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This free tool allows you to quickly identify the version of Windows running on your computer. No downloads, no hassle, get instant results securely and effortlessly!
Our tool focuses on detecting and displaying the version of Windows installed on your system, such as Windows 10 or Windows 11. It’s designed to provide quick results without requiring any technical knowledge or manual steps.
Just visit this page, and the version will be displayed instantly.
If you prefer to check your Windows version without using the tool, follow these steps:
systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version"
The steps to check your operating system details may vary slightly depending on the Windows version you are using. Follow the method that matches your Windows version:
No, this tool will not be able to work with the below version
Knowing your Windows version is important for installing compatible software, troubleshooting technical issues, and checking if your system meets specific hardware or software requirements.
Our tool uses browser-based technology to analyze your operating system and display the version of Windows you are using. It’s quick, secure, and requires no downloads or installations.
If you need more specific information about your Windows build, edition, or architecture, use the manual methods mentioned above or a dedicated system information tool.
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