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Free and fast utility tool to rotate any string of characters to the left or right.
Rotate Direction:
LambdaTest Text Rotator is the fastest and simplest cyclically text rotating tool for web developers and programmers, where you can rotate the first or last letter of the string.
With this tool, if you choose the left direction, the first letter of the string will shift to the left side or end of the string, for example:
LambdaTest platform → amdbaTest platformL
When you choose the right direction, the last letter of the string will shift to the first position, for instance:
LambdaTest → mLamdbaTest platfor
LambdaTest Text rotator simply rotates the first or last letter of your string as per your choice of direction. You can follow this step to use Text Rotator Tool:
Here is an example of the LambdaTest Text Rotator Tool:
Example 2:
With this tool, you can rotate a letter in a sentence to the left or right. If you select the left option, the text will shift one character to the left. In this case, the first letter will end up at the end of the string. If you choose the right direction, then the letter from the end of the text will move to the front.
The text rotator simply moves the first or last letter of the string. In the case of left rotation, it stores the first letter of the string and prints it at the end of the string in the output. For right rotation, the tool prints the last letter of the string first and then prints the whole string in the output.
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