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Free JSONPath Tester Tool Online

This free online tool allows you to test and evaluate JSONPath expressions against a JSON structure.

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Enter JSON File

JSONPath Expression


What is JSONPath?

JSONPath is a query language specifically designed for JSON data. It allows users to navigate and extract specific data from a JSON structure using a simple and readable syntax.

How does the JSONPath Tester work?

The JSONPath Tester evaluates the provided JSONPath query against the inputted JSON content. It then displays the matching data or values based on the query, allowing users to validate and refine their queries.

JSONPath Expression

Based on the detailed JSON file provided, here are 15 JSONPath test case expressions to extract various pieces of information. These expressions will help you verify the structure and content of the JSON, ensuring your JSONPath Tester Tool works as expected.

  1. Find all services offered:


  2. Extract all platforms for Live Testing:

    $[?('Live Testing')].platforms[*]

  3. Get pricing details for Automated Testing:

    $[?('Automated Testing')].pricing

  4. List all features of Mobile App Testing:

    $[?('Mobile App Testing')].features[*]

  5. Retrieve all integration tools' names:


  6. Extract the testimonial of Anish Ohri:

    $.LambdaTest.testimonials[?('Anish Ohri')].testimonial

  7. Get all FAQ questions:


  8. Find the answer about Parallel Testing in FAQs:

    $.LambdaTest.FAQs[?(@.question=='What is Parallel Testing?')].answer

  9. List all events and their dates:

    $[*].name, $[*].date

  10. Extract support contact information:


  11. Retrieve the description of the mission:


  12. Get all types of integrations available:


  13. Find the pricing model for enterprise in Live Testing:

    $[?('Live Testing')].pricing.enterprise

  14. List all user testimonial names:


  15. Extract the description of LambdaTest's overview:


These JSONPath expressions cover a variety of queries, from simple property access to filtering based on specific criteria. They're designed to test the functionality and flexibility of your JSONPath Tester Tool against the provided JSON structure.

Advanced XPath techniques and examples

Advanced XPath techniques allow for more sophisticated querying and manipulation of JSON structures. These techniques include conditional filters, recursive descent, wildcard characters, and using script expressions. Below, I'll illustrate each of these techniques with examples to understand their capabilities comprehensively.

  1. Conditional Filters
  2. Conditional filters are used to extract elements based on specific conditions.
    Example: Extract services with pricing models that include a free trial.


  3. Recursive Descent
  4. Recursive descent (..) is used to find elements anywhere in the JSON document without considering their position..
    Example: Find all instances of the key description regardless of their depth in the document.


  5. Wildcards
  6. Wildcards (*) are used to match any element or key at a particular level.
    Example: Get all name properties of tools under integrations.


  7. Using Script Expressions
  8. Script expressions (enclosed in ( and )) allow for the embedding of JavaScript-like code within JSONPath expressions.
    Example: Filter services based on the length of their features array being greater than 3.

    $[?(@.features.length() > 3)]

  9. Slicing
  10. Slicing allows selecting a range of elements from arrays.
    Example: Select the first two services offered.


  11. Union
  12. Union operator ([,]) allows for selecting multiple elements or ranges at once.
    Example: Retrieve the first and last service names.

    $[0, -1].name

  13. Filter by Nested Condition
  14. You can use nested conditions within filters for more complex queries.
    Example: Find services that have "Real Device Testing" as one of the features.

    $[?(@.features.indexOf('Real Device Testing') >= 0)]

  15. Multiple Criteria in Filters
  16. Combining multiple criteria in filters for refined selections.
    Example: Services with free trial and include "Parallel Testing" in features.

    $[?(@.pricing.freeTrial=='Yes' && @.features.indexOf('Parallel Testing') >= 0)]

  17. Accessing Nested Arrays
  18. Retrieving elements from nested arrays requires precise path definitions.
    Example: Extract names of tools classified under "Project Management".

    $[?(@.type=='Project Management')].name

  19. Using Wildcard for Array Indexes
  20. To select all items from an array without specifying exact indexes.
    Example: Get all platforms supported by each service.


These advanced JSONPath techniques enhance the ability to query and manipulate JSON data dynamically, allowing for more complex and nuanced data retrieval strategies.

JSONPath Syntax

JSONPath is a query language for JSON, similar to XPath for XML. It's used to extract and manipulate elements within a JSON structure. Here's an overview of the core JSONPath syntax elements that can be utilized in a JSONPath tester tool:

Basic Syntax

  • $: The root element to start the query.
  • @: The current node being processed.

Child Operators

  • . or []: Child operator to access child elements. For example,$.LambdaTest.mission accesses the mission of LambdaTest.
  • ..: Recursive descent. Fetches descendants of the current node. For example, $ fetches all name properties, regardless of their depth.

Array Indexes

  • [index]: Accesses a specific index within an array. Indexes are zero-based. For example,$[0] accesses the first service.
  • [start:end]: Array slice operator to get a range of elements from an array. For example, $[0:2] retrieves the first two services.
  • [-index]: Retrieves an element based on negative indexing. For example, $.LambdaTest.testimonials[-1] gets the last testimonial.


  • *: Wildcard. Matches all elements in an object or an array. For example, $.LambdaTest.* matches all elements under LambdaTest.

Filter Expressions

  • [?(expression)]: Filter expression. Expression must be evaluated to a boolean value. For example, $[?(@.pricing.freeTrial == 'Yes')] finds services with a free trial.


  • ==: Equal to.
  • !=: Not equal to.
  • <, <=: Less than, less than or equal to.
  • >, >=: Greater than, greater than or equal to.
  • &&: Logical AND.
  • ||: Logical OR.
  • !: Logical NOT.


  • length(): Returns the length of an array or string. For example, $ gives the number of services.

Multiple Names or Wildcards

  • [name1,name2,...]: Matches any of the specified names. For example, $['description','contact'] fetches both description and contact under support.
  • [*]: Matches all elements in an array. For example, $.LambdaTest.FAQs[*].question would return an array of all FAQ questions.

Query Result

  • The result of a JSONPath query can be a single value or an array of values, depending on the query.

How to Use the JSONPath Tester Tool?

To use the JSONPath Tester Tool on LambdaTest, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  • Access the Tool:Visit the LambdaTest JSONPath Tester Tool page.
  • Enter JSON Data:Locate the text area labeled "Enter JSON File". Paste your JSON data into this area. This is the JSON structure you want to query with JSONPath expressions.
  • Input JSONPath Expression:Find the input field labeled "JSONPath Expression". Type the JSONPath expression you wish to test. This expression should query the JSON data you entered in the previous step.
  • Execute the Query:Look for a button labeled "Test JSONPath".Click this button to execute the JSONPath expression against your JSON data.
  • Review the Results:After executing the query, the tool will display the results in an output area. This section shows the data or values that match your JSONPath query, helping you validate the effectiveness of your expression.
  • Adjust and Re-test (Optional):If the results aren't what you expected, you can refine your JSONPath expression based on the output. Modify the JSONPath query in the input field and click the evaluation button again to see the new results. Repeat this process as needed to fine-tune your query.
  • Use Sample Data (Optional):This tool also offers an option to "Add Sample File" which is a pre-load example JSON data for practice and testing. This feature can be useful for learning how different JSONPath expressions behave with a known JSON structure.

Benefits of JSONPath Tester

The JSONPath Tester Tool provides several benefits that make it an indispensable resource for developers, testers, and data analysts working with JSON. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Simplifies Debugging:Quickly identify issues within your JSONPath queries. Allows for real-time testing and adjustments, saving time and effort in debugging complex JSON structures.
  • Enhances Learning:An excellent educational tool for those new to JSONPath expressions. It helps users understand how different queries interact with JSON data, improving their JSON manipulation and querying skills.
  • Improves Accuracy:Ensures that your JSONPath expressions extract the intended data from your JSON structure. Reduces errors by providing a platform to test expressions before deploying them in production environments.
  • Speeds Up Development:Allows for quick iterations and validation of JSONPath queries, facilitating a faster development process. Developers can refine and optimize their data retrieval methods without deploying code, leading to more efficient development cycles.
  • Facilitates Complex Data Retrieval:Makes it easier to work with large and complex JSON structures by allowing for precise querying and manipulation of the data. Supports advanced JSONPath features like filters, wildcards, and recursive searches, enabling sophisticated data extraction techniques.
  • Promotes Experimentation:Encourages trying out different JSONPath expressions to see their effects, promoting a deeper understanding of JSON structure and querying. Users can experiment with queries they may not have tried otherwise, discovering more efficient ways to access and manipulate data.
  • Free and Accessible:Most JSONPath Tester tools, including LambdaTest’s, are available online for free, making advanced JSON querying accessible to everyone without needing software installation. This accessibility ensures that individuals and teams can leverage the tool regardless of their budget.
  • Supports a Variety of Use Cases:Whether you're validating API responses, analyzing large datasets, or working on data transformation tasks, the JSONPath Tester tool supports various applications across different projects and industries.
  • Instant Feedback:Provides immediate results when testing JSONPath expressions, allowing for quick adjustments and learning. This instant feedback loop is invaluable for refining queries to meet specific data extraction requirements.
  • Enhances Collaboration:Teams can share JSONPath expressions and results, making collaborating on data extraction and analysis tasks easier. The tool can be a common platform for discussing and solving data-related challenges within a project.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the primary purpose of the JSONPath Tester tool?

The JSONPath Tester tool allows users to test and validate their JSONPath queries against a JSON structure, ensuring accurate data extraction.

How accurate is the JSONPath Tester?

The tool's accuracy depends on the correctness of the JSONPath query provided by the user. It's designed to evaluate the query against the JSON content accurately.

How is JSONPath different from XPath?

While both JSONPath and XPath are query languages, JSONPath is designed specifically for JSON data, whereas XPath is for XML structures.

Are there any limitations to the JSONPath Tester?

The primary limitation would be related to the browser's performance when handling very large JSON structures. For vast datasets, consider using dedicated software or applications.

Is the JSONPath Tester Tool free to use?

Yes, the JSONPath Tester Tool offered by LambdaTest is free. It provides an accessible platform for developers and testers to work with JSONPath expressions without any associated costs.

Can I use the JSONPath Tester Tool without any prior experience?

While having some understanding of JSON and JSONPath expressions is beneficial, the tool is user-friendly and straightforward, allowing even those new to JSONPath to test and learn through practice.

Can the JSONPath Tester Tool handle large JSON files?

The tool is designed to efficiently process and evaluate JSONPath expressions against JSON data of varying sizes. However, performance may vary based on the complexity of the JSON structure and the browser's capabilities. It's recommended to test with smaller portions of your JSON when refining your queries.

Is it secure to input my JSON data into the online JSONPath Tester Tool?

JSONPath Tester is designed for testing purposes and doesn't store the provided data, so the data that you input in this tool stays in your browser.

What types of JSONPath expressions can I test with this tool?

The tool supports a wide range of JSONPath syntax, allowing for complex queries, including conditional filters, recursive descent, wildcards, and script expressions. This versatility makes it suitable for a broad spectrum of JSONPath testing needs.

How can I learn to write effective JSONPath expressions?

Practicing with the JSONPath Tester Tool is a great way to learn. Additionally, consulting JSONPath documentation and tutorials can provide a solid foundation in understanding and crafting effective JSONPath expressions.

Can I save the results of my JSONPath queries using this tool?

Currently, the tool focuses on testing and evaluating JSONPath expressions in real-time. Users need to manually save their JSON data and queries externally as the tool does not offer data persistence between sessions.

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