview questions answers list will prepare you for a range of interview scenarios. These interview questions cover a wide range of topics for fresher, intermediates, and advanced-level candidates.


Mocha Interview Questions Sheet

Note : We have compiled all Mocha Interview Questions. in a sheet. Feel free to comment on it. Check it out now!!

Mocha Interview Questions for Beginners Level

If you're fresh to Mocha, you might be curious about the kinds of questions you can anticipate being asked throughout the interview process. We've created a list of Mocha interview questions designed especially for novices in this part.

1. What is Mocha and what is its role in testing?

Mocha is a JavaScript testing framework that runs on both Node.js and in the browser. It offers a versatile and user-friendly API for creating and running tests for JavaScript programs. Mocha supports well-liked testing methodologies including TDD (Test-Driven Development) and BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) and enables developers to create unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests for their codebase.

Asynchronous testing is supported by Mocha out of the box, and it also interfaces with well-liked testing libraries like Chai and Sinon. Mocha's primary job in testing is to give programmers a strong, adaptable tool for creating high-quality tests that validate the usability, dependability, and maintainability of their code.

2. How do you install Mocha?

To install Mocha, you can use the Node Package Manager (npm) that comes with Node.js. First, you need to have Node.js installed on your computer. Then, you can open your terminal or command prompt and run the command "npm install --global mocha". This will download and install the latest version of Mocha globally on your computer, which means you can use it in any project without having to install it again.

Alternatively, you can also install Mocha locally in a specific project by running the command "npm install mocha --save-dev" in the project directory. This will save Mocha as a dev dependency in the project's package.json file.

3. What is the difference between describe() and it() in Mocha?

PurposeGroups related tests and provides a descriptive label for the test suiteDefines an individual test case and provides a label for the test
Parameters1. A string that describes the group of tests being defined. 2. A callback function that contains one or more it() or describe() functions.1. A string that describes the test being defined. 2. A callback function that contains the actual test code.
NestingCan be nested to create hierarchies of testsCannot be nested, but can be used within nested describe() blocks
Executiondescribe() blocks are executed before the it() blocks they containit() blocks are executed sequentially, in the order in which they are defined
ReportingThe results of all tests within a describe() block are grouped together in the test outputEach it() block is reported as a separate test in the test output
Skipped TestsA describe() block can be skipped using .skip()An it() block can be skipped using .skip()

4. What is the significance of before() and after() hooks in Mocha?

Mocha's before() and after() hooks are used to create and destroy the test environment, respectively. The following are some crucial details about their importance:

  • Before each test in a test suite is run, a hook called before() is called.
  • A hook called after() is called once after each test in a test suite has been run.
  • They are helpful for carrying out tasks that must be completed just once for each test in the suite, such as initializing certain variables or connecting to a database.
  • These hooks can also be used to remove temporary files and detach from databases once the tests have been run.
  • Mocha will stop the test run and log the error if a hook function throws one.

5. What is the significance of beforeEach() and afterEach() hooks in Mocha?

Mocha's beforeEach() and afterEach() hooks let us run some code prior to and following each test case in a suite. When several test cases depend on the same setup code, this is useful for setting up and cleaning up test cases.

For instance, beforeEach() can be used to create an instance of a class or establish a database connection for each test case, and afterEach() can be used to close the connection after the test case is complete. These hooks can lessen code duplication and facilitate test suite maintenance.

6. What is the role of assert in Mocha?

A set of methods for making assertions in tests are provided by the built-in assertion library assert in Mocha. Methods for testing values, types, exceptions, and other concepts are available in the assert package.

We utilize the assert library to make claims about the behavior of our code when writing tests in Mocha. For instance, we could check whether two values are equal using the assert.equal() function or check whether a value is true using the assert.ok() method. Assert lets us verify that our code behaves correctly and generates the desired outcomes in our tests.

Here's an example of using assert.equal() in a Mocha test:

const assert = require('assert');

describe('Array', function() {
  describe('#indexOf()', function() {
    it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {
      const arr = [1, 2, 3];
      assert.equal(arr.indexOf(4), -1);

In this example, the assert.equal() method is used to verify that the indexOf() method of an array returns -1 when the value 4 is not present in the array. If the assertion fails, Mocha will report an error.

7. What is the difference between assert and expect in Mocha?

Assertion syntaxUses methods such as assert.equal() and assert.ok()Uses methods such as expect().to.equal() and expect()
Assertion chainingNot possibleAllows for chaining multiple assertions together
Failure reportingDoes not provide detailed information about the failed assertionProvides more detailed information about the failed assertion
Assertion styles supportedMainly supports TDD-style assertionsSupports a variety of assertion styles including BDD-style assertions

8. How do you handle exceptions in Mocha tests?

In Mocha, we may use the try...catch block to manage code exceptions in tests. If a function is expected to throw an error or exception, the function call can be enclosed in a try...catch block. The error can then be confirmed using the assert or expect methods. For instance, we could create a test for a function that, when given invalid input, ought to raise an error, and then use the try...catch block to see if the actual error message matches the intended error message.

Here's an example of handling exceptions using the try...catch block:

describe('Example test', function() {
  it('should handle exceptions', function() {
    try {
      // test code that might throw an exception
    } catch (e) {
      // handle the exception

9. How do you test asynchronous code using Mocha?

Using the done() function, which is a callback supplied to the test function, we can test asynchronous code using Mocha. We can call done()to indicate that we are prepared to assert the results when the asynchronous function has finished running. We must check for problems in the test method, and if one is found, we can give it to the done()function to signal that the test was unsuccessful.

If there are no failures, we can assert the findings and use the done()method to signal that the test is finished. This strategy makes sure that our tests are precise and reliable and enables us to test asynchronous code in a clear and consistent manner.

10. What is the purpose of using the --watch option when running Mocha tests?

When using Mocha, the --watch option makes the watch mode for executing tests available. This mode enables us to instantly run tests after any code modifications. This allows us to quickly determine whether our code changes have caused any existing tests to fail or pass.

Mocha continuously watches the test files while in watch mode and reruns any tests that are impacted by any changes. Compared to manually running the test command after each change, this saves time and effort.

When developing, the --watch option is especially helpful because it enables us to iterate more quickly and spot problems early in the process.

Also Read: A list of 70 Cucumber Interview Questions and Answers


Mocha Interview Questions for intermediate level

This section of the blog will cover mocha framework interview questions for the intermediate level. These inquiries are made to evaluate how well you comprehend more complicated Mocha ideas and how to use them in practical situations.

11. How do you measure test coverage using Mocha?

How much of your code is put to the test by your tests is known as test coverage. Although Mocha doesn't include a built-in test coverage assessment tool, you can utilize other libraries like Istanbul to do so.

Istanbul uses code instrumentation to track which lines of code are run during tests, and it subsequently produces a report with the coverage information. Install the nyc package and use the nyc command to run your Mocha tests in order to leverage Istanbul with Mocha. You can find portions of your code that need further testing using the coverage report that is generated.

12. What are the different ways to organize tests in Mocha?

The size and complexity of the project will determine the best way to organize tests in Mocha. Several typical methods include:

  • Files for testing in one directory
  • Test the functionality of files in subdirectories.
  • Depending on the module being tested, test files are located in subdirectories.
  • Grouping related tests using test suites and sub-suites
  • Setting up and dismantling the test environment using test hooks such as before, after, beforeEach, and afterEach

13. What is the role of Chai in Mocha testing?

Chai is an assertion library used to complement the Mocha testing framework. It offers assertions in tests that are more readable and expressive. You can write test cases with Chai that make more sense and are simpler to read. Should, expect, and assert are the three types of assertions in chai, each with their own syntax and advantages.

Chai also allows chaining, allowing for the construction of assertions with greater complexity. Developers may write thorough and meaningful tests for their code by combining Chai and Mocha, which is crucial for assuring code quality and dependability.

14. How do you test APIs using Mocha and Chai?

To test APIs using Mocha and Chai, you can follow these general steps:

  • Install Mocha and Chai packages in your project.
  • Write test cases using Mocha and Chai.
  • Run the tests using the Mocha test runner.

Here's an example of how you can write test cases for an API using Mocha and Chai:

const chai = require('chai');
const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');
const expect = chai.expect;


describe('API Test', function () {
  it('should return a 200 OK status', function (done) {
      .end(function (err, res) {

  it('should return a JSON object', function (done) {
      .end(function (err, res) {

  it('should have an array of users', function (done) {
      .end(function (err, res) {

In this example, we are testing an API that returns a list of users. We use chai-http to make requests to the API and expect from Chai to make assertions about the response. The describe function is used to group the tests, and each test is defined using the it function. In each test, we make a request to the API and check that the response is what we expect using expect statements. Once we have written all our test cases, we can run them using the Mocha test runner

15. What is the difference between the BDD and TDD approaches to testing using Mocha?

The two widely used methods for software testing, BDD (behavior-driven development) and TDD (test-driven development), differ in their focuses and techniques.

  • Language: BDD uses a more natural language that is focused on describing the behavior of the system, while TDD uses a more technical language that is focused on describing the functionality of the system.
  • Testing Levels: BDD is typically used for higher-level testing, such as integration testing and acceptance testing, while TDD is used for lower-level testing, such as unit testing.
  • Test Structure: BDD tests are structured around scenarios and user stories, while TDD tests are structured around specific functions or methods.
  • Collaboration: BDD encourages collaboration between developers, testers, and other stakeholders in the testing process, while TDD is more focused on the developer writing tests for their own code.

Note : Also check out, blog post on TDD vs BDD and how to select the most suitable framework for your needs. We'll walk you through the differences between the two methodologies and provide helpful tips for making an informed decision.

16. How do you use Mocha with Node.js?

You must first use npm to install Mocha either globally or locally in your project directory before you can use it with Node.js. Once installed, you can use the Mocha syntax to generate test files and run the tests using either the 'mocha' command in the console or by specifying a script in your project's package.json file.

You may also make use of additional parameters when running tests with Mocha and Node.js, including --recursive to run tests in nested folders, --timeout to establish a time limit for each test, and --grep to filter tests based on their names. To improve your testing skills, you can also use other libraries like Chai and Sinon.


Note : If you're new to Node.js testing, you may be wondering where to start. Our comprehensive Node.js testin tutorial covers everything you need to know to get started with testing in Node.js.

17. What is the role of Sinon in Mocha testing?

A JavaScript library called Sinon offers independent test spies, stubs, and mocks. For testing purposes, it can be used in conjunction with Mocha. Test spies are functions that keep track of the arguments and the context in which they were used, allowing you to check that they were utilized as intended. To establish a specific behavior for the function when it is called, we can define test stubs, which are functions that take the place of the real function during testing.

We may assert if a given set of methods were called in a particular sequence using test mocks, which are objects. To make Mocha testing easier, we can build and manage fake objects and functions using Sinon.

Mocha Interview Questions for Advanced Level

We'll look at some difficult Mocha interview questions in this section of the blog to help you gauge your level of proficiency with the language. These inquiries are intended to gauge your proficiency in utilizing Mocha for challenging testing circumstances and to assist you in getting ready for advanced Mocha interviews. Let's start now!

18. How do you implement continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) using Mocha?

You can use a CI/CD technology like Jenkins or Travis CI to implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) using Mocha. Every time you post changes to your code repository, you would configure your CI/CD tool to execute your Mocha tests. Your tool can then automatically deploy your code to your production environment if the tests pass. To accomplish this, you would need to write a script that executes your Mocha tests and, in the event that any of them fail, provides a non-zero exit code. Your CI/CD tool can use this script to deploy your code and run your tests automatically.

19. How do you use Mocha to test microservices architecture?

By considering each microservice as a different module and testing it separately, Mocha may be used to test microservices architecture. One method is to perform HTTP calls to the microservice endpoints using Mocha and a tool like Supertest or Axios, then verify the expected replies. Another strategy is to replicate dependencies and interactions with other microservices using mock objects or stubs. To guarantee the dependability and consistency of the microservices, it's crucial to make sure that the tests cover all potential situations and edge cases.

Also, incorporating Mocha tests into a continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipeline can aid in early issue detection and guarantee that the microservices function as intended in a larger system.

Sure, here is some example code for testing a microservice with Mocha:

const assert = require('assert');
const request = require('supertest');
const app = require('../app');

describe('Microservice API', function() {
  describe('GET /users', function() {
    it('should return all users', function(done) {
        .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
        .end(function(err, res) {
          if (err) return done(err);
          assert.equal(res.body.length, 3);

    it('should return a single user by id', function(done) {
        .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
        .end(function(err, res) {
          if (err) return done(err);
          assert.equal(, 1);
          assert.equal(, 'John');

  describe('POST /users', function() {
    it('should create a new user', function(done) {
        .send({ name: 'Jane' })
        .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
        .end(function(err, res) {
          if (err) return done(err);
          assert.equal(, 'Jane');

20. How do you implement Mocha test suites with parameterization?

To run the same test in Mocha with various inputs or configurations, utilize parameterization. Using a loop within the test method is one technique to apply parameterization, but as the number of test cases increases, this can become onerous and challenging to maintain. A better method is to create test cases from arrays or objects by using a library like Mocha-Param or Mocha-Each.

Here's an example using Mocha-Param:

const { param } = require('mocha-param');

describe('My Test Suite', () => {
    { a: 1, b: 2, expected: 3 },
    { a: 3, b: 4, expected: 7 },
    { a: 5, b: 6, expected: 11 },
  .it('should add two numbers', ({ a, b, expected }) => {
    const result = a + b;
    assert.equal(result, expected);

In this example, the param function is used to generate multiple test cases based on an array of input objects. The it function is used to define the test case, and the input object is destructured to get the values of a, b, and expected. The test function then runs the test using these values. The param function generates a separate test case for each input object, with the input values displayed in the test output.

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21. How do you use Mocha to test security vulnerabilities in your application?

Through the use of security testing libraries like OWASP ZAP, which can be incorporated into your Mocha tests, Mocha can be used to test security vulnerabilities in your application. Here is an example of code that combines OWASP ZAP and Mocha:

const zapClient = new zapClient('localhost', 8080); // Initialize OWASP ZAP client
describe('Security testing with OWASP ZAP', function() {
  before(async function() {
    await zapClient.startZap(); // Start OWASP ZAP
    await zapClient.spiderTarget('http://localhost:3000'); // Spider your application to create a scan
    await zapClient.activeScan(); // Perform active scan of your application
  it('should not have any high-risk vulnerabilities', async function() {
    const report = await zapClient.generateHtmlReport(); // Generate HTML report of scan results
    assert.equal(report.highRiskVulnerabilities, 0); // Assert that there are no high-risk vulnerabilities
  after(async function() {
    await zapClient.shutdownZap(); // Shutdown OWASP ZAP

22. How do you implement Mocha tests for non-functional requirements such as scalability, reliability, and usability?

You would need to determine the precise needs for scalability, stability, and usability in order to develop Mocha tests for non-functional criteria. Then, you would need to develop tests that mimic different circumstances that can have an influence on these requirements, like heavy traffic loads, server outages, or user interface interactions.

You may use Mocha to execute these tests, monitor the outcomes, and spot any problems or potential improvements in the non-functional requirements of your application. To thoroughly test these requirements, you might also need to employ specific tools or libraries in addition to Mocha, such as load testing tools for scalability or UI testing frameworks for usability.


23. How do you use Mocha to test machine learning models?

TensorFlow.js, which offers a simple way to develop and test machine learning models in JavaScript, is one of the supplementary libraries needed to test machine learning models with Mocha. An overview of using Mocha to test machine learning models is provided below:

  • Install dependencies: Using NPM or Yarn, first install all required dependencies. TensorFlow.js and Mocha are examples of this.
  • Make test data: Produce a collection of test data that can be used to gauge the effectiveness of a machine learning model. This information needs to be a good representation of the kinds of information the model will really encounter.
  • Build a model: Utilize TensorFlow.js to build a machine learning model. Various methods, including deep learning and reinforcement learning, can be used to do this.
  • Create tests: Create Mocha tests to gauge how well the machine learning model is working. Tests for precision, speed, and memory use might be part of this.
  • Run tests: Use Mocha to run the tests to make sure the machine learning model behaves as it should.

Here is an example of a simple Mocha test for a TensorFlow.js machine learning model:

const assert = require('assert');
const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs');

describe('Machine Learning Model', function() {
  it('should predict values accurately', async function() {
    // Define the model
    const model = tf.sequential();
    model.add(tf.layers.dense({inputShape: [1], units: 1}));
    model.compile({loss: 'meanSquaredError', optimizer: 'sgd'});

    // Define the input and output data
    const x = tf.tensor2d([1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 1]);
    const y = tf.tensor2d([2, 4, 6, 8], [4, 1]);

    // Train the model
    await, y, {epochs: 10});

    // Test the model
    const result = model.predict(tf.tensor2d([5], [1, 1])).dataSync()[0];
    assert.equal(result, 10);

24. How do you use Mocha to test blockchain-based applications?

A blockchain-based application's business logic or smart contracts can be tested using Mocha. Making test cases that model different scenarios and interactions with the smart contract is a step in the testing process.

You can use a mix of web3.js or ethers.js to communicate with the smart contract and Chai or other assertion libraries to validate the outcomes while testing blockchain-based applications with Mocha. Similar to standard Mocha tests, the test cases may be developed using the same syntax and organization.

Here is an example of how to test a simple smart contract using Mocha:

const assert = require('chai').assert;
const Web3 = require('web3');
const contractABI = require('./contractABI.json');

// create an instance of web3.js with the provider of your blockchain network
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));

// get the contract instance from the ABI and the contract address
const contractAddress = '0x...'; // the address of the deployed contract
const contractInstance = new web3.eth.Contract(contractABI, contractAddress);

// describe the test suite
describe('My Smart Contract', function () {

  // describe a test case
  it('should return the correct balance', async function () {
    // call a method of the smart contract to get the balance
    const balance = await contractInstance.methods.getBalance().call();
    // assert that the balance is equal to a certain value
    assert.equal(balance, 100, "Balance is not correct");

  // describe another test case
  it('should transfer tokens', async function () {
    // call a method of the smart contract to transfer tokens
    await contractInstance.methods.transfer('0x...', 50).send({ from: '0x...' });
    // call a method of the smart contract to get the balance of the receiver
    const balance = await contractInstance.methods.getBalanceOf('0x...').call();
    // assert that the balance is equal to the transferred amount
    assert.equal(balance, 50, "Tokens were not transferred correctly");

In this example, we use the web3.js library to interact with the smart contract and make calls to its methods. We also use Chai to assert that the returned values are correct. The tests can be run using the mocha command, just like any other Mocha tests.

A test blockchain network may need to be built up and the smart contract deployed to it because testing blockchain-based applications can be more difficult than testing ordinary applications. Testing for edge cases and potential security flaws is also essential.tests.


Note : In order to guarantee the efficient operation of this ground-breaking technology, blockchain testing is an essential component. The testing needs for blockchain are covered in detail in our blog post A Detailed Guide to Blockchain Testing which also includes information on load, security, transmission of data, block addition, and cryptographic data.

Mocha Mobile Interview Questions

Mocha testing for mobile apps is a skill that developers need to have as the field of mobile app development grows in popularity. This section will examine some typical Mocha interview questions concerning testing mobile applications.

25. What is Mocha, and how does it support mobile app testing?

The JavaScript testing framework Mocha is used to create and run tests for APIs, backend systems, and online applications. Although Mocha doesn't explicitly allow testing of mobile apps, it can be used in conjunction with other tools and frameworks like Appium or Detox to do so. The elastic and adaptable architecture that Mocha offers makes it simple to integrate with other testing tools and libraries.

26. How do you integrate Mocha with mobile app testing frameworks such as Appium or Calabash?

To integrate Mocha with mobile app testing frameworks such as Appium or Calabash, you can use plugins that provide the necessary interfaces and functionality. For example, the mocha-appium plugin provides a wrapper around Appium's WebDriver API, allowing you to write Mocha tests that interact with your mobile app through Appium.

Similarly, the mocha-calabash plugin provides a way to write Mocha tests that interact with your mobile app through Calabash. These plugins allow you to use Mocha's powerful testing features with your chosen mobile app testing framework.

27. How do you use Mocha with popular mobile development platforms such as React Native or Xamarin?

By including the Mocha test framework in the app development process, Mocha may be utilized with well-known mobile development frameworks like React Native or Xamarin . Setting up Mocha test files and configuring the build system to execute the tests while building are required for this.

Additionally, to build thorough test suites for mobile apps, Mocha can be combined with testing libraries particular to the platform, such as the built-in testing library for React Native or Xamarin's NUnit framework.

28. What are the different types of tests that you can perform on mobile apps using Mocha?

You may run a variety of tests on mobile apps with Mocha, including:

  • Unit tests: These tests concentrate on checking out specific elements or features of the mobile application separately.
  • Integration tests: Tests of integration look at the interactions between various elements of a mobile app and the external systems they interface with.
  • End-to-end tests: These tests test user flows and scenarios to assess the functionality and behavior of the entire mobile app as a whole.
  • Performance tests: These tests analyze the response time, memory use, and CPU utilization while stressing the mobile app to see if it can manage a heavy load.
  • Tests for security: These tests look for flaws in the mobile app, including data leaks, illegal access, and other security issues.

29. How do you handle asynchronous code in Mocha tests for mobile apps?

It's critical to handle asynchronous code correctly when building Mocha tests for mobile applications. Utilizing Mocha's built-in support for asynchronous testing with callbacks, promises, or async/await is one approach to achieve this.

By sending a done callback to the test method, which is called after the asynchronous action is complete, Mocha may be told to wait for the completion of asynchronous code by being told that it is being tested. To simplify the code and avoid callback madness, promises or async/await can be utilized.

describe('My Mobile App', function() {
  it('should display a welcome message', async function() {
    await driver.findElement('welcome-message')).getText().then(function(text) {
      assert.equal(text, 'Welcome to my app');

In this example, the async keyword is used to indicate that the test function is asynchronous, and await is used to wait for the getText() promise to resolve before continuing with the test

30. How do you handle mobile-specific testing challenges such as device fragmentation, network connectivity, and battery life?

One can employ strategies like test automation, device cloud services, and network emulators to address testing difficulties unique to mobile devices. While device cloud services might offer access to a variety of devices for testing, test automation can assure consistent and repeatable tests across diverse device configurations. To test the performance of the app under various settings, network emulators may simulate various network conditions.

In order to ensure thorough testing, it is also critical to have a diversified and representative test suite that includes a variety of device kinds and network situations.

Be sure to check out our comprehensive guide on Top Asked mobile testing interview questions to further strengthen your preparation.


Mocha has been in the industry since 2011, and ever since then, it has become particularly well-known in the JavaScript testing community. As a testing professional, staying up-to-date with the latest testing tools and frameworks is crucial to remaining competitive in the industry.

By thoroughly studying these Mocha interview questions and answers provided in this questionnaire, you can hone your Mocha testing skills and increase your chances of landing your dream job. Remember to practice, stay updated with the latest Mocha advancements, and be confident in your skills to excel in your career as an automation tester.

Frequently asked questions

  • General ...
Is Mocha a BDD framework?
Mocha can be used as a BDD (Behavior Driven Development) testing framework. It offers assistance with creating test cases and suites using the BDD syntax, including describing tests using scenarios and intended behavior. Mocha is a flexible tool for testing in many ways since it permits the usage of testing libraries for assertion and mocking, like Chai and Sinon.
What is iMocha assessment?
iMocha assessment is an online pre-employment skills testing platform that allows employers to assess candidates' technical and soft skills in various domains. It offers a vast library of over 2,000 job roles and skills tests to evaluate job applicants quickly and effectively.
Does Mocha run in parallel?
Yes, Mocha can run tests in parallel mode using the --parallel option. This allows multiple test files to be run concurrently, improving overall test execution time.

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