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  • October 08 2024

Defect Triage in Software Testing: Everything You Need Know

Learn about defect triage in software testing, its process, roles, and importance in prioritizing and addressing critical bugs to improve software quality.


Defect triage focuses on evaluating and prioritizing reported bugs/defects based on their impact and urgency. However, managing a large volume of bugs can be challenging, leading to delays and inefficient resolutions.

To address this, it's important to establish a structured bug/defect triage process to ensure that critical bugs are resolved quickly while less urgent issues are handled appropriately.

What Is Defect Triage?

Defect triage is a crucial component of software testing, where defects are prioritized based on factors such as severity, risk, and frequency. The goal is to ensure that critical issues are addressed first. To execute this process effectively, it’s important to understand its steps. It begins with identifying bugs during the development phase and evaluating which ones should be fixed immediately and which can be resolved later.

Each bug is reviewed and assigned a priority. Based on this priority, the bug is either passed on to a developer for immediate fixing or postponed until a later release. The prioritization process considers factors like the frequency of occurrence and associated risks.

Both severity and priority are crucial in efficiently allocating resources and promptly addressing critical issues. To learn more about severity and priority, follow this blog on bug severity and priority and get details insights.

Why Is Defect Triage Needed?

Defect triage is essential because it ensures that defects are properly understood, recorded, and reported. When defects are reported, developers need to know what the defect is and when it was found to understand why it occurred. This knowledge helps developers efficiently identify and fix the root cause.

Here are some reasons highlighting the need for defect triage:

  • Prioritization: It helps the team prioritize issues by importance, severity, and urgency, allowing them to address the most critical bugs first and avoid delays.
  • Better Quality Software: It leads to timely improvements in software quality and functionality.
  • Effective Coordination: In defect triage meetings, stakeholders align on goals and priorities, which is crucial given limited resources and the ongoing development of the application.
  • Agile Development: In Agile, teams work in short sprints. Defect triage and its meetings guide the team on which issues to address in each sprint and which to defer.
  • User Satisfaction: It helps ensure that the software meets user needs, resulting in higher user satisfaction.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Triage Team

Efficient bug prioritization occurs when each team member has a clear role during the defect triage meeting. This meeting is where defects are reviewed to ensure they have the appropriate priority and severity.

Who participates in these meetings?

Test Team Leader

  • Prepares and distributes a defect report to all attendees before the meeting.
  • Schedules the bug triage meeting and sends out notifications.
  • Presents the root cause of each defect to help the team understand it better.
  • Sets the priority and severity for each defect.
  • Captures all meeting notes and shares them with the team afterward.

Development Lead

  • Assists in prioritizing defects.
  • Discusses the complexity of each defect and explains the associated risks.
  • Allocates tasks to developers for fixing defects.
  • Updates defect statuses and provides any additional information needed by developers.

Project Manager

  • Ensures that relevant user representatives are invited to the meeting.
  • Plays a role in prioritizing defects.
  • Discusses the release date for the next QA iteration.

How to Carry Out Defect Triage?

Software testing triage primarily focuses on managing defects or bugs. The defect triage process involves prioritizing these identified defects based on factors such as severity, risk, and other relevant criteria. Let’s further understand the process in more detail.

  • Defect Review: In this phase, developers examine all reported issues and categorize them based on the associated risk. It is crucial to determine how to handle and resolve each defect effectively. It helps identify whether a defect is a genuine issue, a false positive, a design flaw, or unnecessary. Additionally, any new defects discovered during the review should be added to the defect tracking system to ensure that no critical bugs are overlooked for fixing.
  • Defect Evaluation: In this phase, defects are evaluated and prioritized. They are categorized from most severe to least impactful on the functionality and performance of the software application. Minor issues that do not affect the app's functionality can be addressed later. Such defects are documented for better evaluation of the software.

    During the defect assessment, the team lead checks whether the defect report is accurate, if it has been reported before, who discovered it, and its severity. Important factors to consider during this process include the defect’s validity, urgency, complexity, and business impact.

  • Defect Prioritization: In this phase, defects are evaluated based on their content, priority, and severity. Each defect report is reviewed for clarity and completeness, ensuring that all necessary details are included. The priority is assigned based on the defect's urgency and impact on users, while severity categorizes defects into critical, major, minor, or trivial based on their effect on functionality.

    This helps the team focus on resolving the most impactful defects first, improving software quality and user satisfaction. Proper documentation during this step ensures transparency and aids in future assessments.

  • Defect Assignment: In this phase, evaluated defects are allocated to the appropriate team members based on severity, priority, and expertise. Each defect is assigned to a developer or team responsible for resolving it, ensuring that issues are addressed effectively.
  • Clear communication about the defect's details, including reproduction steps and context, is crucial. This helps the assignee understand the issue and its urgency. Tracking the status of assigned defects in a management system promotes accountability and allows for monitoring progress until resolution, enhancing overall efficiency in software development.

  • Defect Redirection: In this phase, defect redirection occurs when a defect is deemed outside the current team's scope and needs to be reassigned to the appropriate individual or team with the necessary expertise. This often happens with design flaws or issues involving third-party components.
  • Clear documentation and communication are crucial during this process to ensure the new assignee understands the defect's context and severity. Proper redirection streamlines resolution by ensuring that defects are handled by the right resources, ultimately enhancing software quality.

Expected Outcome From Defect Triaging

After the defect triage process is completed, the expected outcome from the defect triage process includes a prioritized list of issues, which helps the team report critical bugs. It also provides clear action items that need to be taken for resolution, and based on that, developers and testers update the status of each defect.

Furthermore, this process helps identify recurring issues more clearly and ensures resources are allocated efficiently, directing efforts where they are needed most.

To streamline and enhance your defect triage process, consider using a cloud-based platform that offers seamless collaboration tools. These tools enable teams to efficiently review, assess, prioritize, and assign defects.

With a wide range of browsers, real devices, and operating system combinations, you can test and debug your application effectively across various environments. One such platform is LambdaTest, an AI-powered test execution platform that allows you to perform manual and automated tests at scale across 3,000+ browser and OS combinations.


LambdaTest makes it easy to capture screenshots, record videos, and provide detailed bug descriptions, including reproduction steps. You can also set severity and priority levels directly in your bug-tracking tool, ensuring critical issues are resolved promptly. By using LambdaTest, you streamline the bug reporting and resolution process, making collaboration with your team more efficient.

Additionally, the "Mark as Bug" feature in LambdaTest allows you to log bugs directly into your preferred project management and bug tracking tools during real-time testing, improving workflow and speeding up the development cycle.

So far, you have well-understood the concept and the process of the defect triage process. Let us further see how frequently defect triage needs to be performed to ensure the above outcome.

How Frequently Should Defect Triage Be Conducted?

The frequency of defect triage should be adjusted based on your project's size, complexity, and urgency. Generally, defect triage should be conducted:

  • At the Start of the Project: Perform triage early to identify potential defects and establish a process for managing them.
  • After Each Development Phase: Conduct triage after each phase to ensure defects are caught and resolved before progressing.
  • Before Each Release: Carry out triage before every release to minimize the risk of defects being discovered by end-users post-launch.
  • Regularly Throughout Development: Conduct triage consistently during development to promptly address any new defects that arise.

The exact timing for defect triage will depend on your project's specific needs and development workflow. These decisions are made during the defect triage meeting.


Note : Identify and fix defects efficiently to ensure reliable software delivery. Try LambdaTest Now!

You have now learned everything you need to know about defect triage, including its process and the roles and responsibilities of those involved. Despite having a well-defined process, testers often face various challenges. Let’s explore these challenges in the next section.

Challenges Faced During Defect Triaging

During defect triaging, challenges can arise from the overwhelming volume of reported issues, making it difficult to prioritize effectively. Additionally, miscommunication among team members may lead to inconsistent assessments of defect severity and urgency, hindering efficient resolution.

Furthermore, there are some commonly faced issues mentioned below.

  • Conflicting Priorities: This often has a significant impact on the triaging process.
  • Resource Constraints: Limited resources can exacerbate the other challenges.
  • Communication Gaps: Miscommunication can lead to confusion and inefficiency.
  • Incomplete Reports: Lack of details can significantly slow down evaluation and resolution.
  • Duplicate Reports: Time spent identifying duplicates can detract from addressing genuine issues.
  • Reproducibility Issues: Difficult-to-reproduce bugs can delay resolution efforts.
  • Poor Documentation: Insufficient documentation complicates troubleshooting.
  • Tool Limitations: While important, these often are secondary to the challenges related to human factors.

Recommendations to Improve the Bug Triage Process

You can follow the mentioned recommendation to improve the defect triage process:

  • Review Every Defect: Examine each reported defect thoroughly, ensuring all details are checked before proceeding.
  • Assign Priority and Determine Severity: Evaluate the accepted defects and categorize them based on their criticality. Establish severity levels to identify urgent issues and prioritize them accordingly.
  • Explain Rejections: When rejecting a defect, provide clear and understandable reasons. This transparency ensures that everyone involved understands why certain issues are not being pursued.
  • Assign Defects Appropriately: Ensure that each defect is assigned to the right person or team. This practice guarantees that the appropriate expertise is applied to resolve the problem.
  • Analyze the Root Cause: For every accepted defect, investigate its root cause. Understanding why the defect occurred helps prevent similar issues in the future.
  • Use Better Debugging Tools: Leverage advanced tools for better debugging, enabling teams to capture detailed bug reports, including screenshots, videos, and step-by-step reproductions. Platforms like LambdaTest offer robust debugging features such as LT Debug.

Subscribe to the LambdaTest YouTube Channel and get more tutorial videos on various automation testing tools, cross-browser testing, and more.


Defect triage is essential for prioritizing bugs based on factors like severity, frequency, and risk. The main goal is to evaluate, prioritize, and assign defects for resolution. The frequency of triage depends on the project schedule, the number of defects, and the project's overall status.

Key team members, including the Project Manager, Test Team Leader, Technical Lead, and Development Team Leader, collaborate to assess each defect. Understanding and implementing an effective defect triage process is critical for the successful delivery of software projects.

Frequently asked questions

  • General ...
How are bugs prioritized during triage?
Bugs are prioritized based on criteria such as severity, impact on users, frequency of occurrence, and alignment with project goals or deadlines.
What criteria are used to assess the severity of a bug?
Severity is assessed based on factors such as the bug’s impact on functionality, user experience, system stability, and whether it prevents users from completing critical tasks.
What should be included in a bug triage meeting agenda?
A bug triage meeting agenda typically includes reviewing new bug reports, assessing their severity and priority, assigning them to team members, and discussing any follow-up actions.
How can bug triage help in agile development?
In Agile development, bug triage helps ensure that bugs are addressed in alignment with sprint goals and user stories, facilitating a smooth and iterative development process.

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