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This free tool lets you quickly identify your operating system and version.
An operating system is the software that manages your computer's hardware and software. It provides a user-friendly interface to interact with the device and run applications. Popular operating systems include:
Automatically: You can simply visit this page and it will tell you about the OS your device is currently using.
Manually: You can follow the steps below to find the details about the OS.
On a Windows PC
On a macOS Device
On an Android Device
On an iPhone or iPad (iOS)
On a Linux System
This tool will not work/show accurate results with following versions of
Knowing your OS is essential for downloading compatible software, troubleshooting technical issues, and ensuring your device is secure and up to date.
To check, press Win + R, type winver, and press "Enter". Alternatively, go to Settings > System > About to find the version under ‘Windows Specifications’.
Check for updates via your device's settings. For example:
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