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Free Rotation Calculator Online

Calculate the new coordinates of a point that has rotated about the z-axis of the coordinate plane. Enter the original coordinates and the total rotation to calculate the new coordinates. This calculator can display new coordinates by either clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation.

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Point to rotate around
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X Cordinate

Y Cordinate

What is XOR?

XOR is an abbreviation that stands for Exclusive OR; it is a digital logic gate that provides a true output only if and only when the trues in its input number are odd. It compares two binary numbers and returns true when there is 1 bit being 1 and another bit being 0; otherwise, it returns false. XOR is commonly used in various applications such as data encryption, error detection, and network protocols.

The XOR function follows a truth table; when the two input expressions are different, it returns a TRUE, otherwise a FALSE. This simple yet powerful operation plays a crucial role in many computing tasks, making it essential to have a reliable XOR calculator at your disposal.

What is the XOR Operator?

The XOR operator, standing for "exclusive OR," is a crucial concept in digital logic and computer science. Unlike the standard OR operation, which outputs true when at least one input is true, XOR precisely outputs true when an odd number of its inputs are true—meaning it requires an exclusive condition where inputs are different to yield a true result.

How XOR Operates?

  • When both inputs are the same (either both true or both false), the XOR operation results in false (0).
  • When the inputs are different (one is true, and the other is false), the XOR operation results in true (1).

Symbolically, it can be denoted as A⊕B, where A and B are input variables, and ⊕ symbolizes the XOR operation.

The XOR operator is fundamental in various computing and electronic contexts, including error detection and correction codes, encryption algorithms, and digital circuit design, owing to its unique property of differentiating identical and non-identical pairs of inputs.

The XOR Gate

The XOR gate, short for "exclusive OR" gate, is a fundamental component in digital electronics that implements the exclusive OR logical operation. This gate is unique in that it outputs a true value (or, in binary terms, a '1') only when an odd number of its inputs are true. If both inputs are the same (both true or both false), the output is false ('0').

Symbol and Structure

The XOR gate is symbolically represented in logic diagrams by a shape similar to the standard OR gate, but with an additional curved line on the input side. This distinct symbol helps differentiate it from the OR gate, highlighting its exclusive nature.

XOR Gate Formula

The XOR (Exclusive OR) gate is a digital logic gate that outputs true or 1 only when the inputs differ. In simpler terms, it gives a true output, if and only if, exactly one of the inputs is true. If both inputs are false (0) or both are true (1), the output is false (0).

The formula for an XOR gate, when considering inputs A and B, can be expressed in several ways, including using basic logic operations (AND, OR, NOT):

Algebraic Formula


Here, ⊕ represents the XOR operation between A and B.

Using AND, OR, and NOT Operations

An XOR operation can also be expressed in terms of AND (&), OR (∣), and NOT (¬) operations. This is particularly useful for understanding how XOR functionality can be synthesized from more fundamental logic operations:


This formula states that A XOR B is true if A is true and B is false (A∧¬B) or if A is false and B is true (¬A∧B).

Boolean Expression Expansion

The XOR operation can also be expanded as follows, showcasing its exclusivity:


This means the output is true if either A or B is true, but not both, emphasizing the "exclusive" part of the exclusive OR operation.

The XOR gate's unique property of outputting true only when inputs differ makes it invaluable in circuits requiring parity checks, binary addition (without carry), and various forms of digital data processing, including error detection and encryption.

Using AND, OR, and NOT Operations

An XOR operation can also be expressed in terms of AND (&), OR (∣), and NOT (¬) operations. This is particularly useful for understanding how XOR functionality can be synthesized from more fundamental logic operations:


This formula states that A XOR B is true if A is true and B is false (A∧¬B) or if A is false and B is true (¬A∧B).

XOR Truth Table

The XOR (exclusive OR) truth table illustrates the output of the XOR operation for all possible combinations of its two inputs. The XOR gate produces a true output (1) only when the number of true inputs is odd. In practical terms, this means the output is true if the inputs are different, and false if the inputs are the same.

Here's the XOR truth table:

A (Input)B (Input)A XOR B (Output)

Explanation of the Truth Table

Row 1: When both inputs are 0 (false), the output is 0 because there are not an odd number of true inputs.

Row 2: When input A is 0 and input B is 1, the output is 1 since the inputs are different, meeting the condition for XOR.

Row 3: When input A is 1 and input B is 0, the output is again 1 for the same reason as row 2.

Row 4: When both inputs are 1 (true), the output is 0 because there are not an odd number of true inputs.

The XOR gate is thus characterized by its ability to detect differences between two binary inputs, a feature extensively utilized in digital electronics and computing for tasks like error checking, data comparison, and arithmetic operations.

How to Calculate XOR?

Let's go through a few examples to demonstrate how XOR (exclusive OR) operation works with binary and decimal numbers. We'll start with binary examples for clarity and then proceed with decimal numbers, illustrating the conversion and calculation process.

Using an Online XOR Calculators

Using the XOR calculator provided by LambdaTest is straightforward and requires no technical expertise. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  • Access the XOR Calculator: Go to the LambdaTest XOR Calculator page and scroll the the tool section.
  • Enter the First Number: You can enter the first number in binary, hexadecimal, or decimal format. Select the appropriate tab based on the format of your number.
  • Choose the Operation: Since this is an XOR calculator, the operation is preset to XOR. This step is more about confirming that you're performing the XOR operation.
  • Enter the Second Number: Similar to the first number, enter the second number in its respective format (binary, hex, or decimal) by selecting the appropriate tab.
  • Calculate: Click on the "Calculate" button to perform the XOR operation between the two numbers you've entered.
  • View Results: The results will be displayed in binary, decimal, octal, and hex formats. This allows you to see the output of the XOR operation across different numeral systems for comprehensive understanding or further use.
  • Clear (if needed): If you wish to perform another calculation, use the "Clear" button to reset the inputs and start over.

By following these simple steps, you can leverage the power of the XOR calculator and perform XOR calculations efficiently, regardless of your technical background.

Binary Examples

Example 1: XOR of 1010 and 1100

1 XOR 1 = 0
0 XOR 1 = 1
1 XOR 0 = 1
0 XOR 0 = 0
Result: 1010 XOR 1100 = 0110

Example 2: XOR of 0111 and 0011

0 XOR 0 = 0
1 XOR 0 = 1
1 XOR 0 = 1
1 XOR 1 = 0
Result: 0111 XOR 0011 = 0100

Decimal Examples

To better understand the process, we'll convert decimal numbers to binary, perform the XOR operation, and then convert the result back to decimal.

Example 1: XOR of 5 and 3

  • Convert to binary:
    • 5 in binary is 101.
    • 3 in binary is 011.
  • Perform XOR:
    • 101 XOR 011 = 110
  • Convert to decimal:
    • 110 in binary is 6 in decimal

    Result: 5 XOR 3 = 6

Example 2: XOR of 12 and 9

  • Convert to binary:
    • 12 in binary is 1100.
    • 9 in binary is 1001.
  • Perform XOR:
    • 1100 XOR 1001 = 0101
  • Convert to decimal:
    • 0101 in binary is 5 in decimal.

    Result: 12 XOR 9 = 5

Benefits of Using the XOR Calculator

Some of the benefits that come with using the XOR calculator provided by LambdaTest include the following:

  • Saves Time: manually executing XOR somehow may consume time, especially in cases where there are large sets of binary values. The XOR calculator automates the process, and thus you can derive results immediately. In short, it is effective and efficient.
  • Simplified XOR Operations: The calculator saves much in terms of annoying headaches or required complex coding or, for that matter, programming knowledge. Its simple interface makes it an ideal software tool for all kinds of users, technical or not.
  • Reliable XOR Calculator: It gives results that are free from errors, and the use of the XOR calculator will always promise one to get the correct result out of the XOR operations. Voicing any human errors or human errors being made void through the calculator was a form of assurance all the time for good results and accuracy at all times, saving one from errors in manual calculations that could be recorded.
  • Improved Productivity: One can attend to other pressing tasks, as the calculator is very fast in its features to allow fast processing of the XOR calculation. This saves you both time and energy that could have otherwise been used up by other issues so that productivity within your place of work prevails.
  • Accessible: The online XOR calculator is free to use; therefore, it can be used at the convenience of an individual from any point connected to the internet. Tools can be used with any gadget due to their easy accessibility through devices such as computers and tablets, even to solve your XOR calculation problems on smartphones.

The XOR calculator is a helper that makes the performance of the functions easy and, at the same time, motivates the user so that the person can conduct the XOR operations with comfort and correctly. The person can feel confident in performing a larger operation with confidence.

Use Cases for the XOR Calculator

The XOR calculator can be applied to various use cases across different industries and disciplines. Here are some examples:

  • Data Encryption: Where many encryption algorithms use the XOR operation to give extra strength for the sensitivity of the data, our XOR calculator helps users find the value of XOR in purposes of encryption with the help of the calculated results in software development or cyber-security.
  • Error Detection: The XOR operations are widely used in the error detection and correction mechanisms. The XOR operation against some predefined value helps to figure out various error/mismatch cases within the data. The XOR calculator might let QA professionals or software testers find out the errors much better.
  • Network Protocols: Among the many network protocols, XOR operations find wide use in some and are strongly recommended in protocols like the Internet Protocol (IP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). An XOR calculator presents valuable tools that actually help network engineers and network administrators in troubleshooting various problems that may arise throughout networks, hence helping with the analysis of packet data.
  • Binary Manipulation: The XOR operations help in binary data manipulation. Some of them include bit toggling or operations with exclusive-OR. Therefore, the XOR calculator excludes these operations in order that the developer may produce clear and actionable binary manipulations.

The XOR calculator's versatility makes it a valuable tool for professionals in various fields, ranging from software development and cybersecurity to network administration and data analysis.

Tips for Using the XOR Calculator Effectively

To make the most of the XOR calculator provided by LambdaTest, here are some tips to enhance your experience and efficiency:

  • Learn About XOR Logic: Introduction of basic XOR logic and its use, which shall further help in finding the situation when XOR calculations are of help so that they are optimized in using the calculator.
  • The Given Binary Values are Considered Valid: Ensure providing valid binary values to the calculator. Use only '0' and '1', delimit the values properly, and make sure no errors in the calculations will occur.
  • Copy and Save Features: The copy and save features have been included in the calculator. In this way, one can take either the XOR output directly into your work or save it for the later reference.
  • Explore More: XOR Calculator could be exactly at the level of XOR functionality; however, you may want to explore more features or tools on the LambdaTest website. Check them out and be more productive.

What are Some Practical Applications of XOR Logic Operation?

Using an XOR online tool or calculator, you number of tasks that one can perform very easily while online with regard to XOR by using the calculator.Here's what can be done with the online XOR tool:

  • Binary Operations: It can work with any two binary numbers without having to be converted by the user, so it is perfectly ideal for most educational needs, coding exercises, and even a range of digital electronics projects.
  • Decimal XOR Calculation: Perform the XOR operation on the decimal values. This tool will perform the operation step by step in an automated way: first convert the input decimal to binary, then perform XOR operation, and later convert back the result to decimal for simplicity in the process.
  • Error Checking and Correction: XOR operations are at the very heart of the majority of algorithms designed for error detection and correction. Such procedures can be simulated on string data or data sets for arithmetic by executing XOR of the strings or sets of numbers.
  • Cryptography Tasks: XOR is probably one of the simplest and most basic yet very useful operations in most encryption and decryption algorithms. You can use XOR online tools to investigate basic cryptographic procedures or find the principle of message encryption and revelation.
  • Teaching and Education: Learn basic ideas in digital electronics, such as binary arithmetic and logic gates. They often contain a step-by-step description of the solution and are therefore very useful for educational purposes.
  • Design of Digital Circuit: Logical OR of the above-designed A and B inputs is verified through a digital circuit using an XOR gate.
  • Debugging and Testing the Code: XOR online tool is like a life savior for every developer who faces the problem of bitwise operations. It may sometimes serve for testing or debugging just certain parts of code where XOR operations are involved.
  • Generating the Parity Bits: The parity bits in digital communication to check an error can be generated using the XOR operation. There can be simulation to find the XOR of the data bits. Experiment with XOR properties, such as commutative and associative, to understand binary operations better.
  • Developing the Algorithm: Utilize the XOR operations to develop an algorithm for the fields that apply data manipulation and analysis, just like in the preprocessing steps of machine learning. An online calculator for XOR gives a very simple, fast, and accurate way of doing it. It remains a valuable tool that can be adopted by students, teachers, professionals, and computing hobbyists in the digital electronics computing industry.

An online XOR calculator provides a user-friendly interface for carrying out these tasks quickly and accurately, making it a valuable tool for students, educators, professionals, and hobbyists interested in computing and digital electronics.

What is a Base System?

A base system is a method of representing numbers with a consistent set of digits or symbols. It denotes the radix or base of a number system, the number of unique digits that a given number system uses to represent numbers, including zero. That base value also shows the value each position of a number holds as you move left or right from the decimal point.

Common Base Systems

Binary (Base-2): It's a number system that represents numbers using the digits 0 and 1. It plays a very vital role in the representation of numbers in digital electronics and computational systems, since most electronic devices only take effect in two states: on and off.

Decimal (Base-10): In all probability, it is the system that shall assume acceptance for the simple reason that in day-to-day life, the counting of ten is assumed to be there from 0 to 9. Each place value inside a decimal number expresses a power of ten and demonstrates the basic nature of the number system.

Octal (Base-8): This has eight digits in it, i.e., from 0 to 7. It was in yesteryears' heydays, popular in the realm of computing and digital electronics but has largely given way to the sixteen-base system.

Hexadecimal (Base-16): Uses 16 characters that may include from 0-9, A (10) to F (15) to represent values. Hexadecimal, therefore, becomes very meaningful in computing due to the simplicity and less ambiguity that it offers man in the representation of data in binary form.

How Base Systems Work?

The base system is such that the value of a number is such that each digit is multiplied by the base raised to the power of the digit's position except the power of the first digit to the rightmost digit is taken as zero. For example, the number 345 can be written in the base-10 (decimal) system as:

3 × 102 + 4 × 101 + 5 × 100

In base-2 (binary), the number 10112 can be broken down as:

1 × 23 +0 × 22 + 1 × 21 +1 × 20 =1110

Significance of Base Systems

Understanding different base systems is crucial in various fields, especially in computing and digital electronics, where binary and hexadecimal systems prevail. Different bases allow for efficient data processing and representation that align with the operational characteristics of electronic hardware. Moreover, base systems are fundamental in mathematics, computer science, and engineering education, providing a foundation for learning about algorithms, data structures, and system designs.

The concept of base systems extends beyond these applications, influencing encoding schemes, data compression, and even cultural number systems with historical roots in non-decimal bases.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some commonly asked questions related to XOR calculations and the XOR calculator provided by LambdaTest:

What is the purpose of XOR calculations?

XOR calculations are used in various applications, including data encryption, error detection, network protocols, and binary manipulation. XOR operations help compare binary values and identify differences.

How does the XOR operation work?

The XOR (Exclusive OR) operation is a digital logic operation that outputs true only when the inputs differ. In binary terms, it compares two bits and returns 1 if the bits are different (i.e., 0 XOR 1 = 1 or 1 XOR 0 = 1) and returns 0 if the bits are the same (i.e., 0 XOR 0 = 0 or 1 XOR 1 = 0).

Can I use the XOR Calculator for decimal and hexadecimal inputs?

Yes, the XOR Calculator supports inputs in binary, decimal, and hexadecimal formats. You can choose the appropriate tab for the format of the numbers you're working with.

Is there a limit to the size of the numbers I can input?

The web page doesn't specify a limit to the size of the numbers. However, practical browser and interface limitations might apply. For very large numbers, you might experience slowdowns or the need for more powerful computational resources.

Is the XOR Calculator free to use?

Yes, the XOR Calculator is completely free to use. It's one of many tools offered by LambdaTest to assist developers, QA professionals, and cybersecurity enthusiasts in their tasks.

Can I use the XOR Calculator on my mobile device?

Yes, the XOR Calculator is accessible and functional on a wide range of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, as long as you have an internet connection.

What are some applications of the XOR operation?

The XOR operation is widely used in various fields such as digital electronics, cryptography (for simple encryption and decryption mechanisms), error detection and correction codes, and in creating hash functions. It's a fundamental operation in computer science and electrical engineering.

How accurate is the XOR Calculator?

The XOR Calculator is designed to provide accurate results for the XOR operation across binary, decimal, and hexadecimal formats. However, always verify critical calculations through multiple methods, especially in professional and production environments.

Can I use the XOR Calculator for educational purposes?

Absolutely! The XOR Calculator is an excellent tool for students and educators in fields like computer science, digital electronics, and cybersecurity. It helps in understanding the principles of XOR operations without manual calculations.

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