Efficient iOS Testing with LambdaTest Cloud

Test your Native, Hybrid, and Web Apps on real and virtual device cloud. Automate your test to pace up the deployment.

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Efficient iOS Testing with LambdaTest Cloud

Perform iOS Automation Testing with LambdaTest Cloud

End-to-end Test Execution Logs

End-to-end Test Execution Logs

Debug your tests using logs collected during test execution. These logs include video, network, viewport screenshots, and more.

Pre-Installed DevTools

Pre-Installed DevTools

Use faster DevTools to debug webapps across multiple devices with different screen sizes.

Network Throttling

Network Throttling

Ensure seamless user experience by checking your mobile view website's responsiveness on various network profiles.

24/7 Support

24/7 Support

Got questions? Throw them to our 24/7 in-app customer chat support, or email us on, support@lambdatest.com

Geolocation Testing

Geolocation Testing

Test your website or mobile app from different geoIPs to make sure your users get the perfect experience across all locations.

120+ Integrations

120+ Integrations

Integrate effortlessly with your testing stack through a wide array of 120+ out-of-the-box integrations.

Appium Automation Cloud with Real iPhones and iPads

Appium’s test execution cloud enables you to move quickly for deployment by helping you accelerate your testing and development cycles. You can run tests across devices and platforms on a scalable, stable, and secure cloud of real Apple devices.

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Appium Automation Cloud with Real iPhones and iPads

Increase Coverage with iOS Device Automation Cloud

Ensure seamless performance across diverse & latest iOS versions and devices by testing your webpage or app on our extensive 3000+ device testing environment.

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Increase Coverage with iOS Device Automation Cloud

Unblock your developers to Deliver Faster

We help you deliver your product faster with the fastest test execution speeds, so you don't waste time finding issues at later stages. Test early and test often to get to market faster.

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Unblock your developers to Deliver Faster

Test Locally Hosted Website and Apps on iOS Devices

Use Underpass with your private or public LambdaTest account to test your iOS web pages and native apps. Underpass auto-detects the best connection mode for you. It will optimize transfer speeds and give you a great testing experience of your local assets.

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Test Locally Hosted Website and Apps on iOS Devices

Run Your First Appium Automation Test

Whether it is Java, C#, Python or JavaScript, we've got you covered with effortless integration across a wide variety of languages and frameworks.

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  • Ltbrowser moblie testingLtbrowser moblie testing


  • Ltbrowser moblie testingLtbrowser moblie testing


  • Ltbrowser moblie testingLtbrowser moblie testing


  • Ltbrowser moblie testingLtbrowser moblie testing



DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();

capabilities.setCapability("build", "your build name");

capabilities.setCapability("name", "your test name");

capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "Android");

capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "HTC 10");


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Our Core Products

Plan, author, and evolve end-to-end tests using natural language.More about KaneAI ArrowArrow


More Reasons to Love LambdaTest


Step-by-step documentation for various test automation frameworks to help you run your first Selenium script.

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Enterprise Grade Security

Helping you build trust with your customers is important to us.

Enterprise and Grade Security

Wall of Fame

LambdaTest is #1 choice for SMBs and Enterprises across the globe.

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Industry Recognition

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24/7 support

Got questions? Throw them to our 24/7 in-app customer chat support or email us on support@lambdatest.com.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is automated testing in iOS?
Automated testing in iOS is a method of running test scripts to verify the functionality and performance of an app automatically. It ensures the app works consistently across different iOS versions and devices, improving the app's quality and user experience.
What is Swift automation testing?
Swift automation testing utilizes the Swift programming language to automate the testing of software applications. Swift, developed by Apple Inc., is renowned for its efficiency and versatility. With Swift, testers can create robust automation scripts to ensure the quality and reliability of their applications across various platforms. It offers seamless integration with testing frameworks, making it a preferred choice for modern test automation.
How can I automate iOS app testing?
With the help of LambdaTest cloud platform you are able to write your iOS automation testing scripts using Appium. You have the freedom to choose from virtual iOS environments and real iPhones and iPads for the purpose of your testing needs. You don’t need to maintain any testing infrastructure and if you like you can use our lab infrastructure that is online 24/7.
What is iOS automation testing?
Testing an iOS app and webapps on multiple iOS environments with automated functional test cases is known as iOS automation testing. LambdaTest lets you save time and money with the help of its automation testing platform for iOS. Reach to LambdaTest Sales Team and learn more.
Can Appium be used for iOS testing?
Appium is compatible with Windows and can be used to test iOS apps by installing it via a package manager or Appium Desktop.
What is the difference between iOS Appium and Selenium?
Appium is specifically designed for automating mobile app testing on iOS and Android, while Selenium is primarily used for automating web application testing. Appium offers cross-platform mobile testing capabilities, including native, hybrid, and mobile web apps, whereas Selenium focuses solely on web applications.
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