Next-Gen App & Browser
Testing Cloud
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This free tool allows you to instantly check your Safari browser version online, ensuring compatibility, security, and the best browsing experience.
Our free tool automatically detects your Safari version in real time. Simply visit the page using Safari, and you'll instantly see the version you're using—no installation or technical expertise required.
Alternatively, you can manually find the version:
If your version is outdated, update Safari to enjoy enhanced performance, better security, and new features:
The tool requires more than Safari version 10.1 to work accurately. Older versions may not display or function as intended.
Yes, this tool can partially detect the browser name but will not be able to detect the browser’s version.
Using an outdated version can result in security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and limited compatibility with modern websites. We recommend updating Safari regularly to enjoy a smooth browsing experience.
Yes! Our tool works on all devices running Safari, including Mac computers, iPhones, and iPads.
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