Test your web and iOS apps using LambdaTest's iOS simulators from your Windows PC. Ensure compatibility across various iOS versions running on a variety of iPhones and iPads, using over 5000+ browsers and devices without any setup/maintenance.
Trusted by 2M+ users globally
Mobile emulators and simulators offer a glimpse, but they fall short in mimicking real-world scenarios. Don't settle for emulations/simulations; choose real device.
Perform native app testing on iPhone or iPad using your windows machine. Test the UI compatibility of your native ios app on hundreds of iOS simulators for windows. Access an official iPhone and iPad simulator with your favorite iOs version.
Get Started For FreeDeliver immersive digital experiences with Next-Generation Mobile Apps and Cross Browser Testing Cloud
Use faster Chrome DevTools to debug webapps across multiple devices with different screen sizes.
Ensure seamless user experience by checking your iOS application responsiveness on various network profiles.
Increase test execution speed and productivity with one-click bug logging, detailed test logs and insights that will help you deliver quality builds faster.
Install multiple apps in one session and easily upload .aab, .apk, .ipa files, or install directly from the Play Store/App Store
Frameworks such as ARKit, External Accessory, HomeKit, IOSurface, Message UI, etc., support.
Simulate iOS on Windows with access to 170+ locations for flawless app testing.
Run parallel automation test for your apps and mobile sites on official ios simulators for windows . An online iOS Simulator Appium grid and XCUITest supported platform that scales with a click of a button.
Get Started For FreeGet access to industry leading 24/7 dedicated support
Perform faster local testing with UnderPass app, built for secure tunnels
Fits seamlessly into your testing stack with out-of-the box integrations
Use native DevTools to debug and optimize your apps effortlessly