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This free online tool allows you to convert characters with a special meaning in XML markup to their corresponding escape sequence.
With XML Escape, special characters in an XML document are swapped out for their corresponding escape sequences. In XML markup, special characters like >, &, ', and " have specific meanings. Tags, attributes, and other elements in an XML document are represented by these characters.
XML Escape is necessary to avoid conflicts between an XML document's content and its syntax. For instance, the XML parser will interpret the special character "" as the start of a new tag rather than as a literal character if it appears in the content of an XML document. As a result, the XML document might need to be correctly parsed. By substituting them with the corresponding escape sequence using XML Escape, the special characters in an XML document can be correctly interpreted by the XML parser.
XML Escape works by replacing special characters in an XML document with their corresponding escape sequence. The escape sequence consists of an ampersand (&) followed by a code or name representing the special character and a semicolon (;). For example, the special character "<" is replaced with the escape sequence "<", and the special character ">" is replaced with the escape sequence ">". Similarly, the special character "&" is replaced with "&", the special character "'" is replaced with "'", and the special character """ is replaced with """.
Here is a table of some common escape sequences used in XML:
Character | Escape Sequenc |
< | < |
> | > |
& | & |
' | ' |
" | " |
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language used to define and structure data in a human-readable and machine-readable format. It consists of elements, attributes, and text content enclosed in tags, which describe the structure and content of the data.
XML is better than HTML in certain contexts because it is more flexible and extensible. XML allows for creating custom tags and using namespaces to define unique elements and attributes, while HTML has a fixed set of tags used to describe the structure and content of a web page. Additionally, XML can be used for a wide range of applications beyond web development, such as data exchange, configuration files, and document markup.
XML escape is a method of encoding special characters in an XML document to ensure that the XML parser properly interprets them. Special characters such as <, >, &, ', and " are replaced with their corresponding escape sequence, which consists of an ampersand followed by a keyword and a semicolon.
To escape data in XML, you must replace any special characters with their corresponding escape sequence. For example, the < character should be replaced with <, and the > character should be replaced with >. This can be done manually or through programming language functions or XML editor tools.
Although XML and HTML share the same set of special characters, they have slightly different escape sequences. While the single quote (') character in XML can only be escaped with ', it can be escaped with either ' or ' in HTML. In addition, a few additional escape sequences used in HTML but not in XML include those for non-breaking spaces.
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